To a friend

To a friend

A Story by Megan B.

You don't hear it from my mouth so this is what I can do. A tribute to my best ever.


Jan is a friend

More than a friend

A BEST friend

She came to my school last year around December

She came into my piano class a shy and self conscious closed book

I met her and I didn't know that I was meeting the most complex, funny, and passionate person in my life

We had our ups and downs throughout the year but she was always my best friend

She went from a closed book to an open book in a few months after I met her

Other friends had come and gone and some even came back from being gone but I knew I could count on her

Until the beginning of this year I didn't know the layers she had

She has a bright and bubbly personality that you can't forget and cant help but want to be around

Underneath though she has seen some serious stuff that would put Amy Winehouse's problems to shame

She told me all about what she has been going through with depression and suicidal thoughts recently

I don't think I was ready for that kind of realness. After all I am only 13.

I didn't know what to do and I was really pressured and stressed because I didn't want anything bad to happen so I told a teacher who was able to, through a long process, get her parents notified

Everyone told me that I did the right thing and I knew I did too

Right now I don't know whether or not she has gone to any therapy. I am so worried about her but I don't show it

I just want everything to be O.K....

Everyone loves her but she wont take that as an answer.

I can't be responsible for someone's life at this age though

I still am and want to be her friend but I can't help her if people wont let me

They don't know what I have gone through to keep her alive

She is my bestest friend on God's Earth and that will never change no matter what

She needs to hear this from my mouth but I cant get through

I Love You Jan and just want everything to be O.K.

© 2013 Megan B.

Author's Note

Megan B.
Call me Jan or at least talk to me tomorrow

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This is very sweet! I love san diego too!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 31, 2013
Last Updated on May 31, 2013


Megan B.
Megan B.

San Diego, CA

I: Dance crazily Sing loudly Laugh long Love deep Eat snacks Cry sometimes Joke often Breathe normally I don't: Pretend to be something I'm not (even if you don't like what I am) Abuse.. more..

Crazy Johnny Crazy Johnny

A Story by Megan B.