

A Story by Martin_Thompson

Sample chapters of a book im currently writing about a young girl whos life takes a dramatic turn for the worst when she discovers shes the key to the destruction of heaven and hell and has the ability to shift between realms

            ‘Sara what time do you call this? Your thirty minutes late for college,’ called Jennifer, Sara’s mum who was better known as Jenny. ‘Sorry mum’ yelled Sara. Sara strode out of her bedroom effortlessly, hair pulled back to create a neat pony tail, skin glowing as if she just came back from a six week vacation in some far off exotic land. Her jeans showed off her slender figure. Sara was wearing a pale blue t-shire with the words ‘B***H’ written across it. As Sara walked down the stairs, she was greeted by her mother who didn’t look too pleased at the best of times, but today she held Sara a firm glare; of course Sara new what she meant. ‘Mum ok. God I’m nineteen years old, I should be able to wear what I want now,’ said Sara, as she walked back up the stairs. ‘Over my dead body,’ mumbled Jenny, as she walked back into the kitchen to finish preparing breakfast for her ungrateful, yet loving daughter.
Sara and her mum had been alone since the only man in their lives capable of looking after them died of a heart attack, eleven years ago. The pain of that day was still as fresh as though it happened yesterday. Jennifer missed her husband, who had been a good man, always there when she and Sara needed him most and always had the knack of saying the right thing just at the right moment. Of course he had been taken away from them, but as Jenny always said ‘onwards and upwards.’ Jenny had never been a negative person before her husband had died but somehow loosing the man that had completed her every being changed her, as you would have expected.
            ‘That’s better darling,’ chirped Jenny, as Sara walked back through the kitchen, after having changed her top of course. Sara hated the way her mum dictated to her, always telling her what she should do with her life. Her mum had always had a way of making Sara believe the decision she had just surmised to was entirely her own, but of course it wasn’t. From what she should wear, to the boys she dated, well today was the last straw for Sara. ‘Ok mum, whatever you say mum. Actually mum I’ve had enough of this. I’m nineteen years old and you’re suffocating me with your stepford approach to parenting. Its not right mum, you control my every move. I’m not allowed to do anything unless I run it past you, or at least submit a written request to you six weeks in advance.’ Sara new the latter was an exaggeration but she didn’t care, well not today at least.
As Sara continued to rant and rave about her mothers parenting inconsistencies and faults. She felt the seven words well up inside her mouth that she swore she would never say. No sooner than the thought had entered her head, the words managed to escape her lips ‘If only dad could see you now.’ Just as soon as she had spoken them she knew she had made a mistake. The sadness washed over her mother’s face, and then Sara new then she had gone too far. Jenny couldn’t understand or see where this was coming from. The daughter she’d cared for and brought up for the past nineteen years. How could she say these things to her! The sadness Jennifer felt was quickly replaced with rage and anger. She strode across the kitchen to greet Sara with an almighty slap, she knew was coming the moment Sara spoke her words of pain. Sara’s face was a sight to be seen. The shock and horror of what her mother had just done hadn’t sunk into Sara’s mind yet. At that moment Sara hated her mother for what shed done, in all her nineteen years Jenny had never struck Sara ever! However that moment was done and over and what was to come yet was the worst argument Sara and her mother had ever had.
‘How f*****g dare you hit me you b***h,’ that was it as far as Sara was concerned; the gloves were of so to speak, ‘I’ve done everything you have asked of me mum, never questioned anything you said or did and this is what you do to me.            Jennifer stood shocked and dumbfounded by what she had just done. Hit her daughter, her only daughter. At the moment of the strike Jenny felt her bond with her daughter collapse, never to be reconciled again. ‘I’m so sorry Sara.’ Jenny reached for Sara’s hand, to somehow say she was sorry and that it would never happen again. However it was to late the damage was done.
 Sara felt sick to her stomach as though somebody had handed her a blow she wasn’t expecting. The room seemed to spin, as Sara’s confusion and pain welled up inside of her, and every fibre of her being pulsated with hate and repulsion towards her mother.
‘I’m sorry Sara. Please believe me this was never meant to happen,’ cried Jennifer. ‘Well it did, and you can never take it back mother.’
Sara’s anger didn’t appear to want to subside so she just went with it and screamed and ranted at her mother. ‘I’m outta here, yelled Sara! And don’t expect me to come back.’ Sara ran from the kitchen, away from her mother and grabbed her coat and keys and slammed the front door behind her.
Sara moved towards her car she could here her mother’s sobs coming from inside the house. All she wanted to do was go back in and apologise to her mum and everything would be ok. However she was far too angry for any kind of reconciliation at this point. She turned the key in her car door and got in, tears streaming down her face, and in no way fit to drive…………..


