Chapter Two.

Chapter Two.

A Chapter by Megan

Chapter Two.

The sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the whole room. Her eyes flickered and she forced them open. The mirror reflected the sunlight into her eyes and she groaned loudly. A soft knock on the door made her close her eyes again. The white door opened, and she could hear her mother’s footsteps approach her bed, her flats slapping against the wooden floor noisily.

“Megan,” her tone was cautious. She knew her daughter hated to be woken early. Her body ached, she felt exhausted. A tingle in Megan’s nose made her groan inwardly, she hated this about herself. When she was fully awake in the mornings, she would always sneeze without fail. Her head jerked forward as her hand flew to her nose, pinching it as a muffled sneeze came out. A small smile crossed her mother’s face, as Megan opened her eyes and stared up at her.

“Your father wants you to meet him at work,” she said, almost as if she was singing it. Megan rolled her eyes and threw the covers off herself. She had worked for her father for the past year, and she hated it. He owned the small gym in the village which got a lot of business from the jocks at the small high school Megan attended. That’s why Megan hated working there, she already had to deal with the jocks leering at her in school, and now she had to put up with it at work.

She pushed the button on the shower, which released the water from the shower head, letting it cascade over her. She sighed and let the warm water work out all the knots she had in her back. She hadn’t slept at all last night, questioning herself in her head. Should she have gone with Dougie? Or had she done the right thing? She questioned herself again as she began to work the shampoo into her hair and she rubbed vigorously at her scalp as she cursed herself for being so afraid, yet curious. There was nothing she could do about it now, she thought as she shrugged her shoulders in a way that relaxed them and made her sigh with the feeling of the knots disappearing. “He wants you there today, not next week!” her mother exclaimed over the sound of the running water, and the splashes it made as Megan cupped it in her hands then opened them, letting the water drop to the ground.

She made a face, stabbing the button to turn off the water with her finger. “I’m coming!” Megan shouted, her temper getting the best of her. She was aggravated now, which would make her father aggravated too. They loved each other, but had a habit of rubbing each other up the wrong way. Clutching the blue towel around her body, she walked the short distance from the bathroom to her bedroom. Once inside, she began to dry herself, contemplating whether or not there would be another time with Dougie.

She proceeded to dress herself, her skinny jeans were black and her hoody was electric blue. The studded belt around her hip bones was black with silver studs. Her hairdryer lay on her desk, and lifting it, she quickly began to dry her hair. The loose waves that fell around her face just needed a little serum after it was dry and she was ready to go. Slipping her feet into a pair of black flats, she ran downstairs and into the kitchen.

“Breakfast?” her mother questioned as Megan grabbed an apple and headed to the door. Megan shook her head and blew her mother a kiss, letting the door slam loudly behind her. The damp grass tickled the parts of her feet that were revealed and made her shiver. Her arms hugged her hoody closer to her body.

It was a few miles to the village but on days like this, Megan didn’t mind. It was bright, yet still chilly. It would never be warm in Tullymore, Megan already knew this. It snowed a bit, and that’s what Megan didn’t like. It caused accidents and although it was fun to play in, it was too dangerous sometimes. The cold and the rain were Megan’s favourite things, she only liked the sun because she liked when it was bright. The dark made her feel…alone sometimes. And she hated that feeling.

Her legs began to tire, she could feel it. Her teeth came into contact with the apple and the apple’s juices burst into her mouth and she smiled when the sourness of it reached her tongue. Green apple, she grinned. Red apples were too sweet, too soft. Green apples were crisp and sour, and extremely juicy. Her favourite.

The village was easy to make out in the distance. The church’s steeple was visible from three miles away. It was only around a mile from the village to Megan’s house. The ground beneath her sunk slightly and Megan wrinkled her nose at the still damp mud. Walking onto the road a little, she avoided the rest of the mud. Her feet scuffed the ground as she began to walk faster. It would take her another hour if she didn’t hurry up.

Her breath was short when she finally reached the village; the gym was in her line of vision. She hated the fact her parents wouldn’t buy her a car; it would make life so much easier for her. She had just reached the front doors of the gym after nodding to various people and smiling in their direction. Her attempts at being nice were successful and she let out a low sigh when she was inside the gym. The smell of sweat hit her as she pulled the door open to where the treadmills were. Three football players from her school were running on them, their earphones tucked into their ears. They pulled them out when Megan walked in. “Hey sexy,” a blonde one grinned, flicking his hair out his eyes with a head movement. He kept running while staring at Megan.

Megan’s lip curled in disgust as she walked through the next door which lead into the main gym, where everything, except the treadmills, was kept. Her father was at the main desk which was at the back of the vast hall, the mirrored walls made the hall look even larger. The machines were everywhere with guys of all different ages working out, and the women were doing various stretches while gossiping. Her father raised his hand and grinned at her. Forcing a smile she began to make her way down to him.

