The Rant of a Seventeen Year Old Girl.

The Rant of a Seventeen Year Old Girl.

A Story by Ardeth Lane

A rant of one of my closest friends where she decided to cover the topic of drugs.


I hate drugs.


I can't even express in words how disgusted I am at the people in this world. Whatnot being so obsessed with putting on your fraudulent faces and immoral actions of evil. I don't care about your stupid, horrible, excuses like 

"I do it because I like it/feel like it."

"Don't be such a b*tch, let people do what they want, it's their live."

Yes. It might be your life. Quite frankly, in all honesty, with the way most of these people act I hope you end up in a desperately negative situation. But though it may be your life, this world is shared by everyone, and when such a beautiful place begins compiling losers at the rate it is right now, it quickly becomes nothing but a wasteland.

DO NOT try to justify yourself to me with your <span>pittiful </span>"REASONS". In all rights, they are EXCUSES. You cannot explain your filthy stick of smoke in your mouth, or your bottles of beer to me. What you can try to explain is why you drop out of FREE EDUCATION AND A CHANCE AT A GREAT LIFE. Or how about destroying the lives of your parents by lashing out and acting like a rabid dog. I do not care how  "terrible" you say your life is. I garuntee somebody else's life is ten times worse. You say "I do this because it's a stress reliever". You know what else is a stress releiver, sitting in a tree or listening to orchestral music. You say "I do this because my life is terrible and it makes me feel a little bit better." No, you are killing yourself. And if you want to do it, then by all means go right ahead. If you are -that- stupid then the world doesn't need another poor sap begging for life to be laid out for them like royalty for a prince. Only you can change yourself positavely. Your peers do the negatives.

On a very controversial topic, let's talk about marijihuana. Otherwise known as pot, weed, Mary Jane, whatever else it's called, I don't really care. I hear on a daily basis "Nobody has died from weed." "It should be legal." "Don't hate on the herb."

Shut your stupid, insignifcant, idiotic, repulsive, incessant and ignorant mouths, fools.

People have died. I've watched 1000 Ways to Die enough to see that. But death isn't my issue with this drug. It's the compulsive laziness  that it induces. This country is already 60% lazy fools living off of food stamps and welfare. Adding marijihuana to this only makes it more prominent. My generation should be called 'nothing' because NOTHING WILL GET DONE. Everybody will sit on their coutches with a bag of chips to their left, a tv remote to their right, and an XBOX 360 controller in their hands with a blunt in their mouths. 

You. Are. Nothing.

This is not aimed at particular people. It is meant to provoke anger, in fact. If you feel insulted by this message, then my point is made. The basis of insult, is embarassment or humiliation. I feel no problem typing all of this because my concience is clear. To anybody who has ever done something stupid like I've listed above, I know I'm better then you. And so is everybody else who has done the same.


Without people who are willing to genuinely stand out against drugs, crime, and anything else illegal, our world will literally fall to peices.  The 'zombie apocolypse' that is so oftenly jested about will probably be nothing more then a mass cluster of drug-addicted fiends who have become so convinced that they need their substances, that they will literally turn on one another in cold blood. I cannot be severe enough in how serious I am with all of this. If you're doing CRAP. like that, you should stop. Right now. You can bad mouth me, call me names, beat me up, whatever. Chances are half of the people that will want to beat me up will be skinny little angry lower classmen who probably have at least four different STD's, absolutely no common sense, and a criminal record for stealing at Claire's. 

What I have to say to you:

Come at me, bro.


If you think that drugs are peaceful. Or that you are a drug user and supports peace, and that by "coming together we can all be free and love eachother." Then I have a sad truth for you.

Your imaginary world is meaningless. Drugs will burn your lungs and strip you of your appearance. They will disembowel your mind untill you are literally nothing but a lifeless husk. A vegetable. Your love is the equivilant of HIV and herpes. You are emotionless beings who live off of the hypnotic thrill that is similar to what homicidal criminals feed off of.

If all of the money from the illegal drug industry in the U.S. was put back into society we would be out of the deficit. This country would finally have more American Dreams to offer society. 

By purchasing illegal drugs, you are sripping citizens of their right to that dream.


The single largest marketplace for illegal drugs continues to be the United States.<span> Although the market has decreased dramatically since its heyday in the mid-80's, close to thirteen million Americans still think nothing about occasionally buying a gram of cocaine, a few hits of ecstasy or a quarter ounce of weed to party with their friends on the weekends.</span> A hard core group (see the chart) estimated at between 5 and 6 million have more serious drug habits, and may spend $100-$500 dollars a week on purchasing their drugs. These two groups - hard core users and casual users - spend approximately <span>$60 billion dollars a year</span>, according to U.S. government estimates.




For those of you who took the time to read this, I thank you. Weather you're angry, upset. Weather you agree or disagree with me, I still thank you.

I don't know about you, but I want a future.

Not a deathbed.



Think about this:

Next time your mom tells you that you can't go to a party where you both know there's going to be illegal substances, remember that she doesn't want you to turn out like the filthy crackhead hobo that lives at the corner of the street. Be thankful you even have parents. Be thankful that they can love what you've become, even when you can't.

Next time somebody "rats you out" for doing drugs, or having them, they just don't want people to get hurt. Sure, there's probably some dislike involved in their reason for telling about you, but in the long run it's for the good of society. Don't get your underwear in a knot because somebody's trying to keep you alive.

Next time you fail a class, just think about it seriously for a moment. It's not "oh boo another summer in summer school". You're throwing away a free education. You're taking your future, shoving it's face in the toilet, and making it drink the water. Yes I am comparing the typical drop-out's future to toilet water.

Next time you think you're alone, you're not. You might not believe in God, but remember: God doesn't abandon humanity, humanity abandons him. 

© 2011 Ardeth Lane

Author's Note

Ardeth Lane
This is a rant my friend went off on and I decided that it was worthy of sharing with anyone who so decides to read it. Get mad, get glad, get whatever you want. I. Don't. Care.

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woah that was very... emotional. I liked it :) tell your friend that she/he has a really strong opinion, and that's good because it'll keep them out of trouble in the future, hopefully...

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 25, 2011
Last Updated on March 25, 2011


Ardeth Lane
Ardeth Lane


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