Chapter 8. Ow that hurts.

Chapter 8. Ow that hurts.

A Chapter by Amy Wagner

the longest chapter so find something out about someone you cant believe...


               CHAPTER 8

      I woke up to the sound of my phone going off at 10 o’clock on the nose.
“hello?” I said picking up the phone
“hello, Ami now here is the next step to getting your family back, there is a car waiting outside drive Kevin and yourself to Riverside, California. Take freeway 60 to the 215 to the town of riverside, then make your way toured a building that I will send a picture of when I am finished. When you get to your destination this is where you will get to use your power of mind control now get ready have breakfast and head out the car is a white camaro the keys are in the glove compartment I’ll call you in two hours”
….and the call ended. Right then I had noticed Kevin was gone. I looked in the bathroom then I headed to the window, and looked out. I heard a loud slam that seemed to have come from the door.
“hey did that lady call?”
“yeah where did you go?”
“to get more ice”
“oh, well we’re driving to riverside, after we get breakfast I’m starving”
“huh?” he said confused I explained what the girl on the phone said and we got ready and headed out. The drive was short, it only took us about half an hour to get to Riverside. When we got to the building, we waited for her call, right then the car was surrounded I reached my hand over and locked the doors, looking at nothing but the steering wheel I glanced over at Kevin who was looking at the people surrounding us.
“what’s happening?” I asked Kevin, still looking at the steering wheel, he looked over at me,
“exactly what was supposed to happen” he said with a smirk. I looked up quickly and he unlocked the doors, next thing I knew I was out if the car fighting off men. With every impulse of my mind I thought, it was all Kevin, he did this. Someone grabbed me from behind and another man tried to grab me from the front but I flipped the man hanging on to me knocking the other one over, another man came up and kneed me in the stomach making me fall to the ground and he started kicking me, I grabbed his foot and twisted it making him fall I jumped up and looked over at Kevin I had taken about three men down and all together there was about five or six there including Kevin. Two more men ran over to me one tried to grab me by my hair but because my hair is only about shoulder length he couldn’t get it, so I did a round house and kicked him in his face then knocked the other over with a blast to the nuts. Then two men who I had already fought got back up and grabbed me and then two more. I could hardly move and one of then was kneeing me in my stomach so I would stop struggling. By this time my knees felt week and I was wheezing from being beaten by Mr. never stop kick a girl till she passes out. I couldn’t do anything but spit the blood out of my mouth and hold my what seemed to be broken ribs.
“why?” I finally managed to ask Kevin,
“why what?” Kevin said smug
“why did you do this?” I said coughing up more and more blood,
“well, I was programmed to”, I looked up, “I know what your thinking. Robot? No, I am not a robot I am real I was born just like you, but I was enhanced just like you as well. You have more abilities then your letting your self believe, Ami, but I’m not going to tell you now, you will find out later but for now”, he paused and looked over at the guards, “take her to her family.” they through me in a jail cell where Josh, Angie, and Eric were.
“Ami!” Josh yelled running up to me hugging me, and with his worm embrace I actually felt safe, we separated and looked at each other, but our glance broke when Angie and Eric run over and hugged me and crying.
“what happened?” Angie said tears in her eyes,
“nothing its not important now” I said crouching down to her height, I didn’t have to bend far because I’m short, “all that matters is that we’re together again” I said hugging both Angie and Eric, I winced because my ribs where still hurting not to mention my head.
“Ami?”, josh said putting his hand on my shoulder, “are you ok, please tell me that’s not your blood on your clothes.” I shook my head  
“hey!”, a security guard screeched at me, “here” he through my clothes from my backpack at me, “go change and through, those other clothes away” I walked to the bathroom carrying my clothes, and attempted to put them on, I groaned kind of loud which made Josh come in covering his eyes he said,
“are you ok?”
“um y-yeah” I said stuttering,
“no your not can I come in and help?”
“n-no I’m f--” I couldn’t finish the sentence because my ribs hurt so bad, it even hurt to talk,
“are you covered up?”
“yeah” I managed, he pulled his hand away from his eyes and his eyes went wide as he saw how bad I was,
“oh my gosh, Ami?” he said stunned, he walked over to me, “how bad does it hurt?”
“ a lot, but I-I’ll live”
“here let me help you” he grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me over to the sink, got a rag and softly started to eradicate the blood from my stomach,
“ow!” I complainer, grabbing his hand, “not there”
“ok, let me see” he knelt down and looked at the spot that, hurt the most, “oh my gosh”
“its, your rib”
“what about it?”
“its--sticking out, of your skin”, he paused “we need to get you to a hospital, and fast”

© 2009 Amy Wagner

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w-o-a-h, total bummer for Ami, Kevin is total evil now... .__. I love this storyline you have going here, It almost feels surreal and things are moving fast. I love what you have going here so far. Great job :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 25, 2009


Amy Wagner
Amy Wagner

chimita, espanola, NM

hey im Amy, I have another one of these but becuz I'm dumb like that i forgot my username, and password. so yeah i'm going to post all my stories and poems on this new one hopefully i can remember it... more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Amy Wagner