Restricted accessA Poem by merissakaleithings weren't meant to end up like thisEverything that I want to be everything that I once was everything that I am now revolves around you God, i hope you're ready for the responsibility, to mend my broken heart I can't play games anymore either you're in it or you're not swing your hardest, but at least follow through because nothing that you could do to me would hurt me more than loving me and leaving me like the one before I'm trusting you with confidential emotions that nobody else knows I have that are just as unstable as the stars in the sky that are in need of repair boy, you have access to me you decide how this goes you could take it all and run and I would just be grateful to have you in the throes I don't let myself become vulnerable that's why they call me the ice queen and boys like you would have made me cringe on the scene we accept the love we think we deserve and this i've known to be true but I'm hoping that this time I'm enough to maybe just satisfy you.
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