![]() PrologueA Chapter by maskeddameWhen a royal child is born, his
destiny’s been decided. A lad is destined to be king. A lass is destined to be
a prop for alliances, married-off to princes who will soon become kings of
their own realms. When the lad is king, he will be of great things. When the lass is queen, she will be nothing
more than a tool for producing heirs. A
girl’s destiny was to be the same. Scotland was in war with England. The
death of Margaret Tudor caused the peace between the two realms to end. Her
son, the King of the Scots, had to leave for battle, leaving his pregnant consort
behind. The king was victorious and the news of
his victory swept through the kingdom. It over-whelmed the queen, and gave her
hope that he would return in time for their child’s birth. But it was not to
be. Scotland began to lose the fight. The
king’s health deteriorated and time was running out. The queen was near her due
yet her husband had still not returned. When the time came, the child was born.
But the child was a lass and not a lad that they all had hoped for. It did not
matter; the line of succession was secured. She was destined to be queen. The news of the birth of the princess spread
all through the realm and also beyond its borders. When the news reached the
king, he was already on his death bed. Six days after, he passed. His last
words were “It began with a lass and it will end with a lass”. The queen was
devastated, for she had not just lost a husband but must now carry on the
burden of raising a queen and caring for the realm that she will rule one day. As Scotland mourned for their king,
England began to scheme, an alliance between the Scots and English through
marriage. They called it “The Treaty of Greenwich”. Scottish Parliament and the dowager queen rejected
such treaty. Shortly after, English forces raided Scottish territory. Their
goal: to kidnap the little queen and impose the treaty once she has come of age
to marry. France offered to aid Scotland in its
fight with England but under one condition. The little queen must be wed to the
Dauphin of France and in return France will send military forces to aid the
Scottish forces. Sir James Hamilton, who was the little queen’s regent, agreed
to France’s proposal. They rode a carriage at dawn to the
port, where a ship was awaiting them. After a few days of sailing, they reached
France. The French king was very warm in welcoming the little Scottish queen
into his realm. There, the little queen was introduced to Francis II, the
Dauphin of France, to whom she was betrothed. How she enjoyed her days in the
French court! She gained new friends, Francis and his sister, Elisabeth, and received
education in music, dance, language, sports and literature. Months had passed and it was time for the
dowager queen to return to Scotland. The dowager queen did not wish to leave
her daughter but she had duty to her people. The little queen cried for her mother
the first few nights after her departure. For weeks, she was not the joyful
child that the French court has known. The "gem of
the court" had lost its luster. It worried the king and hence spent
most of his time with the little Scottish queen, cheering her up, like a father
to his own child. He treated her like
his own daughter, even though the French queen strongly disapproved of it. Eventually, everything went back to the
way it was. Little Mary was once again the happy child the court had adored. Everything
was going well but it seems that tragedy always found ways to creep back into the
young queen’s life. The king held a banquet in honor of the
birth of Princess Claude, the newest addition to the royal family. It was her first banquet in the French court. There was music, dancing, an abundance of
delicious food, and endless wine for the adults. The room was filled with French
nobles and friends of the royal family. The celebration went on from dusk until
dawn. But the children were not allowed to stay late. They were whisked to their
chambers as soon as they finished their evening supper. After changing into her night gown,
saying prayer and climbing onto bed; her nurses tucked the little queen in and
wished her a good night's rest. They sat
on their stools and watched the little queen fall asleep. As sleep was about to
take her, a sudden loud thump woke her, as if something big had fallen. She
opened her eyes and saw her nurses on the floor with blood flowing out of their
bodies. Breathing became difficult, and just as
the little queen was about to scream a large hand covered her mouth and grabbed
her from behind. She struggled but the stranger was too strong. He tied the
little queen’s hands, blind-folded and carried her off. The little queen struggled as her
unknown captor carried her. She kicked and kicked, and threw punches at his
back. Unfortunately, he was too strong for a five year old lass. It was until
she exhausted herself that she began to cry. She felt hopeless, helpless, and
lost the will to fight back. What child deserved to be treated like such, let
alone a queen? The next day, the sound of crashing
waves awakens the now kidnapped queen. She opened her eyes and finds herself in
a lavish room that was fit for royalty. She
was frightened. No longer was she under
the protection of her mother, Scotland and France. She was now on a ship journeying
into the unknown. The little queen tried to convince myself that this was only
just a bad dream and so she began to pinch myself, trying to somehow wake up
from the terrible nightmare. A group of ladies suddenly entered the room and curtsied before her. "Good morning, Your Royal Highness, I am Lady Anne Seymour and I was sent by His Majesty---". "His Majesty?" she asked in a
scared voice. "Yes, madam, the King of England" "England?" She began to
wonder. Was England not the place that her mother and the King of France tried
to keep her away from? Was it not the English king who sent those English
troops to seize her realm that caused her and her mother to flee and seek
refuge in France? For the first time, the little queen felt what it is to hate. "I have been ordered to see that
Her Highness is well taken care of during the course our journey to England. I
have with me nurses, chosen from the prince’s own, to care for you.” The lady continued to speak. "No, I demand to be returned to
France!" she demanded in my childish voice. "I am sorry madam but we cannot do
that." Lady Anne replies in a gentle voice. "NO! I WANT TO GO BACK!" "Madam, please understand that you
cannot go back. I ask that you stop this tantrum or else I will have no choice
but to discipline you." "HOW DARE YOU THREATEN THE QUEEN!
