A Family, Legally Torn

A Family, Legally Torn

A Poem by Mike Espinosa

Based on "The Land of the Free" by Sui Sin Far.


A son born in China,

torn away from his mother’s arms,

a paper needed.


Tomorrow’s sun

promises his return.

Tomorrow’s sun lies.


A mother suffers sleepless nights,

waiting for the sun to rise

and bring her son’s return.


Empty arms ache

under the bed sheets,

not knowing what to do,

what to hold.


A father receives a letter.

He’s received it a dozen times before.

Overcome with apathy,

he shows no more emotion.


A lawyer has a plan.

Desperate parents surrender everything-

everything except a ring-

to receive the sacred paper-

a legal paper.


A son eats his breakfast

in a nursery school,

his home for ten months.

His teacher takes him from his food,

leads him down the hall.

At the end of the hall,

a lady yells, “My Little One!”



by the scary stranger,

he cowers

behind his teacher’s skirt.

“Go’way, go’way!” he screams.

© 2010 Mike Espinosa

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"Tomorrow's sun lies." Stunning line, amazing piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago

simply written but very effective...though i'm not accquainted by the exact background but it is a very moving write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 16, 2010
Last Updated on July 16, 2010


Mike Espinosa
Mike Espinosa

Covington, WA

- College Student at Western Washington University - Philosophy Major - English with Secondary Education Interest Major - I enjoy academic punctuation and grammar and can edit them quickly. - I am.. more..
