Chapter 18 - Unexpected Hostage

Chapter 18 - Unexpected Hostage

A Chapter by Lolo K

this is where Spencer comes back


Chapter 18

Unexpected Hostage


Shawn attempted to scream but her mouth was quickly covered.  Then she relaxed.  Even in the dark, she could recognize those brown eyes.  Shawn’s wrists were held together by one big hand, so she licked the hand covering her mouth.  It drew back.  “Vince!  What are you doing here?!  In my house at like,” She stole a glance at her iPod dock.  “three in the morning!”  It was yelling in whisper form. 

Vince was amused.  “I found something cool.”  He was grinning like none other.  Despite his natural talent in “coolness” he was an eight year old at heart, easily entertained by the strangest things. Like a bob-it toy, which he would play for hours, and a musical piggy bank, where he would open and close it until he memorized every note in the song.  This was probably one of those things.  Shawn looked at the clock again to make sure she saw it right.  “What?!”

“C’mon, I wanna show you!”  He grabbed her hand and tugged at it.  This was gentile though because he had enough strength to throw were across the room, into the wall, and kill.  He was a lot stronger than most people.

She groaned and swung her feet over the side of the bed.  She apparently slept in her clothes that night, because she came out wearing nicely fitting faded jeans with a black tank top.

“Whoa.”  Vince said.  “You’re hot even when you just wake up.”

“I’m gunna allow that this time, only cuz it’s true.”  She said jokingly as she pulled on a brown hoodie, brown belt, and dirty white sneakers.  “Where are we going?”  She threw her head down to tie her hair up.

“Just wait.”

She pulled her hair up into a messy bun and went to her mini fridge.  She pulled out a sprite and diet coke and then held them both out to Vince. He took the sprite.  “Thanks.”  The cracks and fizzes of the cans opening at the same time, echoed in her spacious room.

Then they both moved out.

“How’d you get in?”  Shawn asked when they got in is 2008 Viper and out on the road.  He just looked over and grinned.  He dug into his pocket and tossed her a thick but small Swiss Army Knife.  She laughed and fingered it, looking at every extension.  “You can do anything!”

Vince stylishly parked on a field of grass.  He took two flashlights from the backseat and tossed one to Shawn.  She swept the ground with the light.  All grass, worn grass.  Vince motioned to her.  Two beams of light came to rest on an old barn, smaller than most.  Shaw just wanted to get back in the car and leave this place.  The barn had an eerie, foreboding sense about it, but curiosity consumed any fright she had in her.  “What were you doing out here?”  She whispered.

Shawn heard Vince’s low reassuring voice. “You don’t have to whisper, I don’t think anyone’s here.”  Now that wasn’t reassuring.

“Vince, what were you doing out here?” She repeated.

“I was just getting… away from things.”

“So you drove out to some random field and walked around a creepy shed?”

Explored a creepy shed.”  He jokingly raised his eyebrows.

Shawn laughed.  “So this is what you wanted to show me?”  She followed him as he started toward the shed, not giving her an answer.


Whinny limped to the phone when it refused to stop ringing.  “Hello?”

“Hello, this is-“

“Hello?”  It was Viggo.  “It’s okay Whinny, I’ve got it.”

She hung up.  Now that she was downstairs, she might as well do something productive.  “I need a diet coke.”  She muttered to herself and headed into the kitchen.  Viggo was in there talking on the other phone.

“We need to put one of the phones upstairs.”  She said.

Viggo put his hand out to tell her to stop talking.  She went to eh fridge and pulled out a can of diet coke.  He put two fingers and she grabbed him a Mountain Dew.  “Okay.  Thank-“ He stopped and listened a minute more.  “Thank you.”   He hung up and Whinny tossed him the drink.  His stare was blank.

“What’s up?”

He slowly looked to her.  “Jen and Lance were found dead by Lake Tama.”


“Vince, let’s just go.  This is really scaring me.”

“No, c’mon.”  He grabbed her hand and led her to the corner of the shed.

“What?”  Her annoyed expression was quickly covered by a smile as she bent down and scooped up an orange kitten.  “Vince!”  There were six more on the floor.  “Where’s the mom.

“I don’t know.  She wasn’t here when I found them yesterday.”

“Awww!  Here,” She moved an empty cardboard box. “Let’s move these so they have more room.”  They started to move them when Shawn jumped back and screamed.  He looked over and saw what she was screaming at.  “Spencer?!”

“Vince!  Vince she’s not breathing!”  She grabbed his arm.

“Shawn calm down.  I think she’s alive.”  Vince bent down and sat Spencer up straight.  Her eyes opened a crack and then closed.  Her mouth was gagged and her hands tied behind her back.  “She’s alive!  We have to get her to a hospital!”


Everyone filed out of the funeral home.  Whinny hopped down the steps. She, Viggo, Kade, Shawn, and Vince stopped at the bottom.

“Ugh!” She groaned.  She reached into her purse and pulled out a pair of black All Star high tops.  Whinny ripped off her heels and laced up her converse.  Throwing her heels over her shoulder, she started off to the cars with the resting chuckling to themselves and following.

Shawn laughed out loud.  “You are quite a sight!”  She ran to catch up with her.  “Especially to Kade.”  She hissed in her ear.  Whinny didn’t protest, just smiled.  She was wearing a well fitting black dress that loosely fell an inch above her knees.  The long sleeves hugged her harms.  The v-neck was low cut, showing off a burgundy lacey undershirt.  She wore her hair in a half ponytail tied up with a burgundy ribbon.  She caught the eye of many young men at the funeral home.  Shawn caught just as many when she looked identical to Whinny.  She had a sky blue undershirt, her dress was practically the same but the hem was an inch higher and had lace at the bottom, she wore her hair down with perfect brown curls, and she wore matching bracelets.

Kade, Viggo, and Vince, were all very busy handing out warning looks and glares at these daring boys.

“Where next?”  Shawn asked as they all reached the cars.

“Cemetery.”  Viggo answered.

“And after?”


They all groaned.  The two Chandlers weren’t doing it out of disrespect and it wasn’t that they didn’t miss them, but they had mourned three weeks ago when they had decided they were dead.

“Everyone’s so cheery here.”  Vince randomly said as a couple in black walked by in a zombie-like state.  They were in agreement with his sarcasm.

“To the cemetery!”  Whinny announced as she boarded the Stang with Kade and Viggo and the others got into Vince’s.



© 2009 Lolo K

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Added on March 13, 2009


Lolo K
Lolo K


i like to write :D more..

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