Come on, my friend, embrace life's pain, the heartbreaks, and your death to come. Don't drench yourself in worry's rain and drag through soggy days, so glum. Go slam your dreams upon that drum that rages in your chest so sure as breaths you seize approach their sum and fearless thoughts are all that's pure.
There's comfort in the wallowing and moaning when life's oh so tough, but poison's all you're swallowing and tainted confidences bluff. Don't fantasize that hope's enough. Break free. The action is the cure. Be willful and grind smooth those rough and fearful thoughts. And, bleed them pure.
The world's a blaze and you a spark, a flame, soon smoke and blown out ash; so burn on 'til your skies are dark and strangle time 'til moments flash. And, on that final breeze, you thrash, through whipping winds you won't endure, let all the gods proclaim you brash and fearless and a life so pure.
This is a wonderfully powerful read, and again, it seems that "you saved the best for last". --- "And, on that final breeze, you thrash,
through whipping winds you won't endure,
let all the gods proclaim you brash
and fearless and a life so pure." --- Well done.
I love this so much! It describes life so well and I can relate to everything that is said. I strive to fit this in life and I can't wait to read more of your writing. I'll review as many as I can! have I not seen your work before??... lol loving this outstanding piece of yours. embracing life's pains to (gods) God proclaim you brash... wonderful imagery and certainly thought provoking sentiments for sure...My only suggestion..would be in the layout of the poem. Prehaps a larger font..and split the stanzas for better flow. :-) Very nicely done, I enjoyed reading.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you for the feedback, Susan! :)
There's no capitol "G" god here, no rule maker or savio.. read moreThank you for the feedback, Susan! :)
There's no capitol "G" god here, no rule maker or savior to claim our souls or sins.
7 Years Ago
Truly,the saddest statement I have read.
7 Years Ago
Such is life. Haha
About a month ago, while I was pumping gas at 711, a man walked up with a .. read moreSuch is life. Haha
About a month ago, while I was pumping gas at 711, a man walked up with a bible and a pamphlet, thinking he had a captive audience. We all have hopes and dreams, and mankind has found many ways to break the rules of reality with his imagination. Maybe one day they'll create a big g god that's more than a slogan to hang their governance on, until then it's just death that they worship, fearfully. That's pretty sad in my view.
We are the gods. We are the thinking creative energy. Our creator was the unthinking earth and stars. That is a beautiful truth, Susan. We are the stars staring at the night sky. We are the water, swimming in the ocean. We are the crumbling mountain rock that taught themselves to fly.
7 Years Ago
While al that sounds pretty and sweet and of course all of what dreams are made of...WE are no God (.. read moreWhile al that sounds pretty and sweet and of course all of what dreams are made of...WE are no God (s). Mankind is incapable of holding that position. I understand your views,,,though do not agree. In your view...unthinking Earth and stars were are creators? Then who created the eath and stars? Listen, I could argue my point all day...but I've learned those with a higher degree of intelligence..also struggle the most with faith. People with little struggle in life...the same. Men (women) are not Gods.. though we like to think we are..we have our own thoughts and expectations in life, we think we can get it all right...look at the world today???..what a mess. Your view on death is confusing...prehaps you think we live and die..that's it. Idk. I suspect you do. Listen, I have a daughter who lives with a fatal genetic condition...everyday is a gift with her. Does she fear death? No..why? her solid faith in her God that promises more..that no matter how much time she has on this Earth..Earth is NOT her home. Delusional? no..her faith is in the belief that God will pull her through no matter what...I almost lost her at 16. Do you think I was praying to the stars and earth? no, I pray to God that has gifted me this protect her. She woke on her 16 birthday. Listen, I dont have all the answers, But I have a faith stronger then any star or earth...I've always known it...though at times I'm the one that struggles ( now of us are perfect) As far as my salvation. Done. Jesus came and died. Done. Your arguments sound all appealing and such....but I wonder have you ever really looked at this world...have you looked in the eyes of a newborn child? A flower? The ocean? The sky?..That all this came from??? what??...Oh there is a God. So here's the question...are you willing to stake your eternity in heaven on your beliefs here on earth?? On the chance i'm wrong ( im not)...what have i lost?? ...nothing. IF you are've lost everything. Thoughts to ponder.
7 Years Ago
Hi, Susan, that's quite a response. :)
Yes, we all die. The stories about what comes after ar.. read moreHi, Susan, that's quite a response. :)
Yes, we all die. The stories about what comes after are fantasies. Religions are built on those fantasies, and are in fact death worship and comforting lies.
If I'm wrong, I'll have lived my life wrongly claiming responsibility for and ownership of it, and I'll have missed out on whatever your view of heaven is. I'm guessing, Lutheran?
Raised Catholic...Now I go between Lutheran and a non-demoninational church...churchy words...i care.. read moreRaised Catholic...Now I go between Lutheran and a non-demoninational church...churchy words...i care more about basic beliefs. Life here is so goodnesss, what a gamble you suggest..eternity of regrets is not what I would choose. Religion is not based on fantasy...and dont confuses a structured religion with one's core beliefs.There is a difference.
7 Years Ago
Ugh... That's death worship, haha, a life dedicated to its death. I realize billions of people are i.. read moreUgh... That's death worship, haha, a life dedicated to its death. I realize billions of people are into it in their various ways.
7 Years Ago
..and I though I had a flare for the dramatics!.. Death consider everyday a blessing,.. read more..and I though I had a flare for the dramatics!.. Death consider everyday a blessing, a gift...another chance to make a difference. I have a very clear purpose in this life. I don't worship death, nor do I fear it...I simply know there is more. But you dont know me..or my struggles and you certainly cannot feeel my passion though a comment.Like i challenges the mind, but as long as you still take a breath..there is hope. So enough said, I dont get a lot of time on WC and I want to read more of your poetry...Maybe one day You'll come on over to the "dark" side with me. :-P.
Yo Bro, this poem is deep, full of meaning, metaphors and amazing imagery.
I love the way the rhymes scheme is structured,
and the refrain that adds musicality to the whole piece and the overall flow.
Word for word, the poem fulfils its role in encouraging us all to be fearless. And it is so true that fear has stopped many humans from reaching their full potential.
your poem lifts me old heart ..theme and actions provided seem spot on wisdom to me .. reminds me of Dylan Thomas and : "Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.Jul 7, 2011"
title is perfect ..integral to your poem...V1 really speaks to me ..its so important to embrace all of our lives ..big and small happy and sad .. failures and victories .. all parts of the whole ... we all have frightening dark corridors with a dark locked door at the end... we need that good courage you speak of to face it, open it .. and go inside .. perhaps what we find is a miraculous surprise ... so glad i read this one .. hope to take it with me on my days journey ;)
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Hello, Einstein, thank you for reading! :)
Life is a miracle. I get a piece of it, then its g.. read moreHello, Einstein, thank you for reading! :)
Life is a miracle. I get a piece of it, then its gone; best to savor it. Haha
Thanks for visiting my page. I'm Matt. I enjoy reading and writing poetry. If you have a poem that you'd like me to read, please let.. more..