![]() This is a tale about a boy and girlA Story by Christian MaggioreThis is a tale about a boy
and girl Girl sat alone in her room, her thoughts her only company. These
thoughts thought about Boy. A boy she once loved. Now he is lover lost by her
own hand. She played with the strings of his heart just as a puppeteer plays a
marionette. She tugged on the strings until they frayed and snapped, sending
the Boy into a void, a dark, hopeless void. Not only had she lost
one of the few people who cared about her, she was the one who sent him away. Boy fell into disarray. How could one person be so destructive to
another? For weeks he tried to get the Girl back. For weeks it was futile. She
only played with his already broken heart, pouring both lemon and salt into
fresh wounds. But something inside him still wanted her. He wanted to wrap his
lanky arms around her. He wanted something to love. He wanted to be loved back. In the beginning Girl had lustful feelings for Boy. She wanted to
be noticed by him. The time to be noticed eventually came, and she asked him to
the autumn school dance. He accepted and together they went. Little did Girl
know that Boy had his eye on another. She felt threatened by her,
and rightfully so: this other girl hailed from Brazil with a body to kill for.
It was nothing compared to her own features: pale, tiny, and a little pudgy
around the edges. Boy had “lost” his date to dance for this new girl. It was not long after the dance that Boy managed to woo the heart
of the Brazilian. This drove Girl mad; after all, she was mad about Boy. She
schemed up a plan to win his heart away from this Chicana. But this other Girl
was out of her leagues in terms of looks, so she started to put on a little
more makeup every day, hoping the Boy would still notice her. Rumors spread of
the Brazilian buying the Boy lavishing gifts that the Girl would not be able to
afford. More rumors spread about the Brazilian’s chasteness and celibacy. When
the Girl heard this all the lights lid up in her head, all the bells rang, and
all the cogs turned. She devised a devious plan to give Boy something the Brazilian
could not. She texted Boy asking if he wanted to hang out, and being naively
unaware of Girl’s motive, he went along with it. Now things were beginning to
be set in motion. This pleased Girl to no end. The two of them met in a park
near Girl’s house. Their conversation in the beginning consisted of mostly
small talk. The small talk led into a conversation about the Brazilian’s
choices of celibacy. Boy told her that his Girlfriend was devoted to God. Just
mentioning the word “Girlfriend” sent chills down Girl’s spine. She then gave
hers. Hers was that she was waiting for the right guy. In her mind she found
him. Her opinion just so happened to be that of Girl’s except he was waiting
for the right lady. She took this as a sign and made a move on Boy. Several
hours later Girl was pleasuring Boy behind a bush in the park. Now Boy could not stop thinking about Girl who took him to the
autumn dance. She filled his thoughts and dreams. He felt something with her
that he did not feel with the Brazilian. This girl that had always been there,
but he had never paid her any attention nor given her the time of day,
completely consumed every waking moment Boy had. On his dates with the Brazilian
he felt guiltily just being with her. One day Boy, the Brazilian and a mutual
friend of theirs went to the local mall. From afar he noticed Girl. He left his
girlfriend with the mutual friend claiming he was off to get a holiday gift for
the both of them. He ran like the wind to catch Girl. The Boy and his mistress ducked into the first dressing room they
found that was both empty and unattended. They stole kisses from each other and
felt the other up. Boy noticing his extended absence returned to his friends at
once. He brought the other Girl along. The mutual friend was also a friend of Girl.
Boy used Girl as an excuse as to why he took so long returning. Boy slipped and
dropped the ball too. He returned with no gifts either. Boy was not too worried
about this for by the end of the week his relationship with the Brazilian would
end and he would be onto the next. Girl’s plan went accordingly for now she had Boy. Boy was hers,
all hers. They spent all the time they could together which was not much at
all. Her father was an evil b*****d hated by all and loved by none. He made the
relationship between Boy and Girl impossible. She was forbidden to see Boy or
contact him. The only time they did see each other was in school and only in
the morning (because her father forced her to eat lunch in her math teacher’s room
away from Boy and all her friends) which was very brief, and at robotics. At robotics the father made Boy’s world hell. The old b*****d gave
Boy tasks which he deemed were difficult. When Boy excelled in them or showed
he was excelling in them he gave him harder tasks until Boy was forced out of
every job. Then the miserable old b*****d yelled at Boy for his sheer laziness
and inability to get any task done. Boy kept calm and collected for now. Upon tryouts for the drive team Boy excelled as the copilot but
due to the father’s hate towards Boy the position was awarded to Girl. This was
clearly the spoils system. A corrupt system designed to keeping the ones you
favor in power. It was at the competition that Boy finally lost his head.
Watching Girl fail at the easiest of tasks would drive anyone crazy, but
knowing that she was picked due to her being the daughter of the wretched old
b*****d was the final straw. All the pent up rage and anger emerged
in a form of poetic curses all captured on tape, all of it sublimely directed
towards the father, but indirectly towards the daughter, his Girl. Upon hearing the tape, the father finally had Boy right where he
wanted him. He had the evidence to kick him off the robotics team, which in
time proved to be a grave mistake. Entrapment was used to get Boy off, a dirty
trick that only the scum of the earth would use. That should have
been when he relationship between Boy and Girl ended. But Girl, realizing what
had happened and why, realized how stupid and naive the Boy had been for
playing into her father’s hand. She manipulated Boy into doing her bidding,
keeping him on a tight leash and promising more of what happened that day in
the park. None of it ever came. Now Girl sits alone with only her thoughts about how she possibly
never won the heart of Boy. How she only got him because of a quick fling in a
park many moons ago. Boy has moved onto someone one new. This New Girl is
someone who truly loves Boy for who he is. This New Girl does not need to put
out for the Boy for he loves her company. He loves her intelligence. He loves
her beauty. Girl still wants Boy back; she still loves him. She is still
willing to revert to what happened in the park nearly a year ago just to be
with him. She cannot accept the fact he has moved on. There are times when the Boy
thinks he misses Girl, but then remembers all the troubles and hardships that
come with her. Now the Earth has ventured around the sun many times. Boy has
travelled the four corners of the Earth on a journey to find answers to the
questions that haunted him for so long. Finally, finally, inside of his mangled
mind, he has found the indifference that he longed for at his darkest moments. Writing
and adventuring with New Girl, he has found a new happiness that he had not known
© 2013 Christian MaggioreFeatured Review
StatsAuthor![]() Christian Maggioreboca raton, FLAboutI am a novice writer. i could really use some constructive feed back! more.. |