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A Story by Michael Wootton

i done this one about my sister


I have a problem, so many problems, I need help. The only thing that kept me going through all the s**t in my life was my kids. You see let me take you back to my childhood, growing up It was me, my brother, my mom and my stepdad. My dad had died in war and I never even got to meet him. Anyway my stepdad had a problem with his head. He couldn’t tell right from wrong so in his eyes it was perfectly normal when he would hit my mom. He never even had a reason he would just do it then he would laugh, the b*****d would laugh as if he was watching a funny program and the worst feeling was knowing I couldn’t do anything about it. I had to live with this until I was about 11when he died of cancer. Then a week after his funeral it was my first day in high school, wow I was nervous, I found it hard to speak to anyone. I was like this for most of my school career, but the problems started again in year nine when one of the top girls was just fed up of seeing me just standing there on my own. I never did anything wrong and she just asked for my dinner money. I refuse and I get hit. So day in and day out she asks for my dinner money. Then after about a month she wants more and then a few months roll by she demands more. Eventually a year rolls by and she’s asking for a hundred pounds a week. Do you know how hard that was I was stealing from my own parents just to avoid being hit each week. But one week I refuse so she hits me and hits me until I could barely move anymore. I remember that day like it was yesterday, hit after hit after hit. I could remember the pain oh the pain. I ended up in hospital and she said if you tell anyone you are dead. From then on I never went to school, I wagged every day and my parents didn’t have a clue. I never even went to my exams I mean what chance do I have of doing well in life when I don’t show up for my gcse’s. Then I started dating someone who I was madly in love with even though he was aggressive. He got me pregnant by the age of 17 and he sticks by me and provides for the baby but then he says he wants another, at first I disagree but we had a drunken night, after that he wants another and I refuse so he forces himself on me and now ive got three kids before im 20. Anyway I have two more kids with him, none of them I agreed with. Then eventually we brake up. He was terrible to those kids, he would abuse them for no apparent reason and the worst thing was I couldn’t do anything about it, just like I couldn’t protect my mother all them years ago, my poor little baby’s were suffering and I couldn’t do anything about it. Now im single and im looking after five kids, we were moving from house to house but no matter what happened, them kids were always number one. I would always try my best to provide for them and I would always say that I loved them. Then I find another man who was a bit of a bad boy, he would always throw things and play fight with me but one night he hits me and I thought it was in joke so I hit him back. So he goes mental and pushes me to the floor and was laying into me, punch after punch, and kick after kick. Then as it progressed, he wouldn’t even let me see my family. I was all on my own. Night after night there was a new scar or a bruise or a black eye. And one night he rapes me, every time I cried he would slap me and say “shut up, b***h” and then just carry on. Then nine months later, im pregnant again and the social services get involved due to the fact we I couldn’t provide because I was getting abused they … they took my babies away from me, my beautiful six little babies’. After that I ran, I ran as far as I could go until, one day I was at the cash point and out of nowhere some mad man axed me in my head, I seen my life pass right before my eyes, I could see giving birth to each and every one of my beautiful baby’s. I was rushed straight to hospital to fight to hold on to each and every last breath, was it him I kept wondering. Fortunately I survived and after coming out of hospital I had no where to go so I looked to my mother for shelter. By this time it was Christmas eve and I stopped their the night. By now I was able to see my kids only twice a week but I spent the whole day with them at Christmas with my mother and brother in my mother’s house and we had a fabulous time. The kids got a brand new Xbox 360. You should have seen the excitement in their eyes. That was one of the best days of my life. It was just me, my brother, my mother and my kids, and nothing else mattered. But then the time came when I had to say good bye to them, it was terrible, it was like the day they got took away from me all over again. The kids were crying so much and just like before, I couldn’t do anything about it. So I stop at my mothers house for a few months, but things were getting stressful, I could barely see my kids and it was tearing me up inside. So one day I decide enough’s enough I’m going to show that I am a good mother, first of all I decided to report him to the police, he got sent down on counts of rape, and abuse. No one knew who stabbed me though but I know it was him. Then I got a house on rent and brought loads of things for the kids and I had done out their bedrooms and everything. Then one day the social services decide to give me the youngest one back, the one that was conceived from evil. I love her to bits but every time I see her, I always imagine his face, his evil face. But now they have started giving me loads of more time with my kids, but im still fighting and I will always fight, as long as there is breath in my lungs, and breath in all of theirs, I will not give up.


So this is to all my darling six baby’s, you all was and still is my rock through all the s**t mommy’s had to face through her life and I’m sorry you’ve had to experience some of that s**t, but mommy loves you loads and always will, my beautiful darling six baby’s. I love you

© 2010 Michael Wootton

Author's Note

Michael Wootton
i wrote this one about my sister and what she has been through. and whats made her get through it all.

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Featured Review

Wow raw emotions mate its very good i liked it alot, take a look at the words you are using though mate because i think you should replace some of those common words with proper english words such as wagged. People that don't live in cities or in england wont understand.
Loving the way you told the story and i feel sorry for your sister. Very good short story.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Wow, this really is full of powerful emotion. It seems as though your sister has been through a lot and hopefully (as the s**t saying goes) she is able to stay strong. I'm sorry :(

Posted 14 Years Ago

well you see, this is one i wrote ages ago, before i was as educated as i am now, but i wanted to keep it common in a sense out of respect for her, as she is a ver common person and i was trying to tell the story as if it was her, thankyou for the advice though, i shall have to versions on here. one thats common and one that is more properly spoken english, just so people have a choice :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow raw emotions mate its very good i liked it alot, take a look at the words you are using though mate because i think you should replace some of those common words with proper english words such as wagged. People that don't live in cities or in england wont understand.
Loving the way you told the story and i feel sorry for your sister. Very good short story.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on July 26, 2010
Last Updated on July 29, 2010


Michael Wootton
Michael Wootton

birmingham, souther region/great barr, United Kingdom

my name is Michael Wootton, i am seventeen years of age. my writing is more monolouge based, and i tend to write my feelings at the time of which i write them. it is very realisticand most are quiet s.. more..
