The Nature of Days

The Nature of Days

A Poem by Michael

It is the nature of days to pass us by
as we trek, yes,wander throughout our lives
For each day is there for use to ponder why
we notice not as day's twilight arrives

I then press the day to forgive us just this
for we're ignorant of light's swift retreat
trivial things fill our time and we call it "bliss"
and miss the true wonder of each day complete

Such is the soul of humanity today
ignorant of things and so poorly defined
to miss the beauty of what nature can say
and lever her threadbare and much worse maligned

To see each day in truth we must then strive
taking its gift for a soul's sweet revive

© 2011 Michael

Author's Note

in the form of a Shakespearean Sonnet without the iambic pentameter.

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It all passes before our eyes unseen, taken for granted like so many other things...beautiful write Michael!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 4, 2010
Last Updated on October 5, 2011
Tags: Poem, Nature, Day, Humanity



Beaufort, SC

Winner of the 2007 Espy Award for light verse. My quote for life: "Poets my not change the world, but we do start the quiver in the snow that grows into the avalanche of change. That is enough f.. more..

Autumn Rain Autumn Rain

A Poem by Michael