Pink Marble

Pink Marble

A Story by Lorelei Middlesex

For money and sex.


I’d made a deal with the carpenters across the street. They’d pool together some money at the end of each month and in return all I had to do was keep the blinds open.


I needed money. Just a few more pesos to supplement the two thousand and five hundred salary I was receiving every month. The three of them were happy to donate a few pesos in exchange for a nightly gander at my mistress’ topless form through the window.


God knew why.


Ma’am Cecilia was a pudgy, short b***h with thick eyebrows and love handles oozing over the waistline of her constricting, white cotton pants like mocha icing on a cupcake. I had to admit, though: her breasts were quite nice.


The number of times she called me up to her bedroom to help undo the bra clasps embedded in her fat, fleshy back, I was able to get a glimpse of the two coconut-sized orbs dangling like swollen appendages from the top of her balloon-like stomach, her n*****s pink and raw like coral pearls. She did nothing to hide them from my liberally probing eyes. I was in charge of cleaning the master bedroom since she was too lazy—or too fat—to pick up her panties off the floor, or even to close the windows. She had nothing to hide from me.


The two burly ones gave me thirty each. The tall, lankier one, with the long limbs, gave me forty ‘cause he was richer. He always got first gawk.


On the first day I went to retrieve the money, the three of them scurried excitedly from their work posts. The burly one with the brown hair had been running gray powder through a big, wooden sifter. The other burly one—with the black hair—had been struggling to hammer a long warped nail into a piece of wood. The lanky one with gray hairs sprouting sporadically from his thin scalp had been lounging under a tree, his lemon yellow hard hat perched on his nose, covering his eyes. Then, only the first floor had been completed.


“Oy! Mang Lom!” the lighter-haired carpenter called. “She’s here!”


As they counted their cement-and-soil-encrusted bills, I decided to ask them, “So how was it, boys?” and the two young men erupted in excited chatter usual of women.


“That fat b***h? You wouldn’t guess she got t*****s nice like those—”


“F*****g huge—!”


“It was like viewing pink marble sculptures from afar,” the gray-haired guy said softly, like he was trying to evoke some sort of depth by using cheap metaphors.


The two younger ones stopped their tongue wagging. They obviously thought the guy had said something deeply profound.


“Oh… Oh yeah,” the brown-haired one said in awe, looking the older man in the face. “Pink marble… How I’d like to live in a house with marble floors pink as those tits of hers.”


“You f*****g f****t,” the darker haired burly one said. “I’d rather have a lick of them pale cherries, sweet as lollipops.” He stuck a finger in his mouth and withdrew it, making a popping sound with his lips.


“You really think they taste like lollipops, you retard?” the other one replied. “They ain’t. They’re just a little bit salty, almost tasteless.”


“Oh, and you’ve taken one in your mouth?” the black-haired one said skeptically. “Salty, you say? Been screwing a lot of dirty women, eh, Charlie boy?”


The one named Charlie knitted his eyebrows and slapped the other one upside the head. “Damn you, Lenio.”


Lenio drew back his open palm to deliver a slap. Charlie ducked, forming a fist with his right hand. The two charged forward, each colliding with the other, noses banging together.


“Ow!” came a chorus of shouts followed by a string of curses.


The whole yard stared.


“Enough, you idiots, or we’ll be found out,” Mang Lom chided.


“What was that about?” another worker called from on top of one of the gray, unpainted walls.


“Nothing, nothing,” Mang Lom called back. “Just a little tussle.”


The two quieted, returning to counting their money. They handed me thirty each and the older man gave forty. All three made sure to hand the cash to me as inconspicuously as allowed.


“Who’s that?” the one on the wall was looking at me. I could see his eyes giving me a once over, pausing once they reached my chest and settling there.  They never met my face.


“Charlie’s girlfriend.” Lenio answered, adding emphasis to the word girl.


“She a hooker?”


Charlie looked disgruntled at the assumption. “No, asshat, she’s no hooker.”


“Well she sure looks like one.”


I was about to reply with an equally rude remark when Mang Lom turned to me and said, “I think you should go now. We’ll see you next month.”

I nodded and left, shooting a scowl at the man on the wall before turning my back.


It went on like this for a good three months, my going in to clean Cecilia’s room and leaving the blinds open, and then collecting my money at the end of the month. The arrangements went on unchanged until, one day in October after I came to collect the cash, Mang Lom made me another request. By then the second floor had been built, and half of the red roof shingled.


“I want to get closer,” he said. “You know, see those pink marble peaks up close. Beauties, they are. Bet they’d look much better up close.” His voice sounded far away.




“I’ll pay you an extra ten,” Mang Lom offered quickly, “Every month. Just for me. If the others want to get closer, tell them they have to give you more, too.”


Silently, I nodded, the prospect of receiving an extra hundred and eighty every month nudging me to take the offer. Right then, we made plans.


The next night, after all the workers had left and only the dark shadows of Mang Lom, Charlie, and Lenio could be seen moving on the messy lot, I crept out the screen door and keyed the large, heavy padlock of the brown metal gate, making the sound of a gun being cocked.


