![]() Fallout: Scene 1A Story by metaltylah![]() It's a story, but I like the idea of having acts and scenes instead of chapters![]() Matthias Schwarz sat uncomfortably in the back seat of a Brazilian cab. He had not headed Mengele’s advice, bringing his khaki suit, instead of a light shirt and pants. Now he was sweating profusely, his armpits and sides quickly turning black, and his gray hair matting to his forehead. Under his coat, he could feel the now very warm steel of his Walther pistol jabbing into his ribs. He was glad for this though, for he had never felt so paranoid. The streets were crowded, bustling with people. Cars, bikes, and motor cycles darting up and down alley ways, usually followed shortly by a flurry of shouting and horns. He watched as young Brazilian boys and girls played soccer in the streets. They crawled, almost painfully slow through the market. On either side of the street were two and three story buildings. It was perfect for an assassin. One man, with a machine gun in a window could strafe the cab, or simply walk up with a pistol and shoot them dead. He began to sweat more. “Können wir ein bisschen schneller gehen, bitte?” He said, realizing had spoken in German. “Ein moment, bitte.” He was taken aback. This Brazilian had not only understood him, but had replied, in fluent, unbroken German. “Wie kannst du mir verstehen?” He looked back at Schwarz through his rear view mirror. “Du bist die nur deutsche hier nicht. Ich bin ein freund von Mengele.” Matthias sat in shock. Could der Todesengel actually be here? What would he want with Schwarz? Barely a lab rat, compared to the genius of Doctor Mengele. At any rate, he would find out soon enough. “Wir bist hier,” The door swung open, and he stepped into the unknown.
Scene Two " Der Todesengel “Heil Hitler.” The cab driver said in a hushed whisper, through a slot in the door. As it slammed shut, he slipped his Knights Cross medallion back into his trouser pocket and loosened his grip around the stiletto knife outlined against the fabric. Only now did he begin to sweat. Slowly, the heavy, rusted steel gate slid sideways, revealing a short German in thick glasses. He clutched a pistol in one hand, and held the door handle firmly in the other. His eyes darted around, before he grabbed the two waiting men, and slammed the door behind him. “What’s wrong now Alfred?” The cabbie drawled in a fading German accent. “Wrong? What’s wrong? Everything! You’re taking to many risks again, you and that Mengele. I don’t care about his reputation, or yours! You’re too casual! I swear I keep seeing this same car, everyday! It’s always in the same place…” “Please excuse Alfred, he’s very stressed. Meine namme ist Alexander. Du bist Matthias Schwarz, ja?” Matthias nodded. “It’s a pleasure to have you on board. We really needed another scientist.” “Another what?” “Scientist. You are a scientist, yes? Were you not stationed at Dakau?” He nodded yes to both of these inquiries. “Our last new arrival was executed by a sniper a few weeks ago. Hopefully you will fare better.” Alex handed Matthias a small red pin, covered by a black swastika. “We will rise again you see. The dream of a Fourth Reich, will become a reality.” The booming voice came from somewhere above them. Up on a cat walk, a white lab coated Mengele stood, leaning over a railing. Tight around his right arm was a bright red Nazi party band. Everyone was still for a few moments. Then Mengele hurled himself over the railing, landing only a few feet from them. “Muscle
and bone strengthener; just one of the many miracles we learned from Mengele laughed, loudly and strong. “Herr Doctor, it is not a good first impression to lie to your colleague, in fact I think…” He stopped mid sentence, and completely frozen. “Did you hear that?” He asked nervously. The whole world was silent for another moment. Then it erupted in fire. © 2011 metaltylahAuthor's Note
Added on October 6, 2011 Last Updated on October 6, 2011 AuthormetaltylahA*****e Valley, MNAboutMy name is Tyler. I am a guitar player and a writer. more..Writing