Listen world my time is short and soon I’ll be gone
Remember me only as a memory of words that will live on
I wrote of the power of hope to keep you all strong
Because I felt true power is brains over brawn
And I wrote of my failures because I know I was wrong
So take nothing of me, but lessons and pass them along
Remember the truth no matter how much time marches on
And you too will reach a point where you will tire and yawn
And when it comes time to retire leave your words to spawn
Power, passion, love, hope, and the dreams you had drawn
And if you leave your soul then you can never be withdrawn
This is the lesson that I learned and the one I want to pass on
And if I go that’s only more reason to share your words because I ask of one thing before I depart
Don’t write poetry like art because the world will not care of the true colors of your heart
Write with wisdom and what’s smart so each generation can learn from what you took apart
So take this as I part… for I am leaving this place forever not as an end, but a beautiful start