can you follow?

can you follow?

A Chapter by Matthew Hunt

theres a point you got it? might be tricky but i want to know what you think it is.


I beg to dream and differ on the point of view of this world you see. A world of life and action are ever present in the dreams of men and women. Children see it different each thing new and wonderful to behold. What happens for a while in are youth is often lost to age as we are jaded with the concerns of mortal life. I find that I have relearned this trait that a simple piece of wood and coal can create the image of beauty on but a piece of finely pressed wood. Why must man question so deeply that nothing is protected by wonder?

Is it not the capacity to dream that gave us cognitive thought? If we know all is not are capacities to live not fractured?


some times I wish some one up there would find me

let me know about just something different from here

I walk alone just me and my shadow

I walk down curving boulevards of the shallow heart

and this dotted line is just another path I thought I lost

once I thought I found me but I ran down the streets of broken dreams

I had profound understanding but how long does that ever last

I wanted the one

I had it and just gave it up for some thing that is so real it hurts

forget the wish of balancing happiness

just the weight of time and responsibility here

so what do i do

i do what we all do i lose it and once lost its gone don’t go back no chance

fate determines every choice we make even the choice not to validate fate

its a seal we can break

do you have the time to listen?

i am one of those fools who wishes he could

just find a way to add up the sums of his life to a gratifying conclusion

but cant quite find his way thru the problem

well if there was ever a voice in the dark its here now

come to the wall just push on thru to the other side

let you be you and forget the others

from across the infinite expanse of the finite space of my shadow i hear a tale

of remembrance older then i yet all in all its just the same tale as before

one comes to and finds others to have a different expression then his

one come forth to see that they just feel more then he

yet not as deep as the travelers soul can fathom

his soul yearns for a connection of depth

beyond that he see's them in a light

so real that there expression is

just a form so well built

that they can not

see it for what

it is

that they are as they are and that the souls perfect form is not art but the body itself

how do i explain that i just don’t care?

i know how i just painted a thing of splendor and radiance

ill go paint it black

look up


some times you remember the way things were and wonder what if, was that real, how could I have been so blind as all that well this is one of those times.

there was a place settled deep into its hot and ponderous days of prolonged and eternal sun. a place blackened not by those who spent so much time there but simply by the very ground they stood on while they were there. things were all ways in such a spiral a mere tizzy of activity that few saw the truth behind it all. not really knowing if others saw it this way a young boy simply stood silent pondering his own perception of this pit. not the very thing he was supposed to be pondering not even thinking about that just the place hallow blackened ground enclosed by a gray parameter surrounded by crisscrossing lines of steel and more hollow pillars.

The thing the boy was not pondering was of course a girl. Not his girl though he could tell him self that once she was his girl. O perhaps it was his fault that she was not his any more sure maybe the foolish indiscretions of youth had released him of some off fate that would not have ended his way.

“HEY!? Are you even listening to me? “

The voice of course was quite loud and so very sweet even when filled with agitation. This was because it was the girl and she was not three feet from his face. What had she been saying? He could almost remember a speech something prepared and dry he could tell she was excepting something of him she usually did at times like this. What was it? Damn why did he let his mind wander. Wander hmmm ah she was talking about forgiveness and friendship. Ok he was ready for this one.

“Look I don’t really care you know so you can talk but I am going over there!”

He pointed in the direction of his back not knowing what was over there. Of course because he didn’t know what was over there he had no idea that he had pointed at empty area of brick wall across the street. Well almost empty there was one person over there. A boy named tom. tom was a year or two older than him and stood just about his height. Wore all black and was smoking a black and mild cigar. Tom and him were good friends as far as enemies go and had even at one time competed to get the girls attention . This of course rarely crossed the boys mind almost as often as own name did.

Not knowing tom was there cased a certain chain of bad reactions for the boy first he had to figure out the slightly disgusted and agitated look on the girls face. Then he had to say something. So for a fast moments reprieve from her eyes and a swift thought he reached in to his pocket and looked down at it as he pulled a cigarette out.

WELL that’s it right there as he spotted tom out of the corner of his eye. Now what o say? O tom he’s got something for me or maybe the suns better off the wall or hell why the f**k not all reality is as you perceive it so ill go perceive it over there.

None of that did as he looked up there she was inches from his face chest pushing against his. This was the moment he thought as he ducked and stepped away. He should have kissed her and said it’ll be all right we can handle this. He didn’t he just turned and lit his smoke and waved as he made for the gate.

By the time he reached the gate he had already forgotten the entire ordeal and couldn’t understand why the girl was crying as he walked to tom.

“what’s all that about ?” tom asked as the boy walked up. Tom knew already what was going on the girl had a long talk on the phone with him the night before about how she loved him and the so what if he and that s**t had really done any thing. It didn’t matter to her and that she was glade that he was mopeing around waiting for her to come back. The whole scene that just happened to look like he was being pig headed to tom.

“huh o her I don’t really know” he said to tom because his mind was gone already examining the brick work of the wall interesting that when scene from four feet away and looking up at a 45 degree angel it was all slanted even though from any other way it was a perfect grid pattern.


Why he thought of this was beyond him sitting on his porch watching a strangely familiar person get into her car after having talked to him for almost three hours in the dark there on the grass she had said how every thing was ok and that her marriage was good even though she didn’t love the guy. There had been a tear filled stare when she said that hadn’t there? Or was the stare just a star filled one either way he had liked it enough he thought it really wasn’t working the way he had hoped for. Life in its entirety just didn’t really work.


© 2008 Matthew Hunt

Author's Note

Matthew Hunt
dont even try the grammer its messed up and wont be fixed its part of the composition of tyhe soul

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i forgot to add it will go some where not sure it will be what you think

Posted 17 Years Ago

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Added on February 17, 2008


Matthew Hunt
Matthew Hunt

i am a philosophical writer with a heavy fantasy style born and raised poor. now enjoy the conforts of raising my twins and induldging in the arts more..
