hate of love

hate of love

A Poem by Michael Wootton

this one is kind of personal. it relates to my ex girlfreind and its basically about me realising that i am not over her but in a way its also me realising that i dont want us to get back together


hate of love


To hurt, to cry

To live, to die


to of loved and lost

or to avoid love at all cost


it is best to avoid

because when you are in love,

you just get paranoid.

the paranoia leads to tension, and then

you end up paying no attention to eachother. soon,

the lack of attention leads to argumentation which then,

leads to the very foundations on what you built your relationship

with. crumbles infront of your eyes.


sometimes, i just look up into the skys, just hoping and praying for a savior

to come and take me away fom all the pain that you caused me.

just to give me five seconds would be enough, just to forget.

just those five sweet seconds would be enough to last me a life time.


i hate the way she teases,

i hate the way she smiles.

i hate the way she left everything to the last second,

i was never put first. it was always "in a little while"

but i hate that i love her and she dont love me back.

its like i sent my love on a one way ticket to her heart with no return to mine.

so yes i hate that i love her, i think i need to come to terms with it and say,

that im not over her, not yet, not today.


© 2010 Michael Wootton

Author's Note

Michael Wootton
this one is personal, its about me and my ex, and how i gave her all my love and she never returned any. its about me facing the fact that i am not over her but also realising that i wouldnt ever want to get back with her. enjoy :)

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Added on July 28, 2010
Last Updated on July 29, 2010


Michael Wootton
Michael Wootton

birmingham, souther region/great barr, United Kingdom

my name is Michael Wootton, i am seventeen years of age. my writing is more monolouge based, and i tend to write my feelings at the time of which i write them. it is very realisticand most are quiet s.. more..
