They've Had A Night

They've Had A Night

A Poem by martinos74

They've had a night,
Humid air and pressure,
The sun's gone down on a labour of love,
On a City street, a passion, a divorce.

Fire alarms sound,
Bells ring and lights flash,
Here in a minute,
But life changes fast,
They've had a night.

Take what you've built, embrace it an burn,
Don't burn your bridges,
Don't burn your corn,
You've had a night.

Cars, trains, printers, ink, rose dawn,
Red light flashing, send me some more,
Send me a postcard, send me goodbye,
A man in a white jacket, walking on by.

You've had a night, rest, you've had a night,
You've had a night, rest, you've had a night,
You've had a night.

London, England : July 2013 
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© 2013 martinos74

My Review

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This poem makes me think of the exciting night life in the city... so much going on at once that you can't just stop to focus on one thing without clearly missing out on another. There is much action in this poem and in each action there is so much that it entails because it's not just about the concrete (cars, trains, etc.) but about the more real abstracts that can catch on fire and burn down. The repetition of "you've had a night" is great because it really brings readers into the poem. Excellent poem and imagery! Thank you for writing and sharing this poem with us!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Was I way off in my interpretation?

11 Years Ago

No, you are pretty much spot on to be honest. I wanted to convey the excitement of the city streets .. read more

11 Years Ago

Great! Then you did an excellent job depicting that!
A splendid read and write...Thank you for sharing...:)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks for the kind words Sami!
Sami Khalil

11 Years Ago

You are welcome...:)

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2 Reviews
Added on July 28, 2013
Last Updated on July 28, 2013
Tags: underground poetry, spoken word, poetry, acoustic




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A Poem by martinos74