![]() [untitled]A Story by Michael
The anticipation has been killing me. I feel as if I should be expecting something. I don’t know what it is though. Almost as if I know that something is going to happen I don’t know why or how to really explain it. But I just know that something is not right. I have never experience anything like this. I see little glimpses in my head like I am having someone tap into my central nervous system and implanting these vision inside my head. I see multiple deaths. I don’t know if it is murders, suicides, or visions of a war. I just know that I have never been in any situation like this for any of these visions to be suppressed memories trying to surface. Grant it there is a big part of my life that I had suffered amnesia, and don’t remember anything that happened to me for about fifteen years of my life. It could be that my mind is trying to remember these things. But I don’t think so, cause all my family and friends have memories of me during these years, and there are even pictures of me during those years that I don’t remember. From what my family had told my I lost my memory due to a head injury I acquired in a fatal car accident that claimed the lives of my wife and two children. With months of rehab it took me about seven months just to be able to walk. Learning how to eat, write, talk, and I don’t remember any of it. As far as I know my family could be lying to me about the whole thing.
I have always wondered however, why in the past ten years have I had to go see a psychologist on a military base. I have never been able to get a straight answer about that. And why is it that if I go certain places there always seems to be someone there watching every move that I make. I have to get to the bottom of this. I have to find out the truth. I spoke to my dad about some of these questions, and every time I bring it up he always gets real quiet for about a minute then says that I am just being paranoid, that I only feel that way because we live two miles away from the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Just about a week ago my dad had a heart attack, and in all the confusion he asked me to do him a favor. He told me that for a couple of weeks there has been some mice in the attic at his house and wanted me to set some traps for them. While I was up there I seen two crates covered with about an inch of dust. And I had seen some mice tracks that was leading to the back of those crates. So as I moved the crates to see if I could find the nest I seen that the crates was sealed and had my name written on them, And under my name it said in bold all capital letters TOP SECRET. So that got my curiosity going to the max. I opened the first crate, only to find pictures of me after graduating boot camp from the Marine Corps. Then as I dug further into these crates I found the acceptance letter from the CIA,
Dear James Alexander, I would like to present this letter to you personally, but due to the confidentiality of my existence I can not. There has only been one person in twenty years that has seen my true face and they did not live to tell about it. Ha Ha you thought I was serious. Actually I am unable to give this letter of acceptance to you due to illness that I do not wish to elaborate upon. Enclosed you will find a plane ticket. When you go to the airport you need to take this ticket to the third ticket booth from the south side of the airport. There should be a man named John behind the desk. Present this ticket to him and tell him you would like to trade this ticket in for a first class ticket to Moscow round trip. At no extra charge. He will give you an envelope. In this envelope you will find a key. This key is to a locker at the Amtrak train station. Go there and open locker number thirty-two. You will find a cell phone. Keep this phone with you at all times. The charger will also be there for you. Thank you for your cooperation.
As I dug even further into this first crate I found that cell phone and the charger. Then I found seventeen passports that all had my pictures in them, all with different names. Then I open up the other crate, and in this crate, oh my I think I hit the jackpot. Twenty-three gold bars, and two hundred fifty million dollars worth of WWII bond certificates. Can you imagine how much these bond certificates are worth now. I know at least a billion dollars if not more. I never knew that I was loaded, why the heck should I be working for minimum wage at Wendy’s. Then I looked deeper into this crate and found pictures of presidents and senators, and congressmen. About thirty total, all in which had been assassinated. And I have the proof in these crates that shows that I am the one that did these assassinations. What was I, and why did I kill all these people. But I don’t understand. There is a picture of me with President John F. Kennedy, and I know that it can’t be a real picture, cause I wasn’t even born yet when he was assassinated. And these WWII bonds that I found I have the purchase slip right here and it has my signature, but I am only thirty-one years old. There is no humanly way that I could have been the one to have purchased these bond certificates, and I know that I could not have had a picture of me as an adult, taken with JFK. Something is wrong WAY WRONG.
