Chapter 14 - Appeared Again

Chapter 14 - Appeared Again

A Chapter by Lolo K

this is one of the more epic scenes. Theres a chase scene and you learn a little bit more about the man


Chapter 14

Appeared Again


The crowd cheered as Calvin Assembly scored their nineteenth point, leading into halftime.

“I’ll be right back.”  Whinny left Reece to go to the concession stand.

“What can I get for ya’?” The man smiled

“I’ll have a coke please.”  She reached for her wallet in her back pocket, but someone caught her hand.

“Make that two.”

She could recognize that voice anywhere.  And there were two dollars on the counter, along with two cans of coke.

They both grabbed one and next thing she knew she was walking along side Kade.  Strolling was more like it.

Kade started drumming his fingers on the side of the can.  “So… how’s the game?”

Whinny shrugged.  “It’s okay.”

“How’s Reece?”

She shrugged.  “It’s alright, he’s just a little…” she searched for the right word.

“Hey,” He bumped her. “You can find a fault in anyone.”

“Yeah, but he has many faults… but he’s cute.” She finished.

“Cuter than me?” He asked with an even bigger, genuine grin.

Whinny thought a minute. “Not necessarily.” She grinned back.  She looked out of the corner of her eye, not to make it obvious, and saw that he was smiling.

They walked in silence a bit more. “Mmkay.” He broke it. “I gotta get back to Chelsea, so I’ll talk to you later.”  He stuck his hand up as a wave goodbye.  And he walked away.  Chelsea? That didn’t sound good.


“Well that was a really great game!  What was the score again?”

“26 to 12.”

“Yeah! …who won again?”

“Us, Reece.  Our team won.”  Whinny answered.

“Yeah… so you wanna grab some food?”

Whinny nodded.

“What’re you in the mood for?”

Whinny watched Kade as he helped a girl, probably Chelsea, into the passenger seat of the Stang.  He had always claimed it an honor to ride in that car.


“What?”  She jumped.

“I called your name three times.  What were you looking at?”

She turned back to the presently-vacant parking space, in which the Stang had just sat.

“A fantasy…” she muttered.


The two ended up at McDonalds.  How romantic… Even in her thoughts, Whinny was sarcastic.

As Reece was ordering a feast she went to find a table, perfectly content with her diet coke.  As Whinny was scanning the building for a decent place to sit, and irritated but appreciative smile appeared on her face when she saw Kade sitting at one of the window tables.

She went over and joined him.  “Fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah, we followed you after the game.”  We.  She forgot about “we”.


She looked up at him.

“I was kidding… we didn’t really follow you.”

“Oh, I… never mind.”  Then a girl came over and joined them.  Chelsea.

“Hey Whinny; this is why I asked you to the game.  I wanted you to meet my cousin, Chelsea.   She’s in for the week from New York.”



She rolled her eyes.  The oh-so-needy Reece beckoned. “See you guys later.”  She stood and joined Reece with his deep-fried feast.

About ten minutes along, Reece had scarfed down two burgers, a chicken sandwich, and two large fries, and still there was more.  Kade came up and tapped on her shoulder and she gratefully went with him.

“He eats a lo-“


“Okay, so look over there.”  Kade nodded towards the table next to the one she was sitting at.

“What am I looking at?”

“The man that was sitting behind you the entire time.”  He grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards the man.

“Oh God…”

“Call on him now, but he’s not going to help you here.” Kade knew Whinny was a Christian, but the reason why he always contradicted her on it was yet to be discovered.  “I gotta get you out of here.”  He grabbed her hand and started towards the door.

“What about Reece?!  What about your cousin?  We can’t just leave them here!”

“Chelsea left.  You can tell your fancy-flavor-fried-food-fanatic of a boyfriend you’ve gotta split.”  Whinny shot him a glare. 

“Reece,” She announced from the other side of the restaurant.  “I gotta go.  I’ll talk to you later!”

“No!”  Not like-“ the man turned around at her voice and smirked.

“…that.”  Kade finished.

The two rushed out the door.  “Kade, where are we gunna go?!”

