As the old Yellow Jeep
Jostled on rut worn road
He thought of the two young boys,
Laughing and bouncing in back
Far from his home in Mexico
His own children left behind
David loved his employer’s grandsons
As if they belonged to him
He was delighted they wanted to go
Out to the abandoned farm
To play as he cut the weeds
From around the lot and barn.
But his heart jumped into his throat
Unspeakable Spanish words flew
As he rushed straight at the 6-foot demon
Cut off its head and tail clean through
Now the boys had a story to tell
How David saved them from death
They brought the carcass home as well
True witness to what they said.
But Grandpa wasn’t glad, in fact, a little sad
For David had killed a big bull snake
A farmer’s gentle friend
Controlling the pests, rats and mice
A snake not really bad . . . At all.