His eyes watched everyone in the hall, making sure no one was taking on more than they could handle. It wasn’t an empty, small gym. It was always bustling with activity and the hum of people’s voices was always in the background and everyone knew to come to Costello’s Gym instead of going to the even bigger, high-tech one in the city which was two and a half hours away.

“Daddy, what did you want me for? I’m not working today,” Megan sighed; putting her hands on the counter and leaning slightly over, her facial expression could only be described as severely pissed off. Her face twisted into a scowl and her lip curled again in disgust as she heard a low whistle from directly behind her.

“TYRONE!” her father bellowed. The boy looked down, his forehead dripping with sweat. He continued to lift the weights he was using as he mumbled his apology. Megan rolled her eyes before looking at her father again for an explanation. “I know you aren’t working today sweetheart, well you aren’t supposed to be…but I have to go into the city to pick up some parts for a treadmill that broke. The guy is coming in two days and I need to get the parts, or he won’t fix it,” her father said, almost pleading with her to work.

“Dad!” she protested. She heard his sharp intake of breath. He hated being called Dad by her; it meant she was pissed off at him. She breathed out of her nose in anger and stormed round the desk until she was standing behind it, “Go get your precious parts,” she mumbled, sitting down in the chair. Now she had to sit here and make sure no one got injured or killed by the machinery and if need be, act like their personal trainer. Groaning, she let her head rest on the table.

Her dad’s lips came into contact with her hair and he thanked her before leaving. “Why hello there,” a smooth voice said. Whoever he was, Megan could tell already he was trying to hard. Reluctantly she looked up and saw it was Tyrone. “I’m in need of a…personal trainer,” he said, letting the words roll off his tongue. Her nostrils flared and her stomach turned. She was sick of guys like this and that’s why she hated her job.


“Sorry, none are currently available. When Cal is finished with Ms. Stewart, I’ll send him right over,” she forced a smile and pointed over to the dark-skinned man Ms. Stewart was staring at instead of stretching properly. Tyrone murmured something that sounded like “it doesn’t matter” before walking back to his weights he was using.

A genuine smile crossed Megan’s face, as she watched him try to avoid eye contact with her again. She slid her hand into her pocket and muttered, “F**k,” when she realised she didn’t lift her cell phone. Lifting the large reception phone sitting on the rounded, deep blue desk, she began to type her best friend’s number. She hated how she had to sit up slightly to look over the desk. The actual desk where the phone, computer and stationary were was normal height. But then there was a raised but which went from the floor up to a little over Megan’s eye level. She sighed with relief when Joyce answered, “JB!” she exclaimed, the happiness clear in her voice.

“Did you get pulled into work again?” Joyce questioned her best friend with a laugh. Megan groaned before she replied the answer Joyce had already guessed, “I feel sorry for you Megan, when are you ever gonna learn to stand up to your dad?” Joyce asked, and Megan could almost feel her raise her eyebrows, waiting for the answer.

“Every time I do, something happens in his face…I don’t know, he looks so hurt or something and it makes me feel so bad, so I can’t say no. I don’t know what to do anymore,” Megan complained. Her fingers began to play with a pen that was lying on the desk. Bringing up the iTunes on the gym computer, she thanked heavens for her father allowing her to have music on the computer for when she was working. Elliot Minor began to play as she clicked on them, she turned down the speakers so only she could hear the music and so she could still hear Joyce at the same time.

“Meg, I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you,” Joyce laughed again slightly. Megan rolled her eyes, and looked at the phone which had a flashing light.

“Joyce, I gotta go but wanna come down and keep me company?” Megan asked hopefully. The silence on the other side of the phone made Megan smile, “Joyce and Joe sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” her voice sang, delighted. She could hear Joyce splutter when she heard this.

“Meg! That is so childish!” she laughed.

“And I care?” Megan smiled while asking the rhetorical question. Megan didn’t care if people thought she was childish, immature or anything else. She was her and her friends loved it about her, even Joyce. Mostly Joyce. “Anyway, get back to lover boy,” Megan giggled, making a kissing noise. She smiled into the phone when she heard the dialling tone.

Joe Brooks had her best friend head over heels in love. Megan was happy for Joyce; it was what she needed after that jackass Trent broke her heart. Joe and Joyce had been together for early eight months now, and Megan was sure it was the happiest eight months of Joyce’s life. Pressing the flashing light, she answered the other call.

“Hello, Costello’s Gym, how can I help?” Megan used the familiar greeting. It sounded so fake, so forced and all over annoying. It was a guy wanting his membership renewed. By the end of the call, Megan was ready to throw the phone at the wall. The guy didn’t know what any of his details were, forcing Megan to flick through the computer records which always pissed her off, “Thank you Mr. Bradshaw,” Megan said fakely, and a small throb in her head made her grimace when she put the phone down. She was already getting a headache.

