Think you know everything
Think you own everything
Give me a break
Stop to THINK
You got it all figured out
Fake, real, strong, weak, empty, full
You know the difference
In your own head at least
Think its so clear to see
Take a second glance
Stop to LOOK
You're not only blind, you're stupid
Ever stop to wonder
Whether the flaws were really flaws
Or rather just a peek
At the real thing
Maybe it wasn't an accident that she
Shed a tear - cracked a smile
Maybe she just wanted you to see
See that there's more than one
There is more than one
Open your eyes child
He doesn't matter to her like you do
She doesn't matter to me like you do
Flaw number one
Or intentional outburst number two
Call it what you will
Take your PICK
Its your life you're throwing away
Not mine
(Flaw number two)
Hiding behind eyeliner and
A world of paper flowers and broken calculators
No, you are not the first to notice
So stop pretending that you are
You are not the only one who cares
Stop the pretending
Your act is just as cheap as hers
Except no one is buying a single word
So take your mother effing broke a*s home
And cry behind your pen and paper
As if you've ever got a chance
At writing a best-seller
Or even telling your story
Just because fiction sells
No one really wants to read of the imaginary tales
Of how s****y your life could have been
Should have been
Kinda never was
So when you bow down before her
Remember that the beggers like you
Are the ones who kept the queen in power
And this will be no anarchy