Search Gone Wrong

Search Gone Wrong

A Story by Mayur Sadhu

Its a true story, something that I will remember forever.


Vacations - a rarely heard or spelt ten lettered word that occupies a soft corner inside the tender hearts of students. And if those students are engineers, they knew the importance of it.

I had returned from my college yesterday, after rubbing my a*s off to get something out of it, but failing in each attempt. I had finally released myself from the humongous canines of daily classes, grey haired teachers, and most importantly the scarcity of good looking girls. Though these are all momentary, but you should enjoy each and every moment of it.

 I had planned to stick my bum with my lover - bed. I had taken all the precautions for having a good sleep - thrown away the alarm clock, cleaned my bed sheet, and ensured that my bed is cozy and fluffy and the ac is on.

Praising myself for creating such a sleepy environment, I was ready to throw myself on my bed, when my mobile rang up. I chided myself for not keeping my mobile away. I glanced at it. Ayush, my college friend, was calling me. I picked it up.

Ayush: Hello brother, can you please help me?

Me: Yeah go on.

How can you say no, when asked in such an abrupt way.

Ayush: I am coming to your place. It’s really urgent. I have to discuss something about college matters.

Me: Ummm.... Okay....

You will be killing my sleep. I will hope that you will die a dog's death, if you are successful with your assassination.

I thought of having a quick power nap, before he arrives. But that too failed. He appeared at my place, in no time.

"I called you, from your house's courtyard!", he grinned.

I was agitated. He had before hand planned to thrash all my plannings.

"Why don't you join CBI? You could decode the terrorists plan before hand!", I wanted to say.

"Please help me. My girlfriend is in a wedding, venued inside your locality! I have to find her. Its been a long time, since we both met!", he begged, with sorrowful eyes.

"Now how's that related to college matters?", I blurted out.

"I knew that you will be sleeping, and no one could wake you up, unless there's something important related to college!", he said plainly.

"What the f**k!", I said, agitated. My eyelids were finding it hard to prevent curtaining my drowsy eyes.

"Please help me!", he went down on his knees, to make me accept his pledge.

I was in dilemma - in one hand, I had my lovely sleep, and on other hand, my friend begging to see his girlfriend. He had come here with a lot of hope, blended with a perfect lie.

"Okay okay!", I accepted.

How can I reject his pledge, though I was fuming with anger for his lie? I had heard "if you help lovers unite, you too will get a true lover sooner or later", and this backed me up to accept his pledge with high spirits.

I changed my clothes, nourished my eyelids with cold water, to delay them from curtaining off. I inquired about the weddings in our locality. Much to my anticipation, there were a total of ten wedding ceremonies going on.

What! It looks as if the whole male trait is losing their independence on the same day. Declare this day as the World's Trap Day. I was trapped too, but not with a girl. Now, I had given my words, I could not step back. But one question though clouded my grey matter - how are we going to enter every wedding?

I asked Ayush about any suggestions for our infiltrations into stranger’s weddings, and how to protect our dignity, if caught. He was completely blank. I didn't cared about trespassing, but it would be an ultimate shame if we were caught. He might escape out, but what about me. I had to reside in this locality. It could leave a permanent black scar, if caught.

We set out in our mission - mission boomerang, coz a perfect boomerang is the one that comes back to the thrower, and analogously, I wanted to come back home, safely and quickly.

We were near the gate of the first wedding, showing off the names of the to-be ruler, and to-be slave. I googled around, searching for any known faces, and thankfully there wasn't any. We entered inside. We both tried to be as confident as we could show, but somehow, we both started perspiration, whose rate went higher in proportional with time.

"Sorry guys, but I couldn't recognize you too!", a grey haired uncle, asked in a polite tone.

"Ummm... Uncle, we are from the wedding planner!", Ayush blurted out.

I had crossed my fingers, hoping that this wedding is done by a wedding planner, coz this could only save our asses from shame.

"Oh!", the grey haired uncle grinned.

We three parted off. It was a narrow escape. I praised Ayush for his emergency management, but cursed him for pursuing such a venture. By now, we started feeling more comfortable. We had crossed the main hurdle, to establish our identity. We both searched for his girlfriend, but she wasn't there.

Mission boomerang, part I, failed.

This went on for the rest of the marriage ceremonies. I was busy observing every bridegroom's facial expressions, while Ayush was busy googling his girlfriend. It was evident that no matter how much they try to cover their sorrow of loosing their independence, they end up showing up the maximum. I felt sorry for them, but then I too realized that I am too on the queue.

