get out now

get out now

A Story by Michael Wootton

about a violent relationship and how it can evolve into such horrible things


What happened? Life was all good before hand. It was just me, my mom and my sister AGAINST THE WORLD! And we never needed anyone, just as long as we had each other, that’s all that mattered. We would always make sure we had each other’s back, no matter what. But then we met him.

 He seemed like a nice bloke at first. His name was John and he seemed very caring at first. He was always trying to provide for us. He was with my mom for a good few months and we started to see him as a member of the family, but then things started to change. He had started to get more stressed so he started drinking daily and one night, when my mom was moaning about the housework. He just snapped. He started shouting and swearing. Then he grabbed my mom and held her up against the wall and was shaking her. Then as she started to fight back He then hit her. He apologised straight after but ever since that night things were never the same. She started getting scared. It was a side to her that I had never seen before. She started making sure dinner was done before he had got home, and she started getting paranoid every time she heard a funny noise. Then one night everything was normal, until john came home from a stressful day at work. My mom had forgotten that on on Mondays, John likes to eat pork chops, and had cooked him egg and chips instead. He went absolutely mad, he flipped the table up and my poor mom went to clean the mess. He was shouting and shouting while she was trying to clean up. Then he just kicked her. Straight on her head. So I snapped. Yeah I was only fourteen but no one touches my mom like that, no matter how old they are. So now he started to beat me. My poor mom was screaming the house down. He nearly killed me that night, and he left my mom with a wound to the head. That could have been the night of my death, and my mom’s. then we knew that we had to get out. We got the next train out of town. We got a nice little council house and life was all good again. It was like how it used to be. She even got a nice little job. Things were all good again. However one night while she was at work, it was just me looking after my sister at home. Then we heard a loud bang upstairs. We went up the stairs and he was standing there. The one who had caused me so much pain and who caused my mom so much pain. He said that he come to take us back. Straight away, I grabbed my sister’s hand, and ran downstairs. He chased us though and he caught us. He tied us up and waited for mom to come home, where he was waiting with a knife. As soon as I saw her coming up the drive, I knew it would be me who would have to protect her. I struggled out of the ropes and ran outside and shouted ‘Mom john’s here Run!’ but she went straight inside. So I ran back after her and as I walked in, he had her with the knife against her throat. I was panicking. I was telling him to calm down but he wouldn’t. However my mom fought out of his grasp. Then he just lunged, straight at her with the knife. I jumped straight into that knife to save her. I had to; she was my mom after all. After he ran like the coward I knew he always was. And my mom had me in her arms as I was bleeding to death. She was there for me as she has always been. My life flashed right before my eyes, up until I stopped breathing. Now learn from my mothers lesson, if you are, or know anyone who is in a violent relationship , I urge of you, get out now. Or like me your fate will be sealed.

© 2010 Michael Wootton

Author's Note

Michael Wootton
i do hope people who may read this story will learn from it and take the advice provided at the end

My Review

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This story has a very good, strong emotional message. But, it seems kind of run-on. If you break it into paragraphs, like having an introduction, and the next paragraph being when John was introduced into the family, etc. it will flow a bit better. Minus that, it was a nice read.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 26, 2010
Last Updated on July 29, 2010


Michael Wootton
Michael Wootton

birmingham, souther region/great barr, United Kingdom

my name is Michael Wootton, i am seventeen years of age. my writing is more monolouge based, and i tend to write my feelings at the time of which i write them. it is very realisticand most are quiet s.. more..
