Evil Clone

Evil Clone

A Poem by marybeth davis

this came to me and i thought why not put it on here i think its good

Your dark, your ominous
you intrigue me
i have never seen you laugh
and yet you seem happy

to wonder alone
to see that stone
to be in the zone
maybe your just my evil clone

As I approach i see a
desire in your eye
maybe you need to be loved
perhaps you will be my one

to wonder alone
to see that stone
to be in the zone
maybe your just my evil clone

We talk, we chat
you gave me a peek inside
to see your not......
what you seem

to wonder alone
to see that stone
to be in the zone
maybe your just my evil clone

to see....
your just like me


© 2011 marybeth davis

Author's Note

marybeth davis
okay i know its not my best work but please don't mind and grammar or spelling thanks:)

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It is important to mind the grammar and the spelling or it is not a good poem. Not trying to be mean, but if you are a serious poet, make the grammar and spelling correct or your work is not worth reading. This is otherwise an okay poem.

Posted 8 Years Ago

It's not just the grammar or spelling, its the poor choice of words and superficial sense of imagination. Don't waste my time, work on your skills first.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Delightful poem...nicely written...! Revealing of the questions of youth...

Nice work...!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was so nice ...
great work :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I think this is great
Terrific flow and rythm
and explores psychology in a very succint way...
Excellent :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I don't know about a evil clone. Two of the same kind can create more turmoil then peace. A interesting poem. A excellent poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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I don't know enough of your work (more's the pity) to say if it's your best or not. I do know it's bloody good. It works to a marvelous beat. 4/4 beat, belting out in the background. A terrific pace, and a great analysis of personality and cause and effect. Wonderful write. So if this isn't your best, what is?

Posted 12 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on December 14, 2011
Last Updated on December 16, 2011

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