![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Michael
Chapter II After the priest got out of the hospital, the court process began. They had me as the main character witness. I didn’t feel comfortable being the only witness against this man. The court room was filled everyday with different specialist trying to prove that the gift that I have is fake. Everyone is saying that there is no way possible that anybody can have visions the way that I do, and that stuff is only in the movies. After two weeks of these specialist, they finally called me on the stand. The defense attorney before he asked me any questions he handed the jury a piece of paper stating what he had done the previous night. Then he turned to me, trying to disprove my gift and said, “John, on that piece of paper that I handed the jury I wrote what I had done the night before, and if you can tell me what I had done then I will stop trying to prove that your gift is a farce.” “Well sir, if you take my hand I will tell you, you don’t even have to take my hand, I presume that you wore that watch last night, just hand me your watch and I will tell you.” I replied. After he handed me his watch I proceeded to tell him. “It seems to me from what I can see, after you left the court room yesterday at 4:23 PM you went to your office to go over some paperwork on another case of yours, then from there at 5:36 PM you went home. Your wife had a candle lit dinner on the table, you ate roasted lobster, with creamy fettuccini alfredo, offset with steamed broccoli and asparagus. And you had one glass of white wine.” I continued. “What’s not on the paper, is that at 8:00 pm, your friend James called and asked if you want to go out. You replied and I quote, ‘I will have to go to the office and check out the laws on that,’ and you turned to your wife and said something important has come up that you have to run to the office, and that you might not be back until real late. As soon as you moved out of the parking lot you called James back and said let’s meet at our usual place. You then went to the Seven Come Eleven strip club, you drank four martinis, two bahama mommas, and a tequila sunrise, you paid for three lap dances with Veronica, and two with Veronica and Peaches together. After the club closed you took Veronica and Peaches to a cheap hotel, and proceeded to have adulteress affairs with them.” “That’s preposterous, you may have had the first part of the night correct, but the rest of the night you fabricated.” The court room busted into laughter. His wife walked out and the judge pounding with his mallet yelling “Order in the Court, Order in the Court.” Things began to settle down, and the judge called for a recess. We took a half an hour break. The defense and the plaintiffs both returned to the court room. “Neither side has any more witnesses I presume.” The judge says after getting situated in his seat. “You may proceed with your closing arguments.” The prosecuting attorney stands up and states. “You have seen proven facts. You have seen unbearable evidence, that clearly shows that this man is guilty. The defense’s only argument was that there is no way that this young boy or anyone else can have such a gift, to be able to see things that has happened without him being there. You have seen that this gift of his is real, he has proven it right here in this court room. I hope that you the jury finds this man guilty, and that this court executes the full power of the law for these horrendous crimes against mankind that this man has committed.” As the defense attorney begins to stand up, the priest lets out a loud burst, jumps out of his seat, and in an evil voice, yells “I will kill you all. One by one, starting with you Johnny boy.” Then he proceeds to turn over tables, making his way over to me. He had deputy after deputy trying to stop him but no body was able to stop him, as he came to try to kill me, I seen a different face on him, it was an evil face, he was not right, almost as if he had a bad spirit in him and I seen it. I stood up, and I have no clue what to do, I was scared, I knew that there was no one in the court room that was able to stop him and I was as good as dead. Then for no apparent reason I had this surge of boldness, not knowing what to say I stood up and said “I command you to stop.” At once, the man fell flat on his face. “I said what is your name, and you need to state your business here.” The man replied, “I am Barthamulas, I am a messenger from the dark one. I have been sent here to tell you to leave things that you don’t understand alone. If you don’t your soul will be ours, in that great pit that shall burn forever.” Then after the voice ceased, the body bursts in flames, and this figure comes out of the body, and flies right through the wall. Shocked by what they had just seen, the court room was quiet, every one was scared to make any sound, and when I walked over and started to pick up chair where I was sitting, people moved out of my way, as if I was going to send them to hell if I were to touch them. No body even caring about the burning corps on the floor, they were just too scared to move. Now that we have finished with all the tests, and I have gotten caught up in my school work, they have decided to put me in the school for gifted children. Since I have no family to pay for the school I don’t get treated very well. Day after day I have to clean the lunch room, bathrooms, kitchen, offices, and this room and that room, they don’t give me time to even study. Most of the time I don’t even get to eat but maybe once a day if I’m lucky. Within the six months that I have been here, I have done two years of school work. I should be in the fourth grade, but I am doing seventh grade work and getting straight A’s on everything that I do. I could be farther ahead, but like I said I have no time in the evenings to study because they have made me their slave. “John,” Father Dave announced over the speaker, “Come to my office, I need to speak with you.” As I