I stole back into my quarters, peering out the window from my darkened room, watching, waiting for what Mang Lom would do next.


I heard the slow, dragging sound of metal grating on metal, soon after followed by Mang Lom appearing through the slim space. He slowly crossed the yard to the large, imposing mango tree just outside my mistress’ window and proceeded to climb, the muscles in his exposed calves growing taut.


He pressed one bare foot onto the brown tiles of the roof, hoisting himself onto the small canopy and latching onto the crumbling window pane. His bulging eyes reflected back the yellow light that glowed from Cecilia’s window. From where I was hiding, it looked as if tears of joy were settling on the brink of his eyelids.


I was startled at what he did next, though I now wonder why I never expected him to do it. What I can remember most clearly now is the blank thought that sprung into my mind after my initial surprise: He’s got a brown dick. I never expected it to be nearly as dark as it really was. Mang Lom wasn’t naturally fair-skinned, however from my vantage point his c**k was an unnaturally dark brown—almost black—that it was as if a stiff twig had suddenly grown out of the bark of the tree on which Mang Lom perched. It was a few tints darker than the rest of his body.


Or maybe it was just the shadows.


I grew uncomfortable when he started to moan. I had looked away long before, though now I felt the need to cover my ears as well. His cries were getting longer and louder before I felt the need to tell him to stop. I turned back to the window to see that his breath had created a mist over the window. I raised my hand to catch his attention. “Mang Lom—”


I heard a shriek that came from Cecilia’s bedroom. The window opened with a loud bang and Mang Lom, startled, fell in a lump on the ground below it.


What the hell are you doing?” Ma’am Cecilia squawked. “Who are you? Get the hell out of here!


Mang Lom gathered up his trousers and fled. In the distance, his posture resembled that of a dog fleeing with its tail between its legs.


It was pretty easy to figure out I’d been responsible for the midnight peepshows after that. One visit to the construction site and the two burly ones were happy to give me away. Who was I to them? With me gone, they wouldn’t have to take a few pesos out of their salary every month anymore. Their fun had been ruined anyway, because now Cecilia made sure to close her blinds every time she undressed. She’d keep the oversized cloth of her shirts close to her round body, too, for added measure.


That same night, I left for Antique, anticipating what my father would say once he found out I’d been told to leave my job. I trudged slowly to the village exit, passing the construction site, now empty of the three hulking figures of Charlie, Lenio, and Mang Lom. I stopped, gazing up at the house, now almost complete, with a tacky purplish-blue paint job that made it look like ube ice cream studded with uneven globs of violet. I felt my lip curl. I was mildly disgusted by it.


I turned to leave when a familiar voice, gruff but still somehow smooth, stopped me in my tracks. I could see three shadows—one topped with a yellow hard hat, a brightness that pierced the darkness. “I paid these two to help me rape you,” came the voice. Then a sudden movement.


I was sprawled on the gravel, barely knowing how I had gotten there. The sharp stones dug into my back and I could feel them embed themselves deeper into my skin as Mang Lom lay on top of me. His face was inches from mine, so close that all I could see were his eyes, ringed with deep crows feet. His lips brushed against mine and I could feel that they were chapped. Cold, strong hands gripped my wrists and ankles, pinning me to the ground. I didn’t know whether it was Charlie and Lenio who were restraining me, or if they were entirely different people—strangers to me.


They say the first time is always painful. That first entrance, the first probing into secret parts, is the only one that feels like a violation. I realized then that they knew nothing about being violated. None of them had been violated, none of them raped.


Each movement, each thrust that Mang Lom made, created a fire that burned me and became worse each time. More painful each time. I couldn’t scream or make a sound because his tongue choked me the whole time. His spit tasted like grime and cement. My whole body couldn’t bear the heat, and the traitorous cold hands on my wrists were a dim comfort for me.


When it was over, Mang Lom stood towering over me, his eyes roaming my body, as my underwear lay in a pool at my ankles, my shirt yanked open and bra clasps torn.


He bent down for the last time. I was surprised at the gentleness of his rough fingers as he took one breast into his hand and kissed the raw, pink nub at its peak. As he righted himself and turned away, his eyes seemed to say thank you, his yellow hard hat growing fainter in the distance as he walked. The ground underneath me was rough as asphalt, cold as marble.

© 2009 Lorelei Middlesex

Author's Note

Lorelei Middlesex
I stayed up until 7:12 in the morning today just so I could finish this story that I started in the first sem. I didn't come out as good as I hoped it would, but I just wanted to get it done. By the end of everything, I just wanted to finish it, and I hardly knew what the hell I wanted to do with the story anymore so I just settled on finishing it.

First draft, written in... about eight months and a few days. I dunno if I'll ever edit it or anything because the excitement in writing it kind of disappeared a few months ago. If ever I do, of course I'll post it again.

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Added on April 2, 2009
Last Updated on April 2, 2009


Lorelei Middlesex
Lorelei Middlesex

Quezon City, Manila, Philippines

Left to right: Me, my best friend, my close friend Female August fifth Sixteen years old Writer Poet Dreamer I've been writing ever since I can remember. Writing is the only thing I can.. more..

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A Story by Lorelei Middlesex