I DEMAND TO BE RETURNED TO FRANCE!" the little queen began to thrash and
cry. Tears rapidly ran down her little cheeks as she began to cry for her
mother. The ladies tried to calm her down but she resisted them. Once calm, Lady Anne leaves the little
queen in the company of the prince’s nurses. The nurses did their best in
caring for her but she was stubborn. She
was convinced that they would send her back if she misbehaved. On the day of their arrival in England,
the king held a banquet in the little queen’s honor. There was an evident joy
in the atmosphere in England. As soon as she emerged from the ship, the crowd
cheered. Everyone in the realm seemed pleased that she had come. The little queen
was escorted by Lady Anne and her husband, Sir Edward Seymour, whom she will
grow to hate. Upon their arrival to the palace, they
were escorted to the door of banquet hall. The little queen was instructed not
to enter until she was formally announced. The little queen then heard trumpets
and a man's voice, announcing our arrival. “Your Majesty, the Princess Mary of
Scotland” he said. The doors opened, revealing hundreds of eyes directed at her. The little queen was prompted to enter.
Casting her eyes down as she walked down the aisle. She hated the English. The little queen reached the end and curtsied. “Your Majesty” she said, not daring to look at the man who had caused her so much misfortune. “Child, why on earth are you looking at the ground?” asked the king. “I hope I do not frighten you” he adds. "With all due respect, Sire, I am not frightened of you” she said firmly, turning her gaze to the king. The king grinned and bellowed a laughed. He was clearly amused that a five year old dared to speak to him so casually. "What a spirited girl you are!" he chuckled in amusement. The little queen’s attention was then
turned to a boy of ten years, who stood to the right of the king. He was the
prince, no doubt. The prince was lavishly dressed and stood regally. At the age
of five, the little queen found him rather charming. It was obvious to the little queen that
the prince was not interested to meet her or even just be there. It was oblivious
to the court and the king. She thought that he would rather play with his toys
or do some mischief than to be a part of this pageantry. She felt the same way
only that she wanted to go back to France. The king called out to the prince and
introduced them to each other. The prince greeted her with a bow and a comment
that he was very happy to have met the little queen. It sounded like he had
practiced it for days. The little queen then politely curtsied to the prince
and told him. Although the prince and the little
queen did not meet in better circumstances, they somehow managed to create a
friendship between them. In the ten years that would follow the little queen and the prince became
inseparable. He always looked out for her and she too did the same way. They
cared for each other very much. Now at fifteen, an age eligible for
marriage, the young queen anxiously awaits for the day of her marriage. She is
not particularly enthusiastic about it. She only yearns to take upon my
birthright and rule Scotland as its rightful queen. But it seems that it is now a distant dream.
© 2016 maskeddame |
Added on December 23, 2016 Last Updated on December 23, 2016 AuthormaskeddamePhilippinesAboutIt doesn't really matter who I am, what I am, and where I come from. I am just a person who is seeking something more from her reality. I express them through my stories. Every story of mine is a part.. more..Writing