Changeling - Part 2A Chapter by CaramelTonight was the night! It was a half moon so she could
see where she was going, but it would be hard for anyone to spot her. Maya was ready to go exploring
in the Bunlock Manor and in the two days she had waited, Daniel had become more
and more obsessed with her, coming close to stalking her home. She was getting
desperate, if this fairy stole Daniel who knew what he would be capable of. Or
even what he
was. She had dressed for the
occasion; a dark maroon vest top, long black hoodie and sturdy army boots. She
had a wind-up torch in one pocket and in the other she had Dictaphone, so
as to not miss a thing. She pulled her distinctive red hair into a bun and put
a dark beanie over it to hide it. If anybody saw her they wouldn't recognise
her straight away, she would have a chance to run. She was the only red head in
the entire village, everybody knew her, or knew of her. She had read in the book
Daniel had caught her reading that you should never, ever give a fairy your name;
you should have a code name. But since the changeling Daniel already knew her
name... she should create one in case she was found out by some other fairy. She sat there for a while
thinking. What name would work for her? Her hair! She could be Ginger. No. It
didn't suit her. She would need something deeper than Ginger. A memory stirred: "Come on Maya," a man
called from across the garden, "You can do it. Come on, take a step."
His voice was so nice, so familiar she couldn't not do it for him, he was the
love of her life, "That's it, girl, stand up," He was pleading, she
had to make him happy, "Susan! Come here quickly! She's walking!" I
was almost to him, "Come on, you're nearly there. Come on, My Little
Footstep." An aching filled Maya
stomach, she missed her father more than anything. Her name
would be Footstep, it meant something to her and it protected her, like he
used to. She was ready! She would turn
her gloves inside out when she put them on. She tip-toed passed her mother's
room, although she didn't need to - her mother took sleeping pills after many
sleepless nights. Continued down the stairs and gently opened the door, making
sure she had the key, she then shut it softy behind her. Wincing at the
creaking of the gate, Maya stepped on to the empty road, a sea of stillness, an
ocean of silence. All of a sudden, Maya wasn't so
sure what she was doing was completely sane. Was she getting too obsessed? Was
she going to end up like Cwenhild Bunlock? She hoped not, but this was for her
best friend and Eve's brother. You're doing this for Eve.
You're doing this for Daniel. You’re doing this for Eve. You're doing this...
she repeated, again and again in her mind and found the strength to take
another step towards the cursed land. The Bunlock Manor, or "The
gone place" as the children in Little Town liked to call it. Why? Maya
didn't know. She guessed it must be the idea that the estate wasn't part of the
human's world, but theirs. Or perhaps because so many people when missing
around this point. Disappearing with nothing but a scream. Gone without a
trace. She shivered. Don't
be stupid, Maya, you're scaring yourself. But still the old stories came
flooding back. About a young man, who entered
the forest after searching Bunlock Manor, told his companions he heard
beautiful music playing far off. His friends tried to stop him because due
to reasons unknown, people never seemed to return. However, the call of the
music was too strong and he stepped inside. Twenty years later, a young man came
out of Midnight Wood, he claimed to be the young man who entered all those
years ago, but he hadn't aged a day. He was scared, terrified even, kept
singing about fairies. Another strange thing; he didn't seem to be able to
talk, only sing. He spent one night in the police station. I the morning he was
dead. His body seemed to have been ripped by many little fingers clawing at him
and his face beyond recognition. The night before he had begged to be put
behind the iron bars, but the sergeant had refused. Another, of a girl, barely
older than a toddler, on holiday with her parents, not even thirty years ago.
They didn't know the history of the Manor, so they had a pic-nic on the
grounds. Well, at one point the girl went missing and the parents searched and
searched for her. After three hours, they were about to lose hope and contact
the police, but the girl tottered out of the house on the cliffs, without a
scratch. She was sufficiently told off. That night the mother woke up suddenly
to see the child biting and scratching her father, in, seemingly, a fit of
rage. As the woman reached out to push the child off, the girl hissed, like a
wild animal and fled out the door. Two days later she was found dead in a
field. The farmer in charge said he swore he saw a giant creature terrorising
his sheep, the girl must have got in the way. That farmer committed suicide
days later. Maya felt sick all of a sudden,
she wasn't sure, now, that they were stories. In one of the old newspapers it
talked about a man being murdered at the police station, they had put it down
to 'an unstable mind breaking', A.K.A he killed himself. Also, on the internet
a man was researching the little girl's story and said some of the facts didn't
add up. But Maya hadn't taken any notice of them; they hadn't seemed relevant
to fairies, until she had remembered the tales. It was too late to turn back
now - she was standing right outside the iron gate. © 2012 Caramel |
Added on August 27, 2011 Last Updated on January 2, 2012 Tags: dark, fairies, changelings Previous Versions AuthorCaramelPortsmouth, United KingdomAboutReally? Do I have to talk about myself? I tend to ramble a lot... Well... To sum me up in two words: Lazy perfectionist. It's complicated, I know. I haven't always loved writing, I used to hate it, .. more..Writing