After a While...A Poem by mi_YStruggles in life, and the beauty of life...After a while, you realise that people tell lies, and adults don't always keep their promises. After a while, you learn what it feels to be hurt and disappointed. After a while, you tasted failure, and it sucks. After a while, you learn that letting go of hurts is better than harbouring them, because they turn to hate and gnaws the inside of the heart... After a while, you learn that forgiveness if much easier than taking revenge... After a while, you learn to resist being jealous of other people, because other people do not have what you have... After a while, you begin to appreciate why Jesus says to turn the other cheek, and not retaliate when someone afflicts you... After a while, you start to realise that even though it is so not easy, that path leads to peace, forgiveness and freedom both for you and the offender... After a while you realise that we get what we give, and we reap what we sow... After a while, you start to realise those little dreams in your heart mean something, and they will also tug at you gently even though you try to bury them... After you got lost for a while, you start to come back to yourself... After a while, when you examine your dreams, they are not so whimsical after all, they can actually be quite practical After you take some little steps towards it, you realise they can lead to something bigger Then after a little more while, you may find that you've found your life's purpose, calling and passion! Then after a little while other routines in life can get on top of your head And after a little while again you may decide to sneak a peek from the pile into the outside world and evaluate where your life is actually heading Then after a little more while you've decide you are getting bored with life, you find something else, something new, or something you've known but found little interest in And as life goes on, so does our age, experience, and hopefully our wisdom increase. By then you will want to transfer you experience and knowledge to someone young, someone fresh, someone new to this world. And as you look into their eyes, you'll be mesmerised at how similar their eyes look to yours just a couple years ago, a couple years ago... After a while, keep that sweet spirit alive, and never ever give up in life... Because though it may not free from problems, we can triumph over them, and something sweet will come as we hope and trust on in goodness. It's okay to get lost... Find the compass, and it will lead you the way back home...
© 2013 mi_Y |
Added on January 3, 2013 Last Updated on January 3, 2013 Author