“I don’t know!  I’m just going to make this up as I go along!” He looked around.  “Just keep running!”  They ran until they got caught by a train. 

“What?! This isn’t supposed to happen!” 

Kade looked around again.  He would have loved to tell her he thought they lost the man, but that’s what he wanted to think, he knew they couldn’t shake him that easily.

Then suddenly, the man appeared in front of him.  “Make this quick and hand her over, boy.” 

“Why do you want her?!” 

They all stood in the middle of the road, grateful that a car hadn’t come a lot yet.

The man laughed.  “Why ask such a question when you know the answer?”

“You wanna use her for profits!  You wanna make her some freak!” 

“Oh no, my boy.  She’s done that quite well on her own.”  He grinned.

“Money.”  Kade pressed his lips together and shook his head.

“Not quite.”

They were quiet, with nothing but the sound of the hurried train rushing across the tracks. 

“How do you plan to get her?” Kade broke the silence.

“You seem so sure of yourself.”

“No, just… no you’re right, I am sure of myself.”  

“What are you gunna do?  Run?”  The man stuck his hand out to his side without looking, the train flew back on its side and had a huge curling dent in the middle of it.  The train started to smoke.  “Because that’s what’ll happen.”

Kade could see Whinny tensing up and her fright dimming her eyes.  For support, he grabbed her arm.  Then they were gone.  The man was all alone next to a train he had destroyed


“Whinny!”  It was Kade but she couldn’t see anything.  “Whinny!”  She heard again.  She opened her eyes to see the blur of Kade’s black shirt, dark jeans, maroon varsity jacket, and the blur of green all around him.  Whinny’s vision began to clear and the first thing she saw were Kade’s mystifying green eyes, boring into hers.  His head was directly over hears and he had one arm on each side of her body.   “Whinny?”  He tried again.


“Oh, thank God!”  He sighed.

They were quiet a minute.  “Kade?”


“Could you get off me?”

His face colored as he pulled her to her feet.  “What happened?”  She looked around and saw trees.  And trees. And trees.

“I’m not sure.”  She had just realized how cold she was and quickly hugged herself.  Kade offered his jacket, but she pushed it away.  “Whinny-“

“I’m fine!”  She shot, a little too harsh.  Kade took it as a no but left it off, assuring her he’d still willingly give it up. Suddenly Whinny fell to the ground and was besieged by another one of her visions…


The man walked, fists clenched and angry eyes, down the hallways of the school.  The warning bell rang and a couple kids ran down the hallway, being chased by a teacher.  The man turned down the hallway, stuck his hands out and knocked everything and everyone down onto the ground and into the wall.  The dust quickly cleared to reveal kids and adults on the ground, under lockers, a few under a trophy case, and other debris. 


Whinny looked up to see Kade, dazed and in shock.  Ignoring it, she proceeded yo tell him what she saw.  “Kade, I had another vision!  I saw the man walk-“

“I know Whinny.”

“…no, but I saw him-“

“Whinny!  I saw it too!”

“What?  I thought I was… how?”

“I don’t know alright.”

Neither of them were in the mood to talk about it, they just wanted to get back, so they started walking in a random direction. “Ugh!  Kade, how do you think we got here?”

“I don’t want to say we transported… but… that’s what happened.”

“How’d I do it?”

“It wasn’t just you.  When I grabbed your arm, I felt… worried and mad at the man.”  She blushed.  “So that might have something to do with it.”

Whinny thought a minute.  “How are we gunna get that again?”

Kade didn’t answer, but kept on walking.  Suddenly a coyote jumped out.  Despite the danger they were in, Kade announced, “Are you kidding me?!  This is so ironic it’s not even real!”  Then four more appeared and Kade threw his hands up in defeat, saying he proved himself right.  Then the man appeared.  He was suddenly just there.  He lifted up his hands and snapped.  The coyotes leapt.  Kade took advantage of the moment and grabbed Whinny’s arm. 

















© 2009 Lolo K

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Added on March 13, 2009


Lolo K
Lolo K


i like to write :D more..

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