![]() Reunion or Revenge?A Chapter by MerlinMadison
Dinner went as well as you would expect it go, what with our parents forcing us to sit next to eachother, and their idea of conversation being a bombardment of stupid questions:
"Will you have classes together?" "Will you sit at the same lunch table?" "Will you be locker neighbors?" "Will you share a locker together?" My inner Titan nearly awoke at the mention of the last question, and Will almost choked on his steak. I recover shortly, sending a glare over to the sole culprit of these questions--my mother, "Can you please stop asking such stupid questions?" She frowns, "I'm just curious, is all." "Yeah, a little too curious." I mutter under my breath, as I push the mashed potatoes on my plate over to the peas, mixing them into a chunky white glob. "What was that?" She snaps. "Nothing..." "So, Will," my father so brilliantly chooses now to interrupt the conversation, "what are your primary classes this semester?" Will looks up from his empty plate (seriously, he had like five helpings of mashed potatoes, how do guys eat so FAST?!), "Well, sir, I'm thinking of majoring in forensics or anatomy. And with such career, you can only imagine how many physics and biology classes I have to take up." This catches me off guard. Science? Was he really thinking of pursuing the career he had talked none-stop about as a child? For the past few years, he had given Kate and I the impression that he had given up such dream for the life of athleticism. Before he left in eight grade, Will had completely dropped all of his academic motivation, and instead joined the lousy soccer team. It was a huge surprise, as his childhood bestfriends who had THOUGHT they knew him, to see Will completely disregard everything once important to him--us included. "Is that so?" I can't help the condescending tone as I speak up, "I seem to remember you dropping a biology class for football in the eighth grade." From the side, I can see his defined back muscles tense up, and then he slowly turns to face me, "I think you are mistaken, I didn't drop any class." I see desperation clouding his already clouded eyes. He is asking, no begging for me to keep quiet. I guess his mother didn't agree with the choice either? "You dropped a class?" Mrs. Luxen stares at her son intently, as if attempting to decipher wether he is lying or not. Which he is. "No, I didn't." He adds a bit too quickly. She narrows her eyes into slits, lips pulling into a straight line. "Azalea must be thinking of my soccer phase, where I was beginning my love for sports, but I assure you mother that I was just as dedicated to my studies then." Liar. He is a filthy liar. Still, I can't help but feel guilty for even putting him in such a situation. I knew as well as anybody what an academic-crazy parent is like. "I see." Is all she says, before turning back to her plate of vegetables. I internally exhale a sigh of relief. I may strongly dislike the guy, but I would hate to see him canned on behalf of my loud mouth. When I turn my head back from Mrs. Luxen, I catch a glimpse of what looked to be a scowl. At me. But before I get a chance to glare daggers at its beholder, Will flashes me a sadistic smile. "This year is going to be great, Azalea. I'm so excited for the surprises that are in store for us." And just like that, I know it will be his goal to make my life a living hell. I smile back at him, an equivalent amount of venom oozing from my voice, "As am I, William." Unfortunately, he doesn't realize screwing me over is a double-edged sword. One that I've been preparing to wield since the day he left. Revenge will be ЅᏇℰℰᏆ. • • • • • The rest of the weekend passed by way too quickly. The moment Will and his mother had left, I dialed up Kate and broke the horrible news to her. And let me tell you, she nearly choked on the corn dog she was eating and pissed her pants. Just like me, she was ditched by the son of a b***h and learned to hate his guts. The rest of the weekend we had called each other up, making plans to even out the playing field. Chances on Will being popular was extremely high, what with his new found love for sports and dashing looks, so we needed to be prepared for the odds against us. Kate created scenarios that would happen during school, and I talked us through it. For instance, when he would come up to say hi to Kate (which we both agreed he'd do), she'd summon her inner Satan and hiss at him. Okay, in her own words she would ignore him. To me, it means the same thing. And finally, the all awaited time had come. Monday. I awake to my father's 'singing,' or what I would consider to be an ancient call to the underworld, because it was so horrible and deadly. Nevertheless, I was awake. "Dad!" I shout from the top of the steps, my eyes temporarily blinded from the bright light pouring in from the hallway window, "SHUT UP." "Morning Azzie!" He shouts back, and then continues singing what I think was supposed to be Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles. I huff, trudging back to my preferably dark room. "What the hell am I even going to wear?" Outfits that my mother had laid out the night before coat my floor in bundles; they are all extremely eye-popping and bright. No way in hell. "Come on Azalea, you need to be noticeable and yet unnoticeable." I pick through what was left of my closet. If only I had those crop tops and high waisted things all the stylish girls wore. It's not that I didn't want them, it was more that everytime my mom offered to take me out shopping for them I was way too lazy--or preoccupied with anime and tv shows to do so. With those regretful thoughts in mind, I settle on my usual Pepsi tee and jeans. "Azalea, I can drive you in today if you'd like." My dad offers, as I place a bagel in the toaster. "It's alright dad, I can walk." Ordinarily I would've jumped at his request. I hated walking on freezing January days, especially since my usual Northface hoodie was in the washer, but I couldn't risk being seen dropped off by my dad. Not that my dad was embarrassing, I loved my dad. It's just, when you're 17 without a car or even a permit, that's a bit embarrassing. He stares at me skeptically, pouring hot coffee into his '#1 dad' mug. "You sure? It's freezing out. I don't mind, really." "Yeah," I make sure to smile sweetly, "schools only a few blocks down and I sort of need the exercise." He smiles back, "I guess you're right. About the exercise apart." I shoot him an unamused glare, before turning back to my bagel. "Apple didn't fall far from the tree." He only chuckles in response. The walk to school has my a*s freezing faster than...whatever the hell freezes fast. I immediately regret not taking up my dads offer to drive me. Although it wasn't quite snowing, ice coated the pavements in thick translucent layers. Everytime I stepped around one patch, I'd end up slipping on another. Eventually, I just gave up being careful and practically slid my way to school. I could only imagine what I looked like--a teenage girl sliding around like a penguin on broken ice. The school parking lot wasn't much better. Cars were swerving in everywhere, stealing spots that had been already claimed, sliding on ice and missing students by millimeters. Seriously, they need some kind of security out here. While carefully navigating my way through the street, I spot Kate's blue 2014 Toyota Corolla enter the swarm of cars. Unlike most teenage drivers (who drove like they were playing GTA), Kate had the driving skills of a 30 year old mother. She was really good and made sure to take extra precaution. Within minutes, she has successfully found a spot close to front doors, and was waiting to greet me. "Heyo." I sigh, rubbing my frozen hands together. "Hey!" She chirps. I look up from my blue fingers, instantly greeted with her warm honey orbs. Kate was a bit on the chubbier side, with a rounded face and a bit weighted around the hips area. However, the thickness did nothing to prevent her beauty. If anything, it gave her big brown eyes and auburn blond hair the extra adorableness it needed. Needless to say, she wasn't too short on the guy department. Guys were always coming up and complimenting her, she was just too innocent to realize anything more. "Let's get inside, I might turn into a Popsicle if I stay out here any longer." She laughs, and we make our way inside. Today would be the start of a new day. A new day. © 2016 MerlinMadisonAuthor's Note
Added on November 19, 2016 Last Updated on November 19, 2016 Author![]() MerlinMadisonAboutCurrently living in a fantasy world known as, Camelot. Want to come travel through this mystical world with me? Read my works! Want to experience love & heartbreak through the safety of a book? .. more..Writing