I have no clue what is happening to me or why I would be having these flashbacks of things that I have done but can’t humanly be possible because of my age. There is a big problem there. Am I having visions of someone else’s life, or has my spirit lived before and all this is hidden inside some part of my soul. I know it is time for my to go to that doctor, I have thirty minutes to get there. I know I better go because the last time that I didn’t feel like going and I stayed at home the military sent three armed escorts to my door to take me there. These men were heavily armed with hand grenades, machine guns, assault rifles, throwing knives, you name it, they had it on them. Which I don’t understand why, I have no recollect of ever having any kind of training, all though now I do know that I was highly decorated, and very skilled with all sorts of hand to hand combat, as well as every weapon imaginable. According to my records I found in those crates I was a weapons specialists, explosive expert, and declared lethal with my hands. I still don’t know what they are scared of cause in my heart and in my mind I know that I could never hurt a living soul. How is it that one man could be considered so deadly I can never know. I know that all it would take is one bullet and it would all be over with.
Well here it is zero nine hundred hours, and it is time for my daily head shrinking analysis. Which this stuff everyday has been really getting on my nerves for quite a long time. Don’t they have anything better to do with their time. The good thing is that I do not get the bill for all of these appointments. Everyday it’s always the same. How are you feeling James? What have you been thinking about today James? James have you been having feelings of anguish any throughout the night? Have you had any sudden outburst of uncontrollable anger within the last twenty four hours? Have you thought about having sexual intercourse with a woman today? Have you thought in any way last night on how to kill a person? Does the words slivering bacon mean anything to you? Do you feel distressed in any way?
Questions after questions this man keeps asking me. I mean get real “slivering bacon” what kind of question is that? What is slivering bacon anyway gold speckled bacon or something sounds too rich for my blood. All these questions get the same answer everyday, but everyday he asks me the same questions over and over. One day about three months ago he came to that question have I thought about having sexual intercourse with a woman and for the first time in ten years I actually answered yes. And so he asked me whom the lucky lady was that I was referring to. I laughed and said it was his wife. Within the next half hour there was seven armored trucks outside his house with forty six fully armed men escorting his family off base. I was only kidding around. His wife is only about four hundred pounds and his twenty three year old daughter is probably about the same, heck no. That is not even close to my type.
Today I might end up telling him the things that I have been seeing just to see they type of reaction he would have. If he will have that many troops escort his family off base, I can’t wait to see what he will do with this. Here it goes they are calling me in. Today it’s time for a change. Instead of him asking all these stupid questions I am going to just start talking before he even has a chance to begin.
“Sorry to interrupt you doc but I have to talk to you. I haven’t been quite honest with you for the past couple of weeks, and I have been having some visions of some things, and I want to ask you some questions today.”
“Ok, James, that is why I am here”
“First things first, I am sorry for a saying that about your wife a few months back, I was only joking around, and I noticed that it offended a few people. My humor was ill placed. And now let’s get to the matter at hand. I have been having visions of things that I know could have never happened to me cause they didn’t happen in my lifetime. Take for instance John F. Kennedy, I had a vision last night that I was a personal guard of his. But that could not be cause President Kennedy was assassinated before I was even conceived. There is no humanly way that could be possible.”
“And there has been other things, visions of people shooting at me, and me killing people, and me being in several different countries, which I know that is not true cause I have never been out of our country.” “Do you know how to explain any of this?”
“Well James, I have to say that I am very disappointed in you for not bringing this up sooner, and I would love to sit here and elaborate on these things but I just remembered that I have a dentist appointment that I must attend. But I promise that we will discuss this tomorrow at the same time. You may be excused. That is all for today.”
That was very weird. As I was talking and telling him about these visions he started getting real nervous, scared like, almost as if he knows things about me that the government is trying to hide and trying to keep suppressed in my head. Just moments after the doctor left and I was walking back to my truck I noticed that there were some men dressed in all black suits with black sun glasses following me. As I walked my mind started racing to that movie Men In Black, you know the one with actors Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. And I started to laugh at them. Then I stopped and turned facing them, you should have seen the look of fear in their eyes, as if they were scared that they were never going to see their families again. I still don’t know why every one is so afraid of me.
© 2009 MichaelAuthor's Note
Featured Review
6 Reviews Added on April 2, 2008 Last Updated on February 3, 2009 Author![]() MichaelRichmond, INAboutI am loving my life right now, I have more peace than I have ever thought possible while going through a divorce. more..Writing
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