In the mid of loneliness; given by my love for who I spread my
life in their feet as a red carpet, for who I turned my aims, for who I
dedicated my dreams, for who I devoted my prayers; I was finding hope even it
would as little as a gravel. The little drops out of the eyes dripping and
wetting face made me felt more lonely thinking about who was responsible for my
loneliness, for my tears and was there anyone who could give me little hope or
happiness. While in the search of these questions I felt trembling condition of
my brain and the body. I decided to lay down and to start meditating on these
questions until I found correct answers. With the time lots of answers came
into my mind and passed marking them incorrect but continued with strong aim of
finding answers. Now my eyes were tired after ejecting uncountable water, I
wanted to close them and I did so, but I still continued thinking. I didn’t remember
for how long I remained in that state of anxiety and when I slept. Next day; I found nothing is mine, my love, my eyes, and my mind.