Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by M. Anne

And so it continues...


            A raindrop landed on Liana’s forehead, waking her up in the middle of the night. She had ridden for many hours at a slow pace and could have reached the town by nightfall, but the weather soon got sour and riding in a storm wasn’t enjoyable, so Liana rested for the remainder of the day. The next day she could reach the town by noon, and rest up at an inn.

             The rain was letting up, so the ride wouldn’t be so difficult. Liana was a little thankful for the rain. Her hood she used to hide her ears would get drenched and heavy, sticking close to her head masking her identity even more. Sunrise would be coming soon, so Liana decided to get up and prepare to set out once again. The previous day was no more than a memory to Liana. It made her sad to be alone in the woods with no one to comfort her.

            Sedren was happily eating his breakfast while Liana packed up her belongings and piled them onto Sedren’s saddle. With some difficulty she lifted the saddle and the extra baggage onto Sedren’s back. A heavy sigh escaped from her mouth as she pulled herself onto Sedren’s body and continued her journey.


            The human town of Candor was quiet and desolate in the early hours of the morning. Darian had risen up early to finish his chores so he could train with the visiting knights. On his last chore, Darian pulled his axe high over his head and swung down hard onto a large block of wood. He turned his head when he heard his name called out.

            “Hey Corwin, I’ll be there soon.” He shouted to his friend from across the street. He finished chopping wood and grabbed his sword to begin training.

            When Darian reached the training house, he could hear wooden swords clapping together, and men breathing hard. He pulled a wooden sword off of the rack, and began parrying with Corwin. When the sun had fully risen, they moved their practice to the outdoor arena. Corwin was exchanged for a large muscular knight. He pushed Darian hard. Their duel attracted an audience quickly. The large knight lifted his sword above his head and pulled it down on Darian. Darian rose his sword quickly just in time to block the knights swing. The force of the blow knocked Darian back while he tried to prepare for the next attack. He spun around sharply to block an attack to his legs, but Darian did not move fast enough this time; the wooden sword stung as it slapped the back of his legs. The force of the hit made Darian’s knees buckle, and as he fell to the ground he felt the sharp sting of wood rake his back. He landed on the ground, coughing and breathless.

            “I yield.” He managed to say as he pulled himself up. “I yield.” He repeated. The crowd walked off. Darian leaned on his sword, and was panting hard. His eyes moved to look at the town, and met a pair of sharp violet eyes. They belonged to a young woman seated on a beautiful tan stallion. She’s drenched; she must have ridden all night. He thought to himself. She smiled at him gently, bowing her head slightly; embarrassed that she was seen watching. Slowly she turned towards an inn.


            The barmaid placed the drink on the table in front of Liana. Liana looked up at her with a smile and handed her the currency to pay.

            “Thank you dear; will you be staying the night here?” The barmaid asked.

            “Yes, Yes I will thank you.” Liana answered politely, afraid to offend anyone here.

            Very well, I shall inform the innkeeper.” The barmaid replied then left Liana alone.

            Liana had reached the town by mid-morning, and tried to have as little conversation with anyone as possible. Never before in her life had she ever been so aware of her race than at that moment. Not one to be shy, Liana felt oddly nervous when approached, and kept the conversations she had short. She just remembered Kahera’s words to find the few that could help her, so right then Liana made a pact to be friendlier. As if her mind was being read, at that moment a young man came walking over to her, a cheerful smile on his face.

            “Hello, am I correct to say that you are new to this town?” He asked with a heavy human accent.

            “Why yes you are. I’m Liana.” Liana replied, using this opportunity to be friendly and to practice her non-elven accent. The young man sat down across from her.

            “Good, that means my friend owes me mead.” He joked. “I’m Darian by the way.” Smiling Liana studied Darian. He had strong, handsome features, a masculine build, and a captivating smile that he showed off. His hair was a rich chocolate that hung to his jaw, a slight curl in it. All of his good features were finished off with deep cerulean eyes.

            “How long are you staying here?” Darian asked.

            “Just for the night, I’m bound for the capital, and I don’t want to waste time.” Liana took a sip from her drink and grimaced. Darian’s smile widened.

            “Sorry, I usually warn visitors about the ale here. I guess I got…distracted this time.” His eyes studying Liana’s face. Liana blushed slightly at the way he was looking at her. He was very charming, and he knew it.

            “You know,” Liana said. “This is about the biggest amount of welcome I have received here. You are making it very tempting to stay longer.” She scooted her drink away from her.

            “Why don’t you?” Darian asked looking at her. “The capital’s only about a three day ride from here.” His eyes looked at her longingly to stay. Liana stared at the table. It was time to take a leap of faith, and she prayed it didn’t backfire on her.