Her eyes were captured by the large clock over the front doors, its hands moving slowly. It was only a little after noon and her father would at least be an hour. Switching the song over to Blink 182’s “All The Small Things” she brought up the internet and began to look through her emails, seeing if she had to reply to anyone. She decided that if she kept her eyes from the clock, then the time would pass quicker. It was hopeless, she hated this job.



The coloured lights blinded them momentarily. Megan and Joyce’s arms were linked and Joyce’s fingers were laced with Joe’s fingers, he stood on Joyce’s right while Megan was on her left. Jack and Jacob were on Megan’s left and were eying the various lights; the twinkle in their eyes was out of excitement. Alanna and Kristin stood behind Joe and Joyce, their arms hanging loose at their sides, their eyes captured by the water ride, Brianne’s nose wrinkled in disgust.

Jack grabbed Megan’s arm and started to drag her towards the rollercoaster line. Megan laughed and allowed herself to be pulled along. “Jack, jeez! If you wanna get on the ride with me, just say so. No need to man handle me!” Megan laughed, a smile crossing her face. Jack was her best guy friend; he was over-protective of her yet knew when to leave her to do what she wanted. He knew her better than Joyce did.

“Psht, I’ll do what I like,” he stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth. Megan’s eyes rolled as she stuck hers out back at him. The line for the rollercoaster was long, leaving them at least twenty minute to kill with talking. “I saw the looks you were giving Alanna before we got here,” Jack smirked, his eyebrows raised ever so slightly. Megan made a motion to stab herself with a fake dagger as she turned to look at the girl in question.

Her long brown hair swung in the slight breeze and her eyes watched everyone walking past. The tight tank top and low cut jeans she was wearing with flats were not suitable at all for the weather Tullymore got. A loud squeal erupted from Alanna’s mouth when she saw her boyfriend Jeremy and his friend Tyrone approaching. Megan’s eyes narrowed when Tyrone nodded across the carnival to her.

“I hate that guy,” Jack muttered.

“That makes two of us, at least you don’t have to deal with him hitting on you all the time, I get it everywhere I go, when I’m out with you and everyone else, in school and in work, he disgusts me so f*****g much, and I hate Alanna too, you know that yet you all insist on bringing her, same with Brianne” Megan seethed, staring at their friends.

She loved everyone else except Alanna, Brianne and Tyrone. “Hey! We don’t insist, Jeremy does, and Ty has hung out with us since pre-school and Brianne just tags along with Alanna, Meg come on, let’s just forget about them and enjoy tonight without anyone dying,” Jack explained, then pleaded. Megan stared at Jack for a minute as he began to pout. His spiked up hair didn’t move in the gust of wind that blew past them, throwing Megan’s hair about her face. Jack could make out the small nod she gave him and a triumphant smile crossed his face, “Thank you,” he looked up at the sky, his head falling back.

Megan chuckled as she looped her arm through his, “I’ll try to control my urges to violently murder her.” Jack rolled his eyes as they moved further up the line. A soft bump made Megan jerk forward slightly. Her head snapped to the source of the bump. It was Alanna.

“I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to you tonight, I thought we could all go on the rollercoaster together,” she smiled sweetly, holding her and Jeremy’s joined hands up. Jack pulled Megan closer to himself and his eyes flashed a warning look at her, “She’s trying,” he mouthed so Alanna couldn’t see. Megan sighed softly.

“Yeah, no problem,” she forced her best fake smile.

“I’m actually surprised to see you here, to be honest. I thought that you were afraid of the dark, after all, whenever we wanna go and hang out in the forest at night, you usually freak out a tad,” Alanna’s overly sweet voice reached Megan’s slightly turned head. Jack squeezed Megan’s arm into his ribs.

“Alann-” Megan took a step forward. Jack pulled her into himself, smiling at Alanna and Jeremy, who looked blissfully ignorant. Jeremy’s eyes were taken by the dazzling lights on the rollercoaster sign. His eyes flicked back and forth as he took in all of the colours.

“Come on,” Jack murmured in Megan’s ear, unlinking their arms and connecting their hands, their fingers laced. He pushed himself in front of a few people. His body was muscular, letting people know that they shouldn’t even attempt to tell him to go back. They were only three people away from the front of the line when they stopped and slid into the queue.

“Let me go back and kill her, please,” Megan pleaded with him, her bottom lip stuck out slightly. Jack stared at her lips for a few seconds before his eyes flew back up to her sapphire-blue eyes. He laughed, the sound rolling from his mouth loudly as he rolled his eyes dramatically.

“Promise me you won’t think about Alanna and will enjoy yourself, come on…for your bestest friend?” he said, a hopeful and convincing smile danced across his face. She groaned and pouted again.

