Chapter 13 - Teams

Chapter 13 - Teams

A Chapter by Lolo K

you can see here that Daniel trusts Lisey and the other way around. You can see their relationship forming farther, and same as Austin and Lauren


Chapter 13


“Daniel!”  Lisey called across the beach.

“Yeah?”  He was making a circle out of rocks for a fire.

“Look!”  She pointed up.  Daniel ran over to her, and followed to where her finger was pointing.  A large smile spread across his face. “Nice!”  He picked up a rocked, bounced it in his hand a couple times, and then threw it at the top of the tree.  Down came a bushel of bananas.  He did it again to a different tree.  Down came a couple of coconuts. 

Lisey cheered.  “Kay, ill go tell the others!”  She started to skip away, but Daniel grabbed her arm and pulled her back.


“You can’t tell anyone else”

“Why not?”

“Because then when people get hungry they’ll come running to where they know food is, and eat it.  We need to ration ourselves.”

“But when we come back with the food, they’re gunna ask us here we found it.”

“We don’t tell them.”  Daniel shrugged.

“But,” She contradicted.  “They’ll eventually find it by themselves, then be mad at us for not telling them.”

“They can’t be mad at us if we have a good reason not to tell them where it was.”

They were quiet for a minute. 

“It is really hard to argue with you.”  Lisey smiled.

Daniel smiled back.  Then, his face lit up as if a light bulb had appeared over his head - a rare and unusual moment, but interesting to watch.  “We could organize group with specific jobs, ours could be to gather food, so no one would need to ask.” 

Lisey smiled at the idea.  They were quiet for a minute.

“Um… you can let go of my arm now.” She smiled.

Daniel quickly let go.  “Right.”


Lauren groaned and opened her eyes.  Austin rushed to her.

“Hey,” He whispered.  She was still breathing very heavily.  She sat up and opened her mouth, but nothing came out.  He supported her so she could stay sitting up. 

She tried again.  “H-how long have I been out.”  She only whispered.

“About seventeen hours.”  He gave a slight reassuring smile. She met his gaze.  They stared at each other for a while, until Lauren started looking around the beach.

“What?”  Austin asked, the worry hadn’t left his voice.  “What’s wrong?” 

She grabbed his wrist.  “Jamie!  Where’s Jamie?”

“She alright.  Daniel made it sound worse than it is.”

“Yeah… he does that.”

Austin smiled and flashed his thoroughly white teeth, something you’d find rare these days.  “So you’re feeling better?”

“Well it depends.  I don’t exactly remember how I felt before.  I remember Daniel talking about Jamie, but I don’t remember how I go ton the beach.”  She looked at him for an answer.

“You managed to make it.”  He smiled.

Lauren let out a big sigh, and then Austin gently laid her back down.  “You need to eat something and then get a bit more rest, you let better, but you still have some healing to do.” 

“Lauren!”  Lisey ran out of the forest area.  “You’re awake!”

“Well I hope so, or this would be a mighty disappointing dream.’

“At least you have your humor back.”

Then Daniel came out of the forest, trying to carry a bushel of bananas, which blocked his view, while balancing coconuts on the top.  Austin ran to help him.

That night everyone was full.  They all feasted on bananas and coconuts, and Daniel and Lisey happened to find a small freshwater pond that they could all drink out of.


© 2009 Lolo K

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Added on March 13, 2009


Lolo K
Lolo K


i like to write :D more..

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