            “I seek medicine for my village which is suffering under an epidemic.” She said sadly as her hands fingered her amulet. She swallowed hard before she continued. “I also need to see my father urgently.”

            “Oh,” Darian’s voice sad. “I’m sorry. That is a good enough reason to continue, but you will miss out on the wonders this town has to offer. ”

 “And what exactly is all that?” She asked playfully. Darian grinned with excitement.

“Well, first off, there is the local artisan. I actually came here to deliver some of his work to my father.”

“Sounds intriguing.” Liana commented, tossing her amulet back and forth between her hands. Darian noticed the odd sapphire stone.

“What is that?” He asked curiously. Liana stopped the tossing, and looked down at her amulet slightly surprised. She didn’t even realize that she had been fiddling with it.

            “I’ve had it all my life. It was a gift from my father.” Kahera had told her that many years ago.

            “Can I see that closer?” Darian asked quickly, seeming to know something. Liana leaned in closer to give him a better view. She wouldn’t take it off. It hadn’t been off of her neck for nineteen years, and it wouldn’t ever. She watched closely as Darian cradled the jewel in his worn hands. Liana kept her hands on the sides of her face; subtly making sure her hood was secure.

            “This is a rare jewel.” Darian said at last after studying it for several minutes. I’ve seen some of its family in some of the pieces my father made me get for him.” For once he was glad that his father had sent him to look at and study so much art. Liana urged him to continue.

            “They are worth quite a bit when they are whole like this.” Liana gaped slightly.

            “Really?” She asked in shock that she had something valuable hanging from her person. “Why is that?” Darian leaned in closer to look at the charm.

            “I think it was said that they were rumored that they produced some type of power; a force of some kind. The only problem was that they had to be in the possession of the same person for a long period of time.” Liana furrowed her brow in deep thought while he spoke.

            “All the ones I have seen have been in art creations and have several different owners, so no one knows the truth to that myth.” He sounded hopeful. “How long did you say you have had this?” He asked with anticipation.

            “Nineteen years. Roughly.” Liana responded, just as curious as he was.

            “And, anything?” He questioned. Liana bowed her head again.

            “No. Nothing that I have felt.” Both were disappointed. Darian dropped the amulet.

            “Pity. It is still a special thing to have.” He looked up quickly, and almost jumped when he realized how close they were. Liana raised her head slowly; she had been aware of the proximity the entire time. 

            “I better turn in if I want to leave early.” She said quietly, as if she didn’t want to leave. She rose from the table anyway, against her own wishes. She didn’t want to risk too much in one day. Darian followed suit.

            “I hope that I shall see you before you set out. If not, I hope our path’s meet again someday.” He kissed her hand gently, his eyes not leaving hers, leaving Liana breathless.


            Liana could not get Darian out of her mind. She had to leave the next day; she couldn’t have her mind focus on a human she met in a pub. He would have eventually found out what she was, and then her life would be on the line. Liana lied in bed, unable to fall asleep. Darian had captivated her, which was probably his intention. But Liana didn’t know that she had captivated him as well. And at that moment, Darian too was laying in bed awake. She’s just a girl, Darian thought to himself. He would often talk to the women he found in taverns, but many didn’t last long. And none he would remember the next day, but Liana was different. Her spirit and undeniable beauty were unforgettable. She wasn’t like any of those before her, and that worried Darian a little.

            Liana awoke late in the morning. The bed in the inn was much more comfortable than the ground she had spent the night on the previous night. Se quickly soaked in a warm bath and packed up all of her things. Her hand gripped the doorknob, ready to set out again, and then her eyes saw her reflection in the mirror. She looked at herself longingly. She no longer knew who it was staring back at her so sadly. Liana pulled her hood closer around her head, and open the door to the stairs. The tavern was surprisingly full that morning. The large groups of people made Liana hold her hood even closer to the head. She paid the innkeeper quickly and went to the stable, where Sedren was resting. Only a couple of horses were there with him, and were playing with each other when Liana walked in. Sedren came prancing to the end of his stall when he saw his owner. Liana gave him an apple from her pocket before she saddled him and led him out of the stable. The sun was high and bright outside and little clouds were in the sky. Liana positioned Sedren so she could mount, and as she was pulling herself up, she saw Darian out of the corner of her eye, packing bags onto a horse’s back. Liana slid back down to the ground, staring at him with curiosity. Before she knew it, her body had dragged her over to him, and she faced the challenge of talking to him again.

            “What are you up to on this morning stranger?” She asked bravely. He looked over his shoulder, and smiled when he saw who was addressing him.

