![]() The Mystics Chapter 2A Chapter by Hannah E. M.“Tell me again why
riding with me and my mom is better than getting a ride from your sister?”
Alvin asked as he wiped that days slobber from his cheek. “Trust me I’d take mini vans over boy
bands any day,” Reed replied as the two of them made their way to the front of
the building from the parking lot. “You could have just had your girlfriend
pick you up.” “I told you she’s not my girlfriend. She’s
just an old friend. Besides I didn't even text her.” “What, why not?” “Because, I didn't know what to say, and I
didn't want to look like an idiot,” Reed said. “So you chose to give her the cold
shoulder. Smooth.” “She’s different then I remember. Not bad
different, just different. It would have been awkward.” “So you’re just not going to talk to her
again. She clearly likes you; she was all over you yesterday. Even I know that
was something.” Reed’s
face burned at the thought. They dropped the subject when they were both
distracted by the sound of blaring music. They turned to watch as a black
Rolls-Royce pulled up looking like it had just rolled out of a Scott Fitzgerald
novel and into the school parking lot. The driver emerged looking like
something out of a movie as her dress and hair blew perfectly in the wind.
Alexis had everyone’s attention as she walked in seemingly slow motion from her
car with a fit little smirk formed on her lips. The crowds gaze followed her as
she walked to where Reed and Alvin were standing and pulled Reed into a tight
kiss. When she pulled away Reed was left with his mouth hanging open. Before he
could formulate a thought she grabbed both of them by the hand and pulled them
off toward the school saying “Come on, you guys promised me a tour didn't you?” Alvin looked over at Reed and raised his
eyebrows. “I swear she’s not my girlfriend,” Reed
claimed. But even he was confused. * * * Reed sat at their usual lunch table
picking at his food while Alvin scarfed down his meal. He absent mindedly
scanned the cafeteria, looking for a familiar face. After the two of them
showed Alexis to her first class they hadn't seen her since, but they heard
plenty of gossip about her. The events of the morning had not gone unnoticed
and talk of the new girl had spread throughout the school by the end of first
block. Alexis wasn't the only person getting
recognized however. Reed had noticed more than a few looks thrown his in the
halls. Normally a complete nobody, he couldn't help feeling a bit proud of this
new status. One guy had even given him a congratulatory fist bump as he was on
his way to math class. Even if he wasn’t sure what the kiss had meant no one
else had to know that. Reed was pushing some peas around his tray
when he looked up and spotted Alexis walking their direction alongside another
girl. He recognized her as Christina Grant. She and Alexis had been friends in
middle school and the three of them had hung out on occasion. “Hey you guys,” Alexis said as the girls
sat down across from them. “Reed, I’m sure you remember Christina. And
Christina this is…” “Alvin Schmidt,” Christina finished for
her. “I know who he is. He spent freshman year copying off of me in math
class.” There was a twinge of annoyance in the last sentence. “Don’t say it like that baby, I offered
you something in return,” Alvin defended. Christina shuddered. “Trust me that would
not have made it better.” Alvin didn’t let the rejection affect his
confidence. Instead he just winked at her and said, “Well if you change your
mind the offers still on the table.” Christina rolled her eyes but didn’t get a
chance to offer a retort when Tiffany and her crew came and hovered over their
table. “Can we help you Tiffany?” Reed asked
calmly. “We just came over to welcome Alexis
back,” she replied. “Really?” Alexis questioned. “Because if I
remember correctly you didn’t want me around much before.” Reed watched the interactions between the
two of them with curiosity. Alexis had always been good at taking on girls like
Tiffany despite the fact she’d never really been much of a popular girl. When
he had asked how she managed to be so brave against them she simply replied
that she didn’t care what they thought of her, so nothing they said could get
under her skin. Tiffany put on a phony smile and said,
“Yes, well, I don’t see any reason why we can’t just put that aside and start
over. “If you say so,” Alexis replied, not
buying into her crap. “Great,” Tiffany said. “I hope you don’t
mind if we skip the welcome kiss. We’ve got a cheer tournament in a couple of
weeks and we don’t want to catch anything.” Her backup girls snickered at the joke.
Alexis just forced a sarcastic smile and said, “You know Tiffany, now that I
think about it, there are a couple of reasons why you and I can’t start over.” Tiffany’s expression changed completely a
she narrowed her eyes at her and tried to think of something to say. Before she
got a chance one of her friends tapped her on the arm. “Um, Tiffany?” “What?” She snapped. The girl nodded her head the direction of
Tiffany’s lunch tray, where her packet of fat-free salad dressing appeared to
be bubbling. She stared at it in confusion right as it exploded it all over her
face. The two other girls screamed in shock which got the attention of the rest
of the lunch room. A couple started laughing as Tiffany stood there drenched in
blue cheese dressing. “You’ll pay for this Fabulis,” she claimed
before starting to storm out. “Wait, Tiffany?” Reed called after her. She spun around. “What?” She barked. He pointed to a spot on his own face and
said, “You’ve got a little something right there.” She narrowed her eyes at him and rushed
out of the cafeteria. The group of four looked at each other for
a moment, suppressing smiles before inevitably cracking up. * * * “What’s that on your arm?” Reed looked up from the piece of pizza he
was working on at Natalie’s question. His mom was working late so per usual his
dad, sister, and he were seat around a carry-out meal. “What?” He asked, spraying her with bits
of semi-digested pepperoni. She cringed and wiped her face before
replying, “Right there. The writing.” He looked down at where Alexis had written
her phone number. It had fade slightly from showering, but he hadn’t washed it
away completely despite the fact he’d put it in his phone. “A number,” he
explained non-specifically. Natalie rolled her eyes. “I see that, but
who’s?” “A friend’s.” “A girl friend’s?” His father piped in.
Reed simply shrugged but his dad seemed to get the message and responded with,
“Don’t let your mother see it.” Reed finished his slice before getting up
and announcing he was going to bed. “Really?” Natalie inquired. “It’s only
9:30.” “Another way of looking at it is it’s 9:30
and we’re just finishing dinner. Goodnight.” Reed trudged upstairs and collapsed on his
bed. He stared at his ceiling before absent-mindedly grabbing his phone and
pulling up Alexis’s number. He tapped on new message and laid there, his thumb
hovering over the keyboard as he watched the cursor blinking at him. He had
done this several times since he had gotten her number and each time it seemed
like the little line was mocking him. He knew it was silly, he just didn’t know
what to say. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, to ask her, he
just didn’t know how. He eventually fell asleep like that, phone
in his hand, and Alexis on his mind. © 2013 Hannah E. M.Author's Note