So this is me

So this is me

A Poem by micky

As weird as this may seem
I hope when you read this...
You take a moment to take a breath and reflect  
And know this is part of me
So I don't see life as a dream
Nor do I think it's a sweet bliss
Simple because I feel the feelings others project
Now your probable thinking"How can this be?"
I never grew up with a hard life
My parents were always around to save me just in time
 I had many to teach me there life lesson
Although other may see me as strange 
I never personally knew strife
I learned to love the feeling 'fine'
  But somehow those around me even strangers made that feeling lessen 
So with this new development I decided to "rearrange"
I suppose I can't explain..
How when I wake up I feel worse than yesterday
I can't tell you why...
 when I see the world I feel for those who got the worst part 
Maybe it's because I know for them life isn't a game
They don't get a restart option when they lose their way
 Maybe because I know there's no one to wipe there tears dry
Maybe that's why I wake up morbid because this is what I know in my heart
So this is me 
I would like to say my writing comes from deep within...
but in truth it's comes from the strangers I see on the way to the mall
I look at them and just know their story
As weird as it may be
Those strangers are how my poems begin
I write not on mine but there fall
I suppose life is my specimen, all I do is write what's before me 
I don't know if there are people out there...
that feel other peoples emotions
But I most definitely know that I do
And although i grew up with love 
I know that when some people wake up they don't know love or how to love
and I hope this doesn't sound like rambling
I just want to thank those people for the inspiration and hope they...
will turn there fall to there rise
The reason I wrote this today is because I feel that these people who don't know love or life as anything close to good know that I want them to rise, learn,tech,feel but most of all love
Thank you may your souls be merciful towards the world even thought the world
has no mercy
With most respect Mickyla Cassandra Du Preez 

© 2014 micky

Author's Note

I hope this doesn't seem like rambling

My Review

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Featured Review

I love the honesty of this. It makes me happy and sad, which, if you ask me, is what good writing should do. I really like the openness and vulnerability you have achieved and I really feel like I know you, the writer. I agree with April that you have a beautiful soul and the fact that you look around you at others' pain highlights that. I also think there are a couple little typos but I love the writing so much!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much I am glad you enjoyed my piece and I really do appreciate your review:)


It doesn't in the least bit of way. I get my own inspiration for writing from every single thing my eyes fall on.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much Tara I really am pleased you like it :)
I love the honesty of this. It makes me happy and sad, which, if you ask me, is what good writing should do. I really like the openness and vulnerability you have achieved and I really feel like I know you, the writer. I agree with April that you have a beautiful soul and the fact that you look around you at others' pain highlights that. I also think there are a couple little typos but I love the writing so much!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much I am glad you enjoyed my piece and I really do appreciate your review:)
I thought this was a beautiful piece and very well thought out, I like how you ended this and signed it, it did not sound like rambling it was a nice piece and happy to of read it. Good Job

Sincerely, Malister Mikey

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much Mikey I really am so glad you liked this piece=)
Malister Mikey

9 Years Ago

your very welcome Micky
What a thoughtful, heartfelt, sweet piece Micky... it is refreshing to see someone who takes a deeper look into others.. A lot of people these days spend too much time lost in themselves to even care what other people are going through.. they would rather turn a blind eye to their suffering, than to have to look and see outside their "bubble".. what a wonderful sentiment, it just highlights your beautiful soul, my friend.. well done.. noticed a few things... :)

"Now you('re) probabl(y) thinking"How can this be?"....

" I had many to teach me (their) life lesson"...

"Although other(s) may see me as strange"....

" Maybe because I know there's no one to wipe (their) tears dry"...

"I write not on mine but (their) fall"...

"that feel other people(')s emotions"...

"will turn (their) fall to (their) rise"....

"that I want them to rise, learn,tech,feel but most of all love".. (not sure if you meant "touch" or "teach" here instead of "tech"...

"may your souls be merciful towards the world even thought the world"... did you mean "though?" instead of "thought?"

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you soooo much April for the wonderful review to your last question I meant to say though and .. read more
hello Micky, i think we have a lot in common, i too have been spoiled with an easy life, and i always feel what others project, 90% of the time i am right 5% wrong because i doubted my first reaction and 5% more because they were more guarded that i first realized.. i never presume to know the whole story, just that initial raw emotion, from there i only have my own experiences to draw upon...

i'm just saying i don't think your rambling ;) i do get what you mean.

thank you for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you soooooooo much Mark I am so glad to know that we share this in common and I am glad you en.. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on October 25, 2014
Last Updated on October 25, 2014
Tags: micky



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