A mere Lion

A mere Lion

A Poem by shanara renee

the territory


I like to victim but secretly I’m not. I like to be addicted to a certain kind of sadness, depression knowing everyone couldn’t do anything but feel sorry for me. I do not know this happens but that’s just the way its been and i have brought everything i know into it. Even you. I know what I’m doing is wrong and not right but you have to understand that this yes this is War. And I refuse to lose even if it means hurting you to the core to get the satisfaction of victory. When people like are hurt, we don’t just cry and sit back and that’s the end of the story. No you see we get revenge, but I have gotten soft. Yes I must admit and started to have warmth with my soul I was starting to have sympathy but that all change when I found the prey lurking in my territory and I vowed to kill and destroy it before it poses a threat. This is not about you anymore and I shall never admit to you the truth of which how I feel. This shall be taken to the grave and when all hope fails in the end I want victory.

© 2013 shanara renee

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shanara renee
what do you think...not good

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Added on February 2, 2013
Last Updated on February 2, 2013
Tags: hate


shanara renee
shanara renee

lynwood, CA

"If who I am is what I have And what I have is Who I am..... Then Who am I" more..