Chapter One
It was a great day for driving, clear skies sun shining hardly a car on the road, but today was the beginning of the worst day of Sara’s life and was it was about to get worse.
As Sara drove down the road she noticed how serene everything looked to her[ ADD MORE DETAIL DESCRIBE SARAS SURROUNDINGS], it was as if the surroundings she was in mocked her life for being so chaotic and disorganised. Sara wound down the window in her car and yelled ‘bollocks to the lot of you’ out the window.
            In her mind Sara was rerunning the earlier argument she and her mother had had, she still couldn’t accept that she was in the wrong, no not Sara all her life she had been the one always in the right, even when she knew she was wrong what did it matter as long as she thought she was right screw everyone else. ‘ How could she do this to me’ ranted Sara, ‘ she’s my mother and she hit me the b***h’ by now Sara was so enveloped in her minds eye to what happened earlier she was talking to herself, and was beginning to neglect her concentration to the road.
            As her car reared to the left hand side of the road, Sara didn’t notice the on coming car, ‘God who does she think she is’ thought Sara ‘wait till I get back home I will show her!
            Meanwhile the oncoming car moved closer and closer to Sara’s car. Of course she hadn’t noticed this.
             The driver of the on coming car banged on her horn to warn Sara that she was dangerously close to a collision. Sara was snapped back to reality and hit the earth with a resounding boom and swerved at the last minute to avoid the car. ‘Dopey cow’ thought Sara as she looked back to check the other car was ok. Not everyone was as attentive as her as driving she thought, somehow managing to swallow the fact that her near miss was her own fault.
            Sara turned back to the road to little to late to notice the car that was heading straight for her own. All she could do at that moment was stare at the on coming car that was about to smash into her own. ‘Nooooo’ screamed Sara as both cars meet with an astonishing force.
            In that instance Sara felt nothing as she was catapulted out of her seat and through the air, face hitting the window screen with an unearthly crunch, her head punched a hole in the glass, at that instance every single nerve ending in her body was shocked and forced to react. Sara’s head slid through the glass revealing tiny cut scattered all over he face, her nose bleeding profusely, as she screamed in pain she was shot through the window, she felt her arm snap, like a twig being trod on in the forest.
            Sara’s body flew from the car, free flying through the air, Sara screamed as her broken body hit the floor with a dull thud and slid across the road, the heat Sara felt as her jeans burned and disintegrated from beneath her was unbearable. Sara let out a scream as her bare flesh was revealed to the road and stripped away from her. The smell of her flesh scrapping on the road stung her nostrils, at that point Sara was sure shed never stop, to roll the road forever ‘God’ she thought ‘end it now please’ she begged. At that moment Sara’s body came to a halt as she slammed into the road side rocks, she felt bones break, she felt cold and isolated ‘I’m going to die here all alone, no one knows were I am’ she thought as the darkness washed over her the cold grasp of unconsciousness held her close.
            As Sara’s body lay slumped beside the rocks, blood trickled from her left knee; down to the lower half of her leg, her right leg was badly damaged the bone protruding from her shin. Her face had shards of glass sticking out from her earlier encounter with the window screen , her face resembled that of a piece of meat tenderised by a chief before cooking , her hair was a wry matted with the blood seeping from an open cut on her forehead. Her shoe lay on the road, further along was the wreckage of her car, twisted steel and broken glass, her pride and joy was totalled.
            Sara came to for brief moments, in and out of awareness for a few seconds here and there.       
            The driver of the car that hit Sara’s lay slumped over the steering wheel, blood pouring from his nose and what appeared to be a laceration on his head.           
            Sara lay on the road side and opened her eyes, she glanced around at the destruction before her and tears fell free falling gently down her face, stinging the cuts as they passed to disappear below her chin. ‘what have I done’ she mumbled to herself as she noticed the other car with its driver inside, she new from the wreckage that the guy was either dead or dying, no one could survive that and be alive, yet she was alive and was painfully made aware by the shrieks of pain racing through her body.
            She tried to move, to stand up, but she couldn’t the pain shot through her body like electricity ‘not today not now’ she thought as she slowly pulled herself up only to scream in agony as she failed and fell to the ground, she needed to help the driver of the car she just ploughed into, she had to it was her human duty, it wouldn’t be right if she just gave up, and at the moment Sara felt herself succumb into the cold claws of unconsciousness once again.
            Moments later Sara was awoken by the blood curdling scream of the driver in the car further down the road, Sara opened her eyes to see a women pull the man from the wreckage. ‘Thank goodness’ she thought help at last.   
