![]() Who KnewA Poem by Michelle May![]() Find the clues, they will show you the real you.![]()
Every footstep I take, I know it's with you. All negative thoughts and dwells you pushed away, you didn't let them fall through. Now and forever is still what I look up to. Wanting a new life, thinking everything I would have to redo. Knowing that that's something I can't renew but something I have to warm up to. There's things I'm missing, things I can't see clearly through. A lot of love missing from the people I cared about and turned to.
People I appreciated every minute with, the people I would run and talk to. Turned out they were untrue, who knew. Life is calling out to me, teaching me lessons but I'm only seeing the side view. I guess I just out grew the truth. When life gives you lemons, you should already know what to turn it into. Thankful everyday that I have something to pursue. Just ask a few and they'll tell you things you need to hear and act upon to. That's why I come to you. Everytime I'm blue, you're the one I turn to, who knew. You're my view and everything I need new. You ever seen a person on the other side to you? Not really breathing but they're alive, trying to get to you? Not knowing what the message is until you get a clue. Glowing around you blessing every minute of life line, who knew. I've been on the other side, I can testify and say I have cried. Too bad most around me thought it was all a lie and held back their tears for their pride. So I won't be saying what I seen on the other side, I'm just very grateful to be alive. Seen the light shine brighter than any light in this life time. And was pushed back the same way I left because it just wasn't my time. There's clues we don't see, we fail to recognize. They teach us lessons, lessons that separate us from Worldy lies. Dam, I guess that was mine. Sad over money and possessions, same reason why I get high. If you look into my eyes, all you'll see is a disguise from reality and what I really feel inside. I guess that's what make us all alike. I mean we're all psych. We go through the same things, same emotions, yikes. Wonder what the other side is fully like, I'll take that big hike. I'll build my way up there and be ready when it's my time. Everytime a person dies, there's always someone up there that cries. At least I know you're with me and you make me glow, you're everything I know. Who knew. © 2016 Michelle May |
Added on May 19, 2016 Last Updated on May 19, 2016 Author