We had established different identities, in different wedding venues. Wedding planner, electricians, caterers, were the most common ones used. Ayush had even dropped down to garbage pickers for the sake of meeting his girlfriend, and unfortunately I too accompanied him, in his way. But, every time, our spirits were thrashed down, as every time, he had failed to get his girlfriend. After every unsuccessful attempts, I made my best to curse Ayush, but nothing could break his enthusiasm.

We were down to the last one. I prayed for giving Ayush a successful ending his search operation.

Alls well that ends well....

We entered the marriage hall. We roamed around, Ayush busy with his operation, and I was on one eye keeping a check on familiar faces, and on the other some good looking, curvy chicks. He had by now, showed me his girlfriend's photo, in a hope that I may help him, but I didn't cared.

"Let's go! She just texted me that she had left the wedding!", he said, agonized.

Our mission had fallen badly. I wanted to curse Ayush for my sleepy eyes being vanished, paving the way for vulture eyes, for sighting any good looking chicks. But I refrained myself, coz I love my vulture eyes.

Fortunately, this venue had more chicks than the rest. By now, I had extracted the real fun of our venture - checking chicks.

"Dude, there's something fishy!", Ayush said, blocking my knitting of dreams of so many chicks, surrounding us.

I ignored him, completely.

"Look carefully! There are only girls, some aunties, and some grey haired uncles only.", he added.

Yes there were. No young guys, to compete against us, or rather me, coz he is already committed.

"Hey, we are in a mehendi ceremony, where guys are not allowed!", I said, as I spotted the bride with painted hands, up to elbows.

"Yeah! Let's go!", he said.

"But, we must have something before we leave.", I said, as I pointed the delicacies kept on the table, pulling out the saliva from our tongue.

We went forward for our dishes.

"Who are you two?", someone said, with a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around. A partly bald, uncle with devilish eyes, was staring at us, as if we have entered into a murder scene.

"We are from the wedding planner!", I said confidently.

"But we haven't hired any weeding planner for this ceremony!", he said.

S**t. Our patent identity had failed for the first time, and this made sure that we can't even change our identity. We are caught, and now we are standing near the edge of utter shame and disgust, waiting to jump off. My hands went numb, as I could feel the temperature of my hand dropping down drastically. My brain went blank. I crumbled under the canabolic pressure, and shame.

"Ummm... Sir... We are from the marriage hall administration!", Ayush came up with a new idea.

"Oh! Then its okay. Actually, no guys are allowed in this ceremony, so my wife told me to ask your whereabouts. I am sorry for your inconvenience.", he said, politely, as a broad curve appeared on his demonic face, and went away.

We had a narrow escape from the jaws of shame and disgust. I had fulfilled my stomach by his strong gazes, and had no intentions in diminishing their cut of the foods. We ran out of the marriage hall, and continued our marathon as long as the hall was out of our sight. Judging by our pace of running, I thought that even we could give Usain Bolt a head to head competition

© 2013 Mayur Sadhu

My Review

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Given the plenty of derogatory terms used, i thought your story might not be as intriguing as it is. Unlike other proses full of facile plots and filthy narration when containing derogatory terms, yours is amusing. The few hyperbolic expressions are truly enticing. When someone's sleep is being interrupted, it certainly gives way to having murderous feelings against the interferer. It's funny that the lead characters in the story crashes into copious number of weddings and ends up not attaining their goal. They've got guts, those two! (mostly the first person narrator's friend who's got wits as well).

When it comes to grammatical perfection, i think it's better to state "because" instead of "coz". The latter is normally used in speech/dialogue only, not when narrating to the reader. Other than that little thing, it is said as "we both started having perspiration," or "we both started perspiring", instead of "we both started perspiration." Anyway, it's surely a fun read overall. I'd prefer that you lengthen the story with chapters. So, you're an engineer, are you? Hope you've enjoyed wedding crashing. =)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Mayur Sadhu

11 Years Ago

Thanks for your review.... :)
Yeah, i am an engineering student... :)
Certainly a cause for losing sleep over.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 13, 2013
Last Updated on March 13, 2013
Tags: weddings, infiltration, friend


Mayur Sadhu
Mayur Sadhu

Burdwan, Hinduism, India

Myself Mayur Sadhu, more likely Mayur aka Rimo, as my friends prefer to call me. By profession I am no one, but by a person I am an engineering student. Love today like you will die tomorrow... more..

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