![]() SignA Chapter by beaNow I was the one that kept on saying sorry to Austin. To make matters worse I felt bad every time I saw him talk to Nathan about me. He finally started leaving me alone like I asked and now I just wish he would say hi or something. I'll give him his space if he could give me a sign.
He walked right passed me with Nathan. I hung my head, maybe I should just leave things how they are. I felt rain drops starting to come. it started as a slight sprinkle but I could bet that the rain will turn to a pour. I silently cursed under my breath.
Austin and Nathan walked back towards me. "Oh, no. I didn't cuss at you. I'll never do that-" Austin watched Nathan leave us alone for a few then turned back to me. "Stop, okay? just stop. Just I don't know how I could even try to be friends with you. How could you embarrass me like that? In front of everybody?"
"Austin oh, no. I didn't mean to, really. It sort of just came out. i'm so sorry, really I am."
"I don't even want to hear it." He looked to the floor then looked at me. Swiftly he opened up an umbrella and handed it to me. "I need time that's all, Vicky. Okay?"
I nodded as he gave me a small but tender kiss on the cheek. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. He wiped it off.
"A girl as pretty as you shouldn't cry so don't, okay?" He said then smiled. "Bye."
Bye? What does that mean. Another tear rolled down my cheek. Bye for now or bye forever? How long could he possibly be mad at me? How much time does he even need? © 2013 bea |
Added on November 7, 2013 Last Updated on November 7, 2013 Author