went to his office, I tried to think on what I might have done wrong, what does he want me to do now, or what kind of lies have been spread about me this time. As I arrived he already had the door open for me, and he told me to come in and close the door. “You wanted to see me Father.” “Yes.” He replied. “I have a problem, and I need your help. I keep having these dreams, and I was curious on what these dreams mean.” “Well, Father let me hear, and I’ll try to see if I can help, I have never interpreted dreams before, but I’ll see what I can do. If you don’t mind let me take your hand, I might be able to see your dreams, it might be better if I can see it than if you tell me.” “Ok, let’s try it, and please, I beg of you, please, don’t tell anyone of this.” “Sir, I never talk about what I see to other people, it only has caused me trouble in the past.” I assured him. “I see lots of people, crying, weeping, as if some one of great importance has died. I see blood running from the eyes of the statue of Mother Mary. And I see blackness. Total blackness.” “Sir, I believe your dreams are of the endtime that is sure to come, but I feel that you should have no worries, there are way too many prophecies that still yet have to be fulfilled before the end could come.” “So, you don’t think that I am going to die or anything, I mean I have never had no kind of real experience with God, or anything to make me really believe. I’m not so sure that if the Lord would come right now, that I would be ready.” He says with concern. “I don’t mean to rain on your parade Father, but I am not a believer, yes I know that there are spirits, and that there is a God, but I am not sure who the real god is, is it Allah, Buddha, Odin and Diane, or Zeus, as far as I know, me having the powers that I do I might even be a god of some kind. I personally see this thing that other people call a gift, I see it as a curse. But don’t worry, I can’t personally see that a God that claims to love his creation would make us burn in a hell forever and us not die, but still feel the pain and agony of being burnt. That doesn‘t sound like a very loving god to me.” “Ok John, you can be done with your work for the day, yes I know it’s early but I bet you would like to get ahead a little more on your studies.” “Thank you sir, I appreciate that very much.” The next day, first thing in the morning before class had even started Father Dave had come into my room, “John, I’ve been thinking, you have been doing way too much work, I need you for a different job. It has come to my attention that there are a lot of problems in this facility, and I have no way of getting to the bottom of these things, maybe with your help I can find out what the center of these problems are.” “Yes, sir I would love to help.” That day seemed to have went rather normal for me. Then after all my classes were finished, I went straight to Father Dave’s office, there was someone in there talking with him, as I waited I kept feeling that same coldness that I had felt with that other priest that had killed all those people. I started feeling real uneasy about being there, but I knew that I had no choice, and so I knocked on the door. “John,” Father Dave said as he stood to greet me. “I would like for you to meet Father Thomas James. I see the look in your eye, what have you already seen?” “Nothing as of yet Father, but I do have that same cold feeling that I had with the murderous priest tried to kill me in the court room. Do you want me to see something?” I replied. “John, I have to admit, you do know things. I have come for help, can you see into my heart, life, or whatever it is that you look at, so that we can help me understand and correct what is wrong with me?” I turn back to Father Dave, “Father, I feel real uneasy about being here, can you assure my safety, are you prepared for what we might face here today?” “Well John, I can’t really make promises, but I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.” “I guess that will have to do, I do feel that my back is against the wall and I have no choice, and I do not appreciate being put into this position, it’s almost as if you’re putting me on display like a freak at to circus.” “Are you ready? If you are please take my hand. Father Dave, I do want to try something different, can you take my other hand, I want to see if maybe I could let you see what I see. That is if you want to and Father Thomas if you don’t mind.” “No I don’t mind, I really do need help, and I am willing to do anything that I need to do.” “So you wouldn’t mind if I have you tied up to that chair to help ensure my safety?” I asked inquisitively. “Anything, just please help me if you can” He begged, “Ok, I will see also take you’re,” Father Dave started to say when I rudely interrupted. “Sorry to interrupt, but can you get some rope, and soak it down in Holy Water. And also can you open those two back windows, and close all the doors. Not only that, I would like for the church to be cleared out. I don’t want to take the chance of this spirit that is in this man getting mad and going into some one else and coming back after me.” “Sure John, anything that I can do to help.” “Ok take my hand and I will tell you what I see. I see death, not normal though, you haven’t killed anyone, but you have planned it out and pictured it in you’re head, it goes through your head everyday, killing people that you don’t even know, and exactly how to kill them. The only reason that you haven’t is that you have a very strong spirit of your own, and this demonic spirit that has possessed you isn’t as strong as you are, which is very good. But now I have to bound you. I will make this spirit mad, and if you strike at me, I promise that I will not hold it against you.” “Father Dave I need you to pray, pray like you have never prayed before, I know that you have never been up against anything like this and you are going to have to be strong.” As Father Dave began to tie Father Thomas James up, the spirit within him began