All my life they have been there
over my shoulder round the corner.
Always there
pulling me down
those little voices.
Calling my failings.
My imperfections.
Picking on every little detail till there is nothing left of me but a broken shell
I always heard these competent devils in my ear calling me stupid, ugly, week and pathetic
no matter what I might do
what I say
those voices are always there saying
you cant be who you are
do what you do
say wont u wont.
for the longest time they were my only companions.
Alone but for these massing devils of the tong.
Hearing nothing but those evil voices.
I start to bereave them
I embrace what they say
I become what the call me, make me
give up
only able to be me in the darkest relms of my imagination.
Then I hear those foreign voices.
Those of friends
true friends
they say I can
they tell me to be me
that I am a good thing not some weird monstrosity
that I do not need to conform
such sweet voices
but those devels still hold ground.
They still hold the keys to my mind
they do not let me listen
they will not allow me to beleave.
They dont understand.
I am not angry at these devils.
I dont fight them.
I do not deny them
I simply accept them
I accept what they say is true
I merely accept that I am what the devils say
but now im almost free. Im starting to hear those friends
im starting to realise they exist
im only just starting to feel that I can be me no matter what people say.
The devils will never leave me.
There shadow will always haunt my mind
but maybe I can change
maybe I can say