I like the poem a lot. You described the sadness of heartbreak with great skill. People do not show concern for what they left behind. Your expression of sadness brought to life what separation can create. Thank you for the excellent poetry.
Maya this does NOT "suck," pure emotion never does. Most of us aren't professors here to tear you down, okay? We're just people...people that feel joy and pain just like yourself.
Keep at it...different is not necessarily a bad thing in writing.
This poem was lovely. Poetry is all about expressing yourself and how you feel. Poetry can be viewed like stained glass to decorate your soul. It was very lovely and I think you have remarkable talent, dear.
This piece is fine! nothing about it to speak ill of. For me this speaks of how as time matches down our individual journey, we often feel as if it's passed us by, or if it's been cruel and the fog filled mirrors haven't shown us what we needed, or wished for.
Like we get trapped inside the flesh of an alien, the eyes that sting are the eyes reflecting back, that disagree with what we know to be true inside our soul.
I think it's completely human to have such times. When moments of that loneliness occurs I remind myself that I'm the producer of my own destiny and that any road is possible as long as I myself am will ing to try.
Great Ink! Thanks for sharing your shard of your emotions upon the page!
Aaron - Wolfwind
Never doubt when you put your heart and soul on paper for others to read. When it comes to expression who can tell you how to express you? Please keep in mind that when something is as emotional, sincere and devastating as this piece is,the sheer pain is felt and it doesn't matter what style it is; and quite frankly I think you did a wonderful job penning it! Write on, and don't ever second guess yourself! You took me for an emotional ride with this piece! Thanks for sharing!
I will have to disagree with you, this is very good. Poetry is an expression of the poets thoughts, ideas and feelings. My opinion is that these can be painted on the page anyway you like. Controlled or abstract, read, digest, feel, learn and know. The poet is the painter, dare not suggest a color or brush stroke. Maya, I see great talent in your works. Nicely done.
I'm a young aspiring writer. I write mostly poetry and occasionally short stories. I have depression, and it controls my life most of the time. I tend to get writer's block often. I hope you like my w.. more..