            The mysterious woman was dressed in a long black dress with two sleek slits up each side of her legs, all the way to each thigh, you’d imagine the dress to be multi purpose because at the same time it was a beautiful dress it was also practical as the slits allowed you to move freely, run even. She wore high white boots that reached to her calves, each boot was zipped. Her hair was a coffee colour rich and smooth, her style was long and sleek with red streaks that fell from the front of her hair, and she was as a matter of fact beautiful.
            As Sara watched, the women snapped her head up at Sara and smiled, her smile sent shivers down Sara’s spine as something wasn’t right. The women ran her hand all over the mans body as if looking for something, the women bent down and kissed the mans forehead and tasted his blood ‘oh my god’ Sara thought as she watched helplessly at the horrors and events that were unravelling before her, then the women raised her head to look at Sara with blood on her lips and placed a single finger on her mouth and winked at Sara and mouthed ‘Shhh’ and with such ferocity the women let out primal scream not of this world, her eyes seemed to burn with pure evil, all your worst fears and nightmares seemed to be reflected in those eyes like a looking glass and at that moment she plunged her hand into the mans chest, the man screamed in agony ‘arrghhh’ the women let out a sick, twisted, evil laugh that made Sara’s skin crawl.          
            Sara could only watch her eyes wide with terror and fear, what was this women doing and why? Once again Sara felt unconsciousness beckon to her and this time she gave in willingly and welcomed the peaceful sleep unconsciousness brought to her.
As Sara lay on the road side she was roused by voices in the distance, gentle and soft voices, yet she felt a sense of serenity wash over her, she felt a safe, secure and at ease, ‘we were to late’ said one of the three unknown voices ‘this cannot be allowed to happen again, the more she feeds, the stronger she becomes, she will become unstoppable’ said the same voice.
            Sara tried to open here eyes slowly, the daylight stinging her eyes, like a thousand needles. ‘Hello’ Sara called.
            A deathly silence fell upon Sara's ears, for what seemed like an eternity as the seconds passed Sara began to panic, was she hearing voices, the pain of her injuries were not forgotten, banging loudly upon a closed door.
            ‘I know someone’s there’ she called ‘please help me’ called Sara, the taste of copper ever present in her mouth. She wondered if anyone could hear her at all. ‘go now’ said one of the voices ‘but’ called a second voice, unable to finish the sentence before being cut of by the first voice ‘go now do I have to repeat myself to you a third time’ Sara felt the air change a kind of tingling sensation on her skin then wind began to swirl all around her, the leaves on the floor danced in the air for brief seconds, then as soon as the winds came it stopped dead, then only silence.
As Sara lay on the ground she could hear foot falls on the ground crunching on the shattered glass as the stranger approached. With Sara’s last ounce of strength she opened her eyes to see a man of no older than twenty-five standing above here with a childlike smile upon his face ‘Hey I’m Jacob’ Sara tried to speak but couldn’t seem to find the words to string a sentence together.
            Seconds turned to minutes as what seemed like forever was only fleeting moments as Sara sat staring at this strange man then as suddenly as she was speechless she was speech broken, ‘Please help me, I've been in an accident can you call for help pleaseeee’ she pleaded but the guy who had earlier announced himself as Jacob just stood there and smiled and spoke ‘does that hurt, you see I’ve never been here couldn’t feel what you call pain’ Jacob then knelt down in front of Sara and reached forward with his hand to touch her forehead, Sara flinched like anyone would if a total stranger was trying to touch you, ‘please don’t be alarmed I’m not here to harm you I only wanted to feel what you feel’ the feelings that Sara felt when she first encountered this guy returned and washed over her with such force, she felt her soul breathe for the first time and she relaxed to allow him to touch her. Jacob then reached forward to place his hand over Sara’s heart and closed his eyes and began to breath deep breathes then pulled away from Sara’s head sharply and opened his eyes to reveal that they had turned completely white ‘who are you’ he asked. ‘please help me’ screamed Sara, frustrated by the reluctance of Jacob to help her or at least call for help, but most of all who he was and why he seemed to appear out of thin air and why he insisted on touching her and his strange reaction upon touching her chest.
‘It hurts so much; I don’t think I can hold on’
‘Sure you can Sara, you have to, and you have more to do’
‘Ok I know I'm in pain and all, but dude, stop with the cryptic crap’
‘You won’t go far with that attitude Sara’
‘I’m hurting I can’t hold on’
Jacob suddenly heard his name called from out of no where and new he had been called back and had to go.
‘I have to go Sara; before I go I want you to know you have great trouble and danger ahead of you and have to be strong’
The voice calling Jacob echoed loudly in his head.
‘Don’t worry Sara helps on its way’
Jacob then turned from Sara and walked away and before Sara could see him disappear she felt cold and felt her life drain from her and she fell to the ground in an unconscious slumber unable to hear the distance sirens of an ambulance.

© 2008 Martin_Thompson

Author's Note

Ignore grammer, what do you think of actual story plot

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Added on February 28, 2008
Last Updated on February 29, 2008



Stoke-On-Trent, United Kingdom