The End of Earth
A Book by Ted B (megaluigi)
This is the first book I have ever written. The title I'm still not sure about yet. If any one can think of a better, id love to hear it! But be sure you have read some first. 
© 2012 Ted B (megaluigi)
Author's Note
Contains violence and graphic depictions, swear words, graphic diolague. This will probably be updated every week. If you want more, tell me and I might start updating more often. tell me if you spot any grammar errors. i will accept your criticism, as long as you dont yell it in my face. :)
Ted B (megaluigi)Baltimore, MD
I've never once in my life thought of writing. I hated writing and could never understand the concept, but now I'm beginning to like it. I dont know what it is. Why I have the urge to start writing. :.. more..