“Fine,” she disconnected their hands and folded her arms, “But you’re buying me food later.” Her smile was bright at this point.

“Is that all you think about?”

“Why, I thought you knew me…bestest friend,” she laughed.


Joe slowed his car to a halt outside Megan’s house. She opened the car door and thanked him, then looked back before quickly hitting Jack lightly in the face. She could hear Jack’s protests and faint anger along with Joe and Joyce’s laughter as the car drove away, the dirt almost silencing the screeches of the wheels. Joe’s driving wasn’t exactly what you could call slow. Her shoes sunk into the grass a little as she ignored the path her father had paved to go from the back of the house, which faced the road, around to the front of the house. The heavy stones he had used seemed to wobble slightly when she stood on them, and she was likely to fall when she walked on them, so she took her chances on the grass.

Her hands dug into her pockets and her left hand closed around the cold, metallic key resting in her jeans. She raised her arm to put it into the keyhole when she jumped and her heart froze for a second. The key fell from her hand in the momentary fright she had experienced. Dougie’s head rested on the bricks of her house, his stance was casual, his arms crossed.

His eyes bored into hers and she couldn’t help but see something in his, it looked like venom, hunger and a little bit of anger. His hands were balled into fists although she could only see one of his fists. Her hand placed itself onto her heart as she tried to control her breathing and pulse, “What the hell are you doing here?” she whispered quickly, her eyes flitting from the door to his face.

“It’s another night,” he said slowly. His voice made her stomach flip. She shook her head, exhaling slowly.

“I can’t,” she spoke softly, her voice not a whisper anymore.

“Can’t or won’t?” he asked, his voice sounded amused. Her eyes narrowed at him. He could annoy her to the point where she felt like slapping him, yet a second later make her knees go weak and her stomach flip violently.

“Both,” she muttered, picking up her key. She pushed it into the keyhole before looking at him again, her hand still resting on the key, “Get out of here,” she sighed before turning it and pushing her door open. Her mother’s face greeted her, confused.

“I thought I heard voices…” her mother trailed off, looking past her daughter’s head into the now empty porch. Megan tried to keep the alarm off her face and shook her head.

“It was just me, scolding myself for dropping my key,” she held up the item and then bit her lip, thrusting the key into her pocket again. Her mother pushed the door, closing it with a click. She bolted it before resuming her position at the kitchen table.

“Oh, alright. How was tonight?”

“The usual, fun and frustrating,” Megan sighed, dragging out the chair from the table. She sat on it, kicking her flats off and pulling her legs up to her chest. Her mother’s knowing eyes stared into Megan’s. A small smirk crossed Grace’s face.

“Alanna?” her mother asked, it was more of a rhetorical question though. Megan had complained about Alanna enough for her mother to know how the girl infuriated Megan. Megan nodded her head sharply.

“I’m restraining myself, and so is Jack, from killing her,” Megan rolled her eyes. Grace’s laugh filled Megan’s ears.

“Listen to Jack, he’s a good lad. He loves you, Meg and doesn’t want you in trouble,” Grace smiled sweetly. Grace loved Jack the most out of all of Megan’s friends. She was always telling Megan how she thought it’d be a good idea if they started dating. Sensing this lecture was coming next, Megan stood up swiftly, grabbing her shoes.

“I’m tired Mum, night.”

Megan was out of the kitchen before her mother could say goodnight back. Throwing her shoes onto the floor, then kicking them under her bed, Megan removed her hoody quickly and grabbed a rubber band to tie her hair back with. When it was in a ponytail, she leant forward to pull down her blinds when her arm froze for the second time that night in mid-air.

She groaned as she saw his back pressed against her window again, “Go away,” she muttered pulling the blinds fully down.

© 2008 Megan

My Review

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A couple of type errors with the odd letter missing but you rarely read a post that hasn't got a single error no matter how many times you read through and edit it.

Don't worry about the messed up formatting the big letters are easier for my blind eyes lol.

Overall another truly excellent chapter.

Attention to detail is immaculate an the sign of a very talented writer.

I hope there will be more to come all the way to the final chapter.

Finally I hope others that read and appreciate the work that you do will leave a review in future It only takes a few seconds to write a review and Megan clearly deserves some good reviews for the obvious time and effort that has been put into this work so far!

9/ 10 for me I look forward to more x

Posted 16 Years Ago

Okay, ignore the messed up formatting. I'm too lazy to fix it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 29, 2008



Belfast, Ireland

Writing is a passion far greater than anything I've ever experienced before. It's my release, my escape. It's easy for me to open my laptop and just start writing, or to pick up a pen and hazily scraw.. more..

Dusk. Dusk.

A Book by Megan

Chapter One. Chapter One.

A Chapter by Megan