Chapter 19 - New Comrades

Chapter 19 - New Comrades

A Chapter by Lolo K

Chapter 19

The New Comrades


Kade sighed.  “Let’s go.”  He jumped up.

“Where?”  Whinny asked.

 “I dunno. Anywhere but this Starbucks.  We do this too much.  Even somewhere in the bookstore!  There’s three floors to this thing and we’ve only been here.”  He turned around and ran into someone carrying books.

“I’m so sorry.”  The girl knelt down and began to pick them up.  He joined her.

“It’s cool.”  He said as they both stood up.  He handed two books to her and looked at what she was carrying.  “Wow.  You like…”  He looked at them closer.  “Ah.  Twilight. That’s the fad now isn’t it?” He shoved his hands in his pockets.  “So… may I ask for your name?”

“Lisey.”  She smiled with straight white teeth.

“Lisey?”  He repeated it as lee-see to make sure he was pronouncing it correctly.  She nodded.

“Lisey!”  Someone called running up to her with a boy that was about the same age as Kade.


“Hey.  You got all the Twilight books?!”


“Why are you being so quiet?”  Her gaze wandered to Kade.  “Oh.”  She swung on her feet and bumped Lisey.

“Whoa there!  Big books!”  She balanced them in her arms.

“Here” Kade grabbed the four books and set them on the table he was sitting at.  “C’mon.”  He motioned for Whinny to come. Then he looked at what the other girl was carrying: Despondency. He made eye contact and nodded at the book.

“Yes, thanks.”  She handed it to him and he set it next to the Twilight series.

“Hi, I’m Whinny.”  She stuck her hand out and shook each of theirs.

“Cute name!”  The other girl said. “I’m Lauren.”

“Misha.”  He held his hand up and then shoved it back in his pocket.

Kade looked at this small group.  Lisey’s girly blonde hair was about two inches below her shoulders, when Lauren’s brunette, wavy hair fell to her elbows. Lisey had pretty, pale green eyes; whereas, Lauren had mesmerizing dark blue eyes.  Lisey was pale but not white and she was about 5’5”-5’6”.  Lauren was tanner and had a rounder face, but stood at 5’2”.

Kade’s gaze lingered over to Misha.  He was about two inches taller than Lauren, had dark brown hair that fell to the top of his eyes and flipped out all around.  He had very dark brown eyes and was naturally tan as well. 

“So… do you guys come here a lot?”  Misha asked as a conversation starter, breaking the awkward silence.

Kade and Whinny exchanged glances. “Too much.”  He grinned.  “How about you?”

“Basically every time a new book comes out.”  Misha and Lauren sent side glances to Lisey.

“She likes to read…a lot.”  Lauren grinned.

“So what school do you guys go to?  I haven’t seen you around.”  Whinny started to talk.

“Westland.”  The girls answered in unison.

“Calvin.”  Misha answered out of synch.

“That’s where we go.”

“We’re transferring to Calvin though.”  Lisey said.  “There’s been a bunch of sick pranks being pulled off and we don’t wanna get involved.”

“What kind of ‘pranks’?”

“Vandalism.  We leave one day and the next morning the hallways and classrooms are completely destroyed.  Everything’s on the ground, on its side, or even upside down.  There are even holes in the walls!” Lauren motioned her hands in accordance to what she was saying.”

“The hunter.”  Kade muttered under his breath.  “What’s he doing there?”  He whispered to Whinny.

She didn’t say anything until her eyes widened.  “Do you guys have a kid at your school… a little taller than him-“ She pointed to Misha.  “Two earrings on his left ear, very, very cute.”  The girls smiled.  Both of the guys shifted uncomfortably.  “He’s kind of mysterious-“

“Caleb!” The girls exclaimed.

“Yeah!” She tuned to Kade.  “This isn’t good.”

“What grade are you guys in?”  Kade asked.

“We’re juniors.”

“Okay we gotta split.  Thanks for all your help, and we will meet up again.”  Kade grabbed Whinny’s hand and she grabbed her mocha and they dashed out of the store.


“Who was that?”  Shaw asked as Vince flipped his phone shut.  The two were walking along the sidewalk downtown.

“Kade.  Apparently the hunter is now after Caleb.”

“Who’s Caleb?”

“I think he’s like that invisible kid that ‘protects’ Whinny.”

“So her protector is now the target…”

“I guess so.”  They walked in silence for - a couple of minutes.

“So aren’t we gunna go help them?”

“I don’t see how we could.”

“But he called you to tell you about it, so obviously he wants your help.”

“Obviously.”  He said sarcastically.  She gave him a look.  “But I really don’t know how I could!”  She gave him another look.  “What am I gunna do?!  I don’t have all those whacked out powers like they do.”

“You’ll know when you get there.

“Fine.”  The two darted off to the Viper.









© 2009 Lolo K

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Added on March 13, 2009


Lolo K
Lolo K


i like to write :D more..

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