            “Well hello, I thought you’d be gone by now.” He raised his eyebrows at her in suspicion. She smiled at him sweetly.

            “I was just leaving when I saw you. You still haven’t answered my first question.” She stroked Sedren’s neck while he looked around her pockets for another apple. Darian sighed.

            “I have business to attend to.” He answered her question.

            “It seems like your going away for a long time. Where is your destination?” Liana asked again. Darian couldn’t help but smile at his reply.

            “I have to meet with someone at Veloryn.” He began packing his horse again.

            “Business at the capital. Forgot to mention that did you. I might have stayed here without an efficient tour guide.” Liana grinned at him. “You wouldn’t have the idea that we should travel together do you?” She asked playfully. Darian mounted his horse.

            “You said it, not I.” He smiled again and started his horse. Liana shook her head at him, mounted Sedren, and followed him out of the town.

            The beginning of the ride was quiet. Neither said a word to the other. It seemed that they ran out of topics the night before. Despite the silence, and the strangeness of the situation, neither one felt uncomfortable in the others presence. The feeling of safety, and calm around them was strange, but welcomed. The only sounds heard were the birds, trees and occasionally the horses. While still walking, the horses began to play with each other, thus sparking a topic for their riders to talk about. Liana giggled at the playful horses, then decided to learn about her friend.

            “What’s your horse’s name?” She asked Darian. He snapped out of his daydream at the sound of Liana’s voice.

            “Uh…” He was caught off guard. “His name is Perdra.” He said. “Named after the famous hero of the Elven Wars.” I thought it was Alakon the elf. Liana thought.

            “What about your horse?” Darian asked back. Liana looked over at him, then back to the path.

            “Sedren. His name is Sedren. It doesn’t mean anything. At least not that I know of.” She said quietly. Darian looked over at Liana.

            “That sounds elvish. Is it?” He asked uneasily. Liana stared at the ground.

            “Uh…I don’t know. There’s a possibility. I’ve had him since I was fourteen, so I can’t really remember.” She smiled at him sweetly. Liana still didn’t believe she allowed herself to travel with a human she had just met. Every time Liana thought about it, she felt like she was practically committing suicide.

            During the first day’s ride, they talked about innocent things, like age and their possible careers when they got older. Darian was twenty-two years old, and wanted to become a soldier. Liana was twenty years old and she was considering being a council member at the capital.

            After the two began to talk, the ride went quicker. Before they knew it, the sun had set over the hills, and a sharp cold wind was blowing through. Crickets chirped in the bushes all around. There was to be no more riding tonight. They found a pair of trees remotely close to each other, but far enough away to still give privacy. Liana’s bedroll fell to the ground gently under a tree, lightly stirring the dust from the ground. Sedren chewed his food while Liana tore at a piece of dried meat for her dinner. She walked over to Darian who was setting up his bedroll and offered the meat to him.

            “Thank you.” He said while grabbing a piece in his callused hands. Liana inhaled the smells that blew into their camp while she looked around the woods. Darkness nearly surrounded them, the only light coming off of the crescent moon in the sky. Unknown sounds came from the darkness around them and Liana moved farther away from the dark forest towards Darian.

            “This is the first time I’ve been camping outside.” Darian looked up at her with a curious expression on his face. “Well, except for the night before last.” She continued while Darian stood up.

            “You have never slept outside on the ground?” He said as if it was impossible.

            “Yes, and by your expression I now believe I have lived a sheltered life. She giggled. Darian smiled at her.

            “My friends and I would camp outside nearly every night during the summer months.” He said longingly. Liana looked at him.

            “You haven’t gone in while have you?” She asked sympathetically. Darian played with the ground with his boot.

            “No I haven’t. My father made me do business for him during the entire summer. I never had a chance to go with my friends.” He climbed into his bedroll. “See you in the morning.” Liana smiled sadly and went to her own bedroll, curled up inside to try to heat herself up. She looked over at Darian thinking there’s more to him then he’s letting her know. Sleep then came to her weary body before she had enough time to think about the man in the bedroll nearby.


            The following morning began in silence. Liana looked over at Darian, hesitant to ask a question. Before she could look away, he looked over at her.

            “What is it?” He asked not with annoyance but with concern. Liana opened her mouth to speak.

            “What is your family like? It seems that you don’t really get along.” She asked shyly. “I’m just…curious.” She bit her lip with fear he might shut her out. He looked at her, his eyes full of an aching past.

