Juicy gossips you always bring. On my side you always sing. A great sister you've been, No doubt if to you I always lean.
My little vanities to you I always tell, Absolutely you always listen very well. Reliable we are to each other, Indeed you are my confidence-booster. Even you always tease me, you are such a great confidant.
lovely dedication 4 ur sister... i loved it truly... i wish i too had one!!! But u shud hav rhymed the last stanza as well... it ud hav bin mayb better then...
But seriously dis is so SWEET!!! :)))
Aww, how sweet! I could tell from reading this that you love your sister a lot, and I think that writing a piece about something so personal to you really made it that much more heartfelt, and that much more genuine. It's been a long time since I've read a decent acrostic poem, so this really exceeded my expectations. Great work,
I won't ask if you want the bad new or the good news first, because peope always get depressed by that, cuz no matter how good the good news are the bad news are a damper..
I like that you write such nice words about your sister, so openly, and that you have a person like that to confy in. The words you tell seems to be chosen lightly but in this way it doesn't seem all that forced. You play very well with her name and it's good how you enhance the first letter of the sentences so people understand you are writing about your sister and her name.
On a nother note, when it comes to poetry it 's a big no-no to mix with the building the way you have. Some times it works, but this time I'm sorry to say it doesn't. You rhyme the last words of every sentence in the first stanza but not in the last. Though this isis a nice poem, I have to admit I liek some of your other work more. But I say 'keep it up' because no one is born a genius..they are bread over time.
Jane. 15. Philippines.
hi there! I'm Jane. :)
Fifteen years living in this very wonderful world.
Not just your typical girl. Haha. :D
I'm just a newbie here and i was just inspired by my friends.. more..