Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Saki Kikkio

Intro to Point Blue and Colonel Capricorn

     "Second Lieutenant Richard Rodriguez signing in to point blue, the former Arkansas, base. Team Charlie coming in from point red in the former Wyoming state, team Alpha." Rodriguez saluted the leader of the team known as the Raptor Riders. The man sat at a large metal desk, a small file laid open showing maps and charts that made no sense to any untrained man.
     "Second lieutenant, we we're expecting you and your men early this afternoon, was there any trouble?" The man couldn't have been older than twenty five, to young to be in such a high place they use to say, no this man was old to be in a place of power as low as colonel most in his time would be some kind of general. Like most his hair was black, phosphorescent pink-purple eyes, and pale skin. His face showed burn scars on his cheeks and nose, also common in outdoors men. His hair was shaggy and over grown and curled around his shoulders, it made his face seem wider and more blokish before narrowing down to his squared chin.
     "Sorry sir, but we did." Richard was still standing in attention, he hadn't taken any of his armor off. "We have reasons to believe that team Alpha is no longer in action." the colonel leaned foreword, eyebrows raised, "What do you mean Second Lieutenant?" He motioned for Richard to sit, and he did, taking his pack and helmet off as he did. 
     He had the same coloring as the colonel, black hair, pink-purple eyes, but Richard was only seventeen. His hair cut in an emo style, slightly wind blown, his face slim. He didn't have sun burns, mostly from constantly wearing his helmet and dark glasses. He was also built slim, another contradiction to the colonel's thick muscular frame.
     "About ten miles from sight of point blue, we were still in contact with Alpha, while checking in, they were attacked by someone calling himself 'Teddy'." Richard felt ridicules saying the name like it was a threat, but the colonel seemed to recognize the name. "Teddy? Like it could be Ted?" The boy hadn't thought of that, "Do you think it could have been Ted Skinner the murdered? Skinned his victimizes and hung the skins on his den walls?" Colonel leaned back and rubbed his eyes, "He was suppose to have been put to death almost four years ago." 
     "What does that mean?"
"He didn't die."
     "Can we help?"
"Would you want to?"
     Richard smiled, it was a cold smile of someone who had lived through battles. "My brother was in the Alpha team, he was the one talking to me before Teddy took to walkies over. Of course we'll help." The colonel stood with a groan, "What a time we live in." He studied Richard oddly, "You know, back before the J.U war, you had to be eighteen to get in the army, with parents blessing. Now kids as young as ten can begin training, and by fifteen can be put into battle." Richard shrugged standing, "I have nothing against that, after all, its been this way since the J.U war in the twenty-three hundreds. That was seven hundred years ago, after the population dropped to fife hundred people, we needed the solders." He was still smiling coldly, "This is the life we live, so we live it, and we live the best we can, with the boundaries set."
     Those words belonged to someone older, it scared the colonel, not that he would show it, children of that age should be more interested with girls and cars then war. Who was he to think that, he grew up the same way, as did his father, grandfather, and so on. "Where are your men?" Once more back to business. "Just outside sir." The boy turned to the office door, but the colonel stopped him, "While in my territory, just call me Capricorn." Richard nodded, "Yes Colonel Capricorn."
     Back in the searing heat of the desert, three solders were lined up against the building's wall, it was a shack but it had a sign on it that read 'Colonel's Building' so if felt more respectful to call it a building. As the door opened they stood in attention, just as trained. "Colonel Capricorn, these are the members of Alpha Charlie, or just Charlie now."
     The first took of his helmet and offered a hand, "Calvin Madison, seventeen." Madison was of the age normal, slightly taller than Rodriguez and had longish hair, he kept it in a tail, but his bangs were to short to stay back so always hung over his face and parted to frame it. He was slim built, but had more mussel then the second lieutenant.
     Capricorn shook Madison's hand, "Position?" Calvin smiled, it was the sad smile of someone who had seen more then they wanted. "Jack of all traits, I do a bit of everything. Well except giving orders, that's Rick's job, and he can keep it." Capricorn chuckled, "No interest in being in charge?" Calvin's face didn't change as he answered, "It's not that, I just don't want to have to make the hard choices that he does." Once more, a boy who shouldn't have to think the way he does.
      The next one was Brody, like Madison he removed his helmet and offered a hand. "Jay Brody, sixteen, were all a 'Jack of all traits' but I mostly work with the more chemical aspect of it all." Capricorn shook his hand as well. "What kind of chemicals?" Jay's smile was more chaotic, slightly crazed or high, it was hard to tell which, especially if he messed with chemicals. "All of them, harmful, helpful, deadly, life saving, if we can use it or need to be able to work around it, I work with it." Helpful to have, but also dangerous.
     Finally Jones, he stumbled to take off his helmet and his hand shook as he offered it to the colonel, "Denise Jones, f-fifteen, I'm in mostly weapons care and handling." This surprised Capricorn, "What do you do with the weapons Jones?" Denise ticked it off on his hand as he said them, "Clean them, carry them, hold the ammo, if attacked I give out extra clips to those who need them, and if allowed target practice." Capricorn sighed with relief, they aren't really letting him fight.
     The colonel stepped back, "Welcome to Point Blue, home of the Raptor Riders and twenty of the best, if not insane, soldiers in the field." He saluted them, "Try not to die too soon." the four saluted back and Capricorn motioned for a passing man to stop. "Take them to the barrack and show them around." With a nod Colonel Capricorn went back inside and left team Charlie to prepare for the coming mission.

© 2013 Saki Kikkio

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Added on June 6, 2013
Last Updated on June 7, 2013
Tags: war


Saki Kikkio
Saki Kikkio

griffin, GA

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