A Poem by Emily Villasmil
Today I realized that everything will be all right. That rough days will come and go, just as good days will. I realized that by giving up, you're not wining anything, just loosing everything. The best part of learning something new is being able to laugh at your mistakes, and being happy with your progress no matter how small. I realized that if you're not having ups and downs in life, you'd be dead. Thats what life is all about.. Living, forgiving, and letting go. Persistence is something I have never lacked and I do not plan on that changing. Remember to never give up on your dreams, no matter how far and how impossible they may seem. Set yourself to it, accomplish it, and be happy about it. Tell everyone you possibly could. Life is about the living. Life is about making memories. Life isn't about how many breaths you take, but about how many moments take your breath away, so put down your phone when the sun is setting and just watch for once. Wake up early on sunday mornings and watch the sun rise. Dance alone, sing along to your favorite song no matter how off pitch you are and just enjoy. Make a batch of brownies, and eat them all. Have a movie marathon. Go on a jog while it's raining and just enjoy.We take too many things for granted, and the truth is, we could all wake up tomorrow, and all of this could be gone. So smile brighter, laugh a little longer, love just a little bit harder, and cherish your friends to a greater extent because one day, this will all be gone and we’ll realize that life wasn't just a trip. It was a journey.
© 2014 Emily Villasmil
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Added on April 4, 2014
Last Updated on April 4, 2014
Tags: s: life, journey, happiness, enjoy, sunset, good, bad, laughter, joy, friends, love, dreams
Emily VillasmilSan Diego , CA
Just a girl hopping she'll change the world with her writing. more..