The Power

The Power

A Book by Mazie Tackett

In this book, a young girl finds out she has powers. Not only that, but she was The Power. Read the the to find out more.


© 2013 Mazie Tackett

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i don't remember how old you said you were but i just wanted to say that at a young age writers have lots of room to grow and find their voice. from the looks of it you are going to grow into an amazing author! I can't wait to see you grow through this book! great job so far:) you had me hooked as soon as i started reading!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Hahaah I wonder why this is kinda familiar to me! Lol

Posted 12 Years Ago

Harley (arbiter)

12 Years Ago

Well it don't really matter now Unless somehow he's on here and has the right to give us detention w.. read more
Mazie Tackett

12 Years Ago

Ya and he walked right passed us when we were doing it so
Harley (arbiter)

12 Years Ago

Oh Yeah he did Haha! He didn't care if I wasn't paying attention.

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on July 3, 2012
Last Updated on May 8, 2013
Tags: power, death, evil, angels, flying, ice, magic, supernatural


Mazie Tackett
Mazie Tackett


My name is Mazie Tackett. I'm unusual, diiferent, weird. I've never really been that good with people so I don't have many friends, but the friends I do have love me to death and i love them. I've bee.. more..

Red Red

A Poem by Mazie Tackett