When You Get Married at Christmas

When You Get Married at Christmas

A Poem by Heath Mindy

Someday you will marry a husband or wife
Remember that Christmas is part of your life.
You may hopefully have children to share this day too, 
None the less, remember, Christmas is everyday: to do!
It is loving and hugging and presence and gifts each day,
They come in all sizes and shapes, by the way!
Preparing for work, grooming and shaping your twerk,
Praying and think what your saying, 
By the way...
Don't be a jerk!
Maybe your bum is nor small, but you'll look back on these days to recall,
So someday when you marry, a husband or a wife, 
Remember this is 
The rest of 
Someday you marry and later find out,
You married a woman who grew too stout?
Or maybe you married a husband so cheap, 
Yet could not get out of his very own jeep!
He pinched on your budget here and there,
Didn't let you miss a day of work, and well it didn't seem fair?
He was eating your vacation, and was big as a state,
You should have listened to Moma, and taken a wait.
Or maybe you married a scrooge of each day, 
You probably won't be very happy is all I can say.
Someday you will marry a husband or wife, or maybe you might consider
A new kind of life?
One of being single and happy and gay...and I am meaning that in an old fashioned way.
A spinster or such, a librarian touch?
Maybe you will choose not to marry someday?
You could still find yourself, somehow married as they say.
Married to work with a boss of a jerk?
Marriage is somehow inevitable you know...
So be careful where you hang out, or go.
You will need a friend in this world as we spend, 
Time passing by, so don't choose one, to cry.
Remember the two of you can make it, if both of you try!
Don't be a scrooge, and don't be a grouch, and never give up on life, and just sit on that couch!
You both need a rest from time to time, but be kind to one another 
Commit ye one another
No Crime.
Enjoy one another, through the grime
and the 
Communicate well, and let one another tell, 
How much you mean to the other one, 
Life means a lot when you have some serious fun!
Never forget as you lay down at night, 
The gift of your loved one, and hopefully the sight,,
You have another day with your beloved one! 
May you rejoice if your days are not done-
Coming and going together, should be rather fun!
Every day is Christmas when you are living with your loved one!
Or ones you can say as another package is coming your way!
Enjoy each morning as under the tree, and remember to teach them, be good or off on my 
I'd rather you there to tell Moma or Papa what is wanted new please.
Don't forget as your making your list, to forgive all the jerks and keep down your fists!
Christmas is in fact every day! Married or not, you should keep living this way!
Think of who you be, and who you be with, or will?
Dreams are awaiting 
Let Jesus
For He is the One of whom we celebrate each year, 
Do it each day and life 
will be dear!
In fact you could think the two of you, of sending a gift each day, to someone new!
Be a secret Santa, and tell the person of Jesus too! He is not make believe, repent from your sins, and to Jesus now cleave!
Go off to work and roll up a sleeve, learn to work and to love and show you believe!

© 2016 Heath Mindy

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Added on December 13, 2016
Last Updated on December 13, 2016


Heath Mindy
Heath Mindy

Granite Falls, NC

I have had an interesting journey of life. I have had many adventures and seasons to reflect on in my meditation discretionary times through out the day. I actually love people and love getting a ch.. more..