to screech, and fight, until I walked over and touched Father Thomas. It was as if the spirit was scared of me. Or that my presence was soothing to it. And as I was getting ready to walk away he broke the ropes and grabbed hold of me, threw me up against the wall, jumped about 30 feet across the room, right on top of me, and proceeded to bite and claw primitively all over my body, as if he went into some kind of primal rage, and at that instant I seen through the skin of Father Thomas and saw the demon within him. Cold black eyes, sharp pointy teeth, burnt scaly skin, and it’s breath smelt like three dozen rotten eggs that had been mixed with a gallon of horse crap. Father Dave on the other hand, took off running and screaming at the top of his lungs leaving me here to face the demon alone. With the demon on top of me, and having all it’s strength, against a ten year old little boy, hardly seems fair, considering that I didn’t do anything to cause demons to come after me, I just have this curse that I can see them and I guess that it scares them, the thought that since I can see them then maybe I should also be able to have the power within me to expel them into damnation everlasting. Not knowing what to do, or even if I was going to live through this, I prayed out loud, “God, I believe that you gave me this gift, and I feel that you need to give me the strength to over come this demon. Since you gave this gift to me, it is you’re responsibility to help and protect me. GOD PLEASE HELP ME!” And as soon as I yelled out, there was a bright light that filled the room, and the demon climbed off of me and knelt down giving reverence to the Almighty. And the spirit raised me up off of the floor, healed my wounds, and said “My young servant, all you have to do is simply tell this demon to leave and to return to the belly of hell and he will obey.” Then just like he appeared, he vanished. And the demon also seen him leave, and turned to attack me once again, I said with a firm, loud voice, “Return to the belly of hell you demon of darkness. I command this of you.” And as if he didn’t care what God had just told me, he laughed, “You stupid little boy, do you really think that it is that easy to get rid of me, you didn’t say the right words to dispel me, and further more if I have to go back to the pit of hell you will go with me, I will see to that.” My mind sitting there racing, what can I do, I asked God to help me and I did what he said, but it didn’t work, wait a minute, I remember in Sunday School class at the church my mom took me to and that Jesus said in the Bible, in my name you can cast out devils. I reply to the demon, “You demon of darkness, in the name of Jesus, I command you to leave, return to where you came, and there be bound for a thousand years.” The demon fell to the ground begging “Please forgive me young master, but please don’t send me back to hell.” “I said in the name of Jesus, go back to hell and be bound for a thousand years.” As I finish, the demon leaves Father Thomas James’ body, and to my surprise he was still alive. After the demon was gone and Father Thomas James came to his senses, I went to find Father Dave. When I finally found him he was hiding in a closet hunkered down like a child, hiding himself under a pile of coats that he had pulled off the hangers. Jokingly I said with a demonic voice “Father I have come for you.” Unknowingly scaring him over the edge causing a heart attack. Feeling bad about what I had done, I swore to myself that I would never joke around like that again. After we had been at the hospital for about six hours, the doctor finally came out of the room. “He’s going to be weak for a few days, I really don’t understand what caused the heart attack though, after examining his heart and reading the results of the test, there should be no reason for him to have problems, he has a heart of a twenty year old athlete. Has he been under unusual stress lately?” “Well doc, as far as I know his life hasn’t changed all that much, that I know of, I mean he’s a priest, how much excitement can he really get. I mean no sex, drugs, beer, or any other kind of excitement. They live a rather dull and boring life.” “You’re right, which leads me to believe that someone may have poisoned him. There are untraceable drugs that can cause people to have heart attacks. And as normal procedure, I did run a toxicology test on him, and the results was clean. It’s highly unlikely but was the Father extremely scared about something, after living such a boring life and something scaring him bad enough could possibly cause a heart attack?” “Ok doc, since you’re so persistent, we was in the process of doing an exorcism, it was his first one that he has ever participated in, and it got a little out of control and he took off running. When I found him I was just joking around in a demonic voice and said that I have come for him.” “Come on kid you really expect me to believe that story. Demons, that’s only in the movies. You’ve been watching too much television.” “I beg your pardon sir, but I live in a Catholic School, and we do not have televisions, they are the door way to let evil in, and we do not permit them in our school or our homes. But since you don’t believe then you can just ask the Father that’s laying in the bed. Can I go see the Father now, I would really like to talk to him.” “Yes you may, but you need to make it short, Father Dave needs to rest.” As I entered the room, Father Dave was sleeping, he was sleeping so sound that I didn’t want to disturb him. So I shuffled around for a piece of paper to write him a note explaining and apologizing for what I had done. It is probably better for him to read this letter before he sees me anyway, he still thinks that the demon is in me, and I don’t want to scare him anymore. © 2009 Michael |
Added on October 29, 2009 Author![]() MichaelRichmond, INAboutI am loving my life right now, I have more peace than I have ever thought possible while going through a divorce. more..Writing