You'll walk through the doors on the first day of school and see a boy. You'll get butterflies in your stomach as your eyes meet his. He'll ask for your number and says he'll call. He'll ask you out and you'll instantly fall for him. You'll get in a fight with him, and of course, you'll say you're wrong. he'll say he'll call you tonight. You'll stare at the phone and wonder when he calls -if he calls- what you'll have to say. You'll worry that he won't call. He won't. You'll sit there, crying. And then you'll realize... he's not worth your tears. You'll get up and move on. You'll fall in love with someone who's worth it. And you'll wonder why you liked this boy in the first place. But looking back at the boy you first loved, you'll realize he'll always have a place in your heart. And you'll always remember him, even though he made you cry. You'll eventually smile at the past, but move on and make a future for yourself. Its okay to make mistakes, because you'll learn from them. You'll keep growing. That's what life's all about.