![]() Christmas RewindA Poem by Nathina Outright![]() depicts the christmas story in a way everyone can understand![]()
Tis the season for shopping, Cookies, and cocoa too. Christmas is coming and there's still much to do!
During this season let us not all forget that Christmas is more than what you give or what you get.
Let me tell you the story, let history rewind as we go back in time for a Christmas divine.
In the town of Nazareth was a virgin named Mary and this beautiful, young girl was pledged to get married
One day, in the garden, Mary went for a walk when the angel Gabriel came down for a talk
"Greetings, dear child! God holds you quite dear!" At this, Mary fell to her knees in great fear.
"You will give birth to a son, Jesus shall be his name. To save all men is the reason he came."
Mary replied "God has truley blessed thee and whatever He wants, he can have from me."
Now during this time was a census decree so Mary and Joseph left their home near Gallilee.
On to Bethleham, they rode throught the night. At the local Inn there was no room in sight.
Staying in stables, baby Jesus was born in the wee, early hours of Christmas morn.
Shephards and Kings came to worship this sight as they follow the star that was shining so bright.
So during this season,
surrounded by trees all alight let us remember the babe who gave up his life.