            “Torn apart.” He didn’t seem to want to elaborate. “My mother died many years ago, and my father and I never got along very well. He found children useless and annoying, and that’s how he always viewed me as…a child. Even when I was living on my own, he stilled viewed me as useless. He makes me do simple tasks a servant could do. The servants at least get paid, I don’t get anything by doing them.”  Liana looked at him.

            “Why do you do them then? It seems to me that your not forced, so don’t do them.”

            “Because he’s my father, and all we have are each other. The only time I see him is when I do business for him.” Darian smiled unexpectedly. “I overheard the soldiers talking about him one day. They said he was unemotional, and if he had wrongful motives, he could become a merciless killer. That frightens me. That’s why I can’t turn my back on him. He needs to know that there are people that still care about him.” Darian petted his horse’s neck. “I want him to find someone. Then they could at least be miserable together.” Liana reached out and touched his shoulder gently.


            “Liana?” Liana looked over at Darian.

            “Yes, what is it?”

            “I think we are going to rest here for a little while. Let the horses off to play a little. There’s a stream over there; maybe we could bathe. Is that okay?” Liana nodded with approval.

            “That would be great, I took a bath at the inn, but it was short. And Sedren could use some rest. Good thinking.” She pulled Sedren to a stop and dismounted. She took off his tack, and laid it on a stump. Darian did the same.

            “Who will bathe first?” Liana asked a little timidly.

            “It doesn’t matter to me? Do you want to go first?” Liana looked at him.

            “I can. Unless you want to.”

            “I’m trying to be chivalrous, now go.” He joked.

            “I know.” She turned and headed for the stream with her bag of clothes. Darian was sitting on the log when she came back, ready to go get cleaned up when she got back.

            “The water’s cold.” Liana said when she got close enough to talk without yelling.

            “I figured. Oh well, a baths a bath. Stay here until I come back.” He winked at her, showing that he had complete faith that she wouldn’t move. While Liana was sitting there, Sedren came up to steal some food. She stroked his neck, and she was deep in thought.

            “Sedren,” She finally spoke, “this is madness. What am I doing out here?” Liana nuzzled her head to Sedren’s, and finally gave him the treat he was looking for. “When we reach Veloryn, I can’t have him continue with me. It doesn’t matter that I enjoy his company, it can’t continue.” Liana buried her face deeper into Sedren’s neck. Darian was walking back from his bathe now, and so Liana began to pack up again.

            “Wait, we don’t have to leave just yet. The day is still early, we have plenty of time to continue.”

            “Is there a reason why you aren’t in a hurry?” Liana questioned him. “I have a good reason to want to hurry, but what about you not wanting to?” Darian came closer and petted Sedren on the nose.

            “My father.’ He smiled. “That’s my reason for taking my time. But I forgot that you want to hurry, so lets go.” He grabbed his tack and gear and began to pack. Liana sighed and continued to pack. The ride continued in silence, and felt like an eternity before someone spoke. It was Darian.

            “What was your village like?” He asked, ending the silence. Liana had to think hard before she answered. She didn’t want to lie, but she didn’t want to tell him too much.

            “My village is relatively small, but very friendly. I know basically everyone, and we even have a small village council, which I have attended. My mother was in charge of the council and several activities, and I was pressured to do the same. My best friend, Tristan, who is a little older than me is…a daredevil, enough said. I lived in the council building, which has the best quarters in the village. I had a servant who came in every morning and cleaned my room. She and I grew very close and got use to seeing each other everyday.” Liana paused. “I miss it.” She looked over at Darian, who was listening intently. “I didn’t think I would miss it this much, but I do.” Liana smiled slightly at Darian, knowing he understood. “During the day there I hardly did anything. When I was younger, I would help the goat herders, but when my mother gained a higher rank in the town, she said it was improper. So then I took up archery and bow practice to learn to defend myself. That’s what I would do most of the day.” Liana looked over at Darian. “When I arrived at Candor, I saw you doing sword training. Do you normally do that?” She asked. Darian turned in his saddle.

            “Most days I would do chores first in the early morning, then when it got later, then I would go and practice.” He smiled playfully at her. “You caught me on a bad day when you saw me.” For the rest of the days journey Darian and Liana shared stories of their weapons training until nightfall when they once again packed for a good nights sleep, only one day’s ride away from the capital.

© 2008 M. Anne

My Review

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Sorry I haven't reviewed this sooner. Um The dialogue is good and everything seemed to be working well. It certainly is interesting. The story is coming along well.
I would say more but the is apparently some issues with overlapping computer use etc here.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 9, 2008


M. Anne
M. Anne


I have worlds in my head wanting to be on paper. I am young and passionate, and want to share. more..

Untitled Untitled

A Book by M. Anne

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by M. Anne

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by M. Anne