You have to play the cards you are dealt

You have to play the cards you are dealt

A Story by Megan B.

Not a story more of a rant but I hope it helps someone...Get it I guess

Cards is a lot like the game of life. It is a game that can be fun if you make it. If you choose to be a bad sport at the game it is going to suck for you and the people around you. Some people just choose to fold thier cards or what we call suicide. But after you fold you are out of the game for good and cant get back in. You miss all of the game's fun. I, personally, have chosen to play the game with good spirits and i know that my cards arent exactly perfect but the people im playing with make it a lot better. Your cards may be bent or even ripped but that gives you character. Remember that the game of life isnt about getting to the end of the game but about making the most of the time you spend playing it.

© 2013 Megan B.

Author's Note

Megan B.
A rant not a story

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good insights! You have wisdom.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Never thought of life in that perspective. Love it!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 19, 2013
Last Updated on April 19, 2013


Megan B.
Megan